The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 1060.

The passenger and attachment of the people heard the words, looking for a look, while smashed a sentence, the old stitority!

Qin Shou also followed, this is a temper, but in fact, the thoughts are scared! After several times, he can be covered to each other. As a result, this guy hides the past. Especially just that means, so good opportunity, this old guy is not going to be!

The quasi-triad people took the lead comes out, Lang said: "Rabbit, no one wants you to grow so fast, but your head is still there. Otherwise, there must be a disaster of killing!"

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "Leavers, I don't want to tell you, but today I will be very decent!"

When the passenger is toned, I will take out the clean gods. When I got to Qin Shou!

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed, the top of the top is ringing, and the Qing Shen squats can't fall!

And Qin Shou accelerates rushing up, flesh, a punch!

The passenger is not afraid, flying out of a four-sided gold body, the golden body is full of face, representing the joys and sorrows, one hand will take the clean gods in the hand, and they will be in Qin Shou!


Qin Shou's fists and clean gods put together, the voids of the shock continuous explosion!

The treasurer of the passers-by, after connecting. Qin Shou also retired three steps after the earthquake!

Qin Shou was surprised to look at the people: "It is a sign of the people, you are in some means! But it's not enough!" Qin Shou once again kills again, double boxing, Tongtian, in the body The Yuanqi instantly condenses as a little, and it is!

The quasi-Tao people know that Qin Shou is so strong, I don't dare to hard, take out the seven treasures, and brush the Qin Shou!

This seven treasure is a good thing for people to pass the way, and although it is just eight days.

Xuanhuang Huibao, but in the future, he is in the same way as a governor, becoming the Xuanhuang to treasure, powerful, and unpredictable. This seven treasures look like a willow branch, between the brush, actually takes the strength of Qin Shou's strength to half!

Qin Shou was surprised, and the passenger took out a bamboo stick! It is six clear bamboo. This bamboo is heading to Qin Shou's face!

Qin Shou cold smiled; "The magic weapon is a lot, but unfortunately, it is still not enough!"

The passive people have a smile; "Rabbit, I know you have some magic weapons, but how can we compare with us? Now, what do you take to fight? Let's put down the half-cuts of saints, I promise you to leave a whole body!"

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "The area of ​​eight heavens is Huang Huang to treasure wants to press me? The passive people, see my means!"

Qin Shou laughed, a big mouth, directly bitten into six clear bamboo!

The passerby has not responded yet, and he heard the snoring. The six clear bamboo were actually bitten by Qin Shou! The port is neat, as if it is broken by the sharp edge! More more, Qin Shou has built six clear bamboo, and the big mouth is falling, bite!

In the , I am allowed to be awakened. When he withdrew the six clear bamboo, only the Baizi is a long! If you are slower, then the bunny is not allowed to bite him!

Qin Shou's sharp teeth were also scared, and the ancestors of the Pengpeng, pondering,

If your magic weapon is also coming so, what will it be?

I saw Qin Shou's mouth, and the passenger did not dare to let go of the way. Without the support of the magic weapon, the strength of the passenger is not more than 70%, suddenly being smashed by Qin Shou, a mad In the bombing, the Qi Baotao of the vicinity people suddenly opened by Qin Shou, and the opposition to the chest!

The passenger screamed, the robe was blown, and the hair was scattered in the distance, and there was no appearance of the fairy bones before.

Take a visit to see this, immediately drink a little: "Teacher is about, I will help you!"

During the speech, the top of the leader appeared on the top of the head, and the blue light, turned into a cyan lotus, will pick up the people's protect the owner, which is one of the heaven and earth five defractions!

With the first two former front cars, the attachment people also understand that this rabbit's flesh is invincible, whoever, who also fight! However, other magics are not too powerful! As long as Qin Shou is close to, there is a battle force. Yinglianbao color flag came out, the attachment person is equal to the unbeaten place, and a wave of attractive treasures flew out, and slammed to Qin Shou!

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed, there are more flags in his hands, which is the flag of the flame! The head is full of fire, red lotus eyes!

The attraction of the people will be green! How do two people stand in their respective guards? His attraction is also caught in Qin Shou, can only be turned outside ...

The passenger came to the side of the tour, said: "Brother, one person can't let him open his land flame, this time, I think ..."

Tu Peng Zu teacher also made up, said: "I also think that this time we don't need to say morality, join hands to kill him is the right way! Otherwise, if he is sainted, we can't live!"

The attractions nodded: "Being this! This rabbit, disturbing the sky, killing countless, caught in the world, is a heaven and earth, everyone teamed up, it is to save the world, it is a big merit! For the world, I am waiting for it to join hands.

Qin Shou wondered, Zhang Wei, said: "Do you want to be a fascinating face? A demon devil teacher, two big sects of the teacher, I don't know how many yuan will be alive, I will not have a thousand years. The back of the back is not enough. Do you want three people to join hands? ".

Chapter 504 I have to play 3!

I have to play 3!

"Rabbit, you sin, a few days to kill you is the sky road, why is it right?"

Qin Shouxi: "Sin Your uncle! People I am afraid that I haven't had your zero-head? On the sin, you are really sinful! Take people, you are waiting, the rabbit master is not smashed today The mouth is not! "

The four people here are in the sky, the Eastern high-rise on the site is stupid!

At the quasi-witterist, the people, these characters are not strange! But these people are in their memory, don't you live in mythical legends? How did you really come out? But very fast, everyone is more shocking! What is Qin Shou, they are very clear, a "dead" two years, two years later, he actually can play three cattle to force the superman of the Slag Day, what horror is his strength?

"Qin Shou said that he was not happy for thousands of years ... and we know only two years, it seems that our world and his world are not in one place, at least time flow rate is different." At this time, Chen Ning low voice.

Another heart is licking, staring at the screen, whispered: "I finally understood why he said, Chen Ning, Lin Ke, I have decided, I have to follow him! Star, too Small, I want to see the world outside, the real world! "

Lin Ke horse said: "I will go!"

Chen Ning didn't speak two women. It was still quiet, but the mood became complicated. She didn't have any relationship with Qin Shou. If there must be, it is just some ambiguous relationship. Unlike the beauty of the beauty of the peace of mind, the president of the President of Qin Shou, is the full stocked forest.

So Chen Ning is not good, but she is also full of toward another world ...

Not only three women, many people see this scene, they are boiling! This world really has gods, really have a Buddha, really have a big monster! The most important thing is that a german, two years of time growth to this point! So what about them? If they go to another world, will there be such a growth rate? If there is…

One of the mood is very excited, I have forgotten it, they are too weak relative to another world! Even the ant ants are not counted, go to another world, can not live the first day is a problem ...

In the universe, after Qin Shou, after a sentence, one hand directly domineering, gotting the people, picking people, and passed the people, and then hooked the hand: "OK, the rabbit I am too lazy to marry your waste! Since it is going to fight, then come! The rabbit master will fight today! "

"A arrogance of death, I see how you hit three!" Yu Pengzu's anger, take the lead! Pull a green shadow, instantly kill Qin Shou, big break

Yang Tuan Mongtong directly, caught Qin Shou face!

Almost at the same time, the number will kill from Qinshou, and the Shen Shen squats Qin Shou after!

The attachment people killed from the left, and the hand held the treasure building!

Qin Shou knows that he is a person's approach to the ground flame, can't stand the same, but Qin Shou doesn't sit, it's a big drink, avatar three hexapons!

Three three sides, stare at the three! Six arms, while attacked three people!


Qin Shou's fist is very violent. The Qing Shen in the sky is first flying. Then it is the big break of Yong Peng's ancestors, and the Zhu Pengzu teacher does not dare to close Qin Shou.

The receiving treasure of the attractions was taken more than a doorm of punches in Qin Shou. When as a ring, the treasure building was even smashed, and then went down, attracting the people suspected that the treasure It may be exploded by this violent rabbit!

Qin Shou hit three, the more the battle is more and more, since the three people were repeated, Qin Shou was directly killed to the trisher. The three people were slightly weak, once broken, three people's joint attack It's broken! At that time, Zeng Pengzu and the attachment people are jealous of each other, no one wants to let the other fisherman, the result will only be cheaper Qin Shou!

Qin Shou's abacus loudly, and the fist is also like the rain.

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