The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 1061.

The quasi-Tao people were touched by it, and the golden body flew out, constantly

He resacted Qin Shou's attack, who is the body of Qinshou is a gold body to block? This golden body is still not a holy, it is not the opponent of Qin Shou!

In an instant three punches, one arm of the golden body is directly broken by Qin Shou!

Paradise, I saw this, my heart is on the blood!

He is the golden body, which is a willingness to condense, and he is ready to rely on it! The result was a hand, he wanted to fix it, I don't know how many years I need! So long, if someone is sanctified, there is no copy at all! Think of this, the passing people are also angry! This is the road to the sainting, this is a big hate!

The passerby no longer leave the hand, roar, brunette waste, lack of expansion of the sun and moon, waving between the sky, the heat of the sky is infinite gods!

In Qin Shoucun, there is a big mouth, directly swallowing the god of the people!

At this moment, the Pen Pengzu was killing from Qin Shou!

Another head of Qinshou suddenly opened his mouth, spit on the Zeng Peng's ancestors! boom!

The infinite god of the passenger is directly bombing the body of the Zong Pengzu, and the Zhu Peng's ancestors have been guarding Qin Shou's fists. Who thinks that Qin Shou has such a fight against the star shift!

What is the powerful?

When He Pengzu was suddenly blown, the flesh and blood was blurred, and the bones were revealed! However, this guy must be the road, the flesh is very strong, roaring Golden light flashes, the flesh will quickly restore! The ancestors of Zeng Peng said: "Standard, you give me some attention

! "

"Demon teacher, now you still remember the means? This rabbit's magic is getting stronger and more powerful. He will refine the half of the fingers. If he succeeds, we don't want to live!" Attractive Taoist anger .

Tu Pengzu also understood this truth, a bite, a bronze palace appeared on the top! .

Chapter 505 detonated


Qin Shou saw this familiar palace, the heart is shocked!

Qin Shou also saw this palace during the Yanhuang period, and at the time, it was almost died by this palace! Later, this palace was integrated into Qin Shou's light death.

Qin Shoujubi thought that this magic will be a general gating, but now it seems that he knows, he is wrong!

The future palace is magnificent, but it is a small toilet in Beijing, it is a small toilet in front of Beijing.

In other words, the future bronze palace is essentially part of the red and crushing the current palace! Strengthening


The bronze palace appeared, directly suppressed! A Zeng Peng's ancestors had a long hacking into a very huge singer, the double wing did not know how many miles, covering the sky, the starry sky was blocked! Song Peng stood on the bronze palace, it fell!

Qin Shouba's top gold bell and ice crystal bell also sounded a sound, and the golden silver two colors were continuously interlaced in the air. It turned into a bunk and yin-yarn appeared in the air, and the bronze palace was held!

At this moment, the attachment person once again shot again, there was a twelve lotus table at the foot, and the next moment, his strength climbed!

Qin Shou shocked in the shock, this attacked people seem to touch the holy people! Of course, it is not a saint, it is not a saint, and the attachment can only be close to it, but it is impossible to cross.

But the horrible power, let everyone shock, for the fear!

Twelve Vintage Table, is the Xuanhuang to Bao, which is the nine heavens, and has a big merit, powerful! His first special effect is the strength of the holder of the above-mentioned holders!

The attachment person feels the power of, just like the antity of the ant antity, "Rabbit, you can die under our three people, you are also very glory!"

Intercontuncation, there is a lotus flower in his hands, lotus cleansing, but the holy is incomparable, but the forces that are exclusted are desperate! Lotus slowly flies to Qin Shou, although the speed is slow, Qin Shou understood that he could not open, only hard fight! I thought that this lotus communication has a space, no matter how Qin Shou hides, it will follow the shadow, and finally hit together!

The stars behind the passing people began to become bigger, and the bright is not a star, but a respect! These quasi-mentioned prices have been prevised, there is a post-right, and the teenager is mentioned, there is a child with a child! In other words, these quasi-triskers are quasi-trotters! Just get along different time and space!

The quasi-trace legs are sitting in the void, and one hand is pinched! There are countless quasi-triskers follow the kneading print! In an instant, these quasi-triskers have communicated with each other, and the power is unlimited, and the power is strong enough!

Qin Shouban thought it was a strange power of soft persimmons actually showed the power of devastating, and it was not weak than the leadership!

The hand-printed handprint as if there are countless time and space, the handprint in these air is very weak, some is very strong, but the most

Final, they are the most powerful handprints in this time and space!

In the sky, I saw this, and I won a shock color in my eyes, but I didn't want to fall behind. I slept, the double wings opened, the whole body bloomed out of the infinite rune, these runes flew airized into a volume of the book! The sky is sprinkled, and the Kun junzu teacher also broke out, the bronze palace became gold, the golden palace fell, and its power is equally weak to the other two!

Qin Shou was in three peerless masters, while showing the most powerful means, suppressing down, only feeling that all body must be embedded!

Qin Shou even went out the flag of the flames couldn't go out! The golden bell and ice crystal beam of the head are also pressed, especially the ice crystal bell, the hierarchy of the body is not high, and the strength of the golden bell is the power of complementary.

Sex can explode such a force. After a more horrible force, the ice crystal bell is covered with cracks, as if it will collapse at any time!

Just in the moment of Qin Shou, the ice crystal bells bombarded! There are countless ice crystals, all of which are absorbed by the goldens!

Then Qin Shou, heard a roar of a cake: "Fuck your grandfather, break my baby's flesh, I want to die!"

The golden bell suddenly turned over, and a loud noise, then a radio spread, this aura is actually with the war of saints! ! !

A biscuit called: "The boss runs, I can't help!"

However, Qin Shou didn't mean it all! Although the heavens and the earth are large, but the strength reaches this level, where can I ran? Since it is going to fight, then there is no way back, and the narrow road will win the brave!

Qin Shou's war is more and more high!

"A cake, do well, give me so!" Qin Shou six hands play countless printing, printing in the golden clock, the golden bell is constantly ...

Taoist people saw this, and smiled: "When I am now, are you still struggling? Let's join hands, in the sky, in addition to the saints, no one can take this hit! Even if the Emperor is too, the emperor is not! "

"Blowing is not going to draft? The rabbit master will look at the sky today!" Qin Shou roared, killing the attractions, the attachment people saw this disdain, the violent power fell, Qin Shoumun!

However, the next moment, the attraction of the people's face is mad!

I saw Qin Shou empty to the visiting person, the next moment, Qin Shou picked him with a print, smiled: "Enjoy it, Hong Lianyun!"


The power in the person in the attraction is instantly detonated!

One will become a harder, any monks since ancient times, not when the Virgin live! Even if the red cloud is also

Kill a lot of people! What's more, this is the trusky and decisive gatekeeper?

The power in the people's body is still strong than the world, and the moment of Qin Shou is led. It burned in his body, and the red lotus began to appear in the burning! Red lotus even began to pregnant lotus!

The attachment person is entangled, and I don't dare to pay attention to the power of the power to suppress the body. If you don't care, the Red Lotus is burning his air transport, burns everything, and eventually will not be super life! However, the attractions are not afraid, he has the 12th lotus platform, enough to suppress any industrial fire, but he takes time! .

Chapter 506 Wars to mad

Battle to mad

As for Qin Shou, the pick-up people have no time to see, and they are too lazy to see, he is confident that the rabbit can't help but can't help it, you will die!

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