The old man is a jade rabbit

The wilderness of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 1062.

The passenger behind him came, and the same print was played, and it was tangled that the industrial fire in the human body was introduced, and the prince had to sit on the red lotus fire.

As for the Zhu Pengzu, Qin Shouli's method!

In the blink of an eye, Qin Shou retired three enemies, but the Qin Qin, who did three people didn't break, the strongest hit of the three, three people did not believe that Qin Shou can hide! This is an absolute killing! As long as it is not a saint, under the day, no one can block!

In fact, if Qin Shou is really facing the strongest hit on the top, absolutely nine dead life!

However, Qin Shou never wanted to have a hard fight, although he had a hard fight, he also had a way. But he has a better way to solve!

Hey, the golden bell falls from the sky, and the half of the saints inside will be thrown out!

Qin Shou has stood in the fingers, and the golden bell is selected in the top of Qin Shou's head. Holds the flag, and Qin Shou is ready.

The three attacks are here. The first contact is naturally the saints of the saints, the finger is attacked, and suddenly, the power of the saints, the sage, can be crushed

Cut an ant!

However, the fingers in front of me are broken, it has become the water of the roots, although it is still strong, but can't crush the three super big ants before you! However, three super large ants want to destroy this finger is not an easy task.

The brilliance of the finger is constantly flashing. It is no longer immortal, but the strength is still strong, but the strength of the three people's handprints, è flowers and palaces attack, light is not only dull It is more and more exciting!

Qin Shou spur, huh, huh, everything is almost the same! Three strongest hits and the power of the saints are almost the power, the final result ...


After the glory of the saints, the lifetime of the saints reached the limit!

At the same time, lotus flowers are also dying, and the hand is clear, and the bronze palace is still unable to be unable to

Qin Shou scik, a big drink, a big mouth, actually swallowed three power, half-cut finger! In the body, the furnace in the body is turned on, and the three stocks have lost their strength, and they will refine! Subsequently, Qin Shou took the power of the three power to break into the saints!

The saints have broken, and the last holy light disappeared, although there is still the power of the saints, but there is no power of the saints! This half-made finger is refined!

Qin Shou Daxi, the power of the heavens and the earth rushed up, and the finger was wrapped in an instant.

Crazy refining and absorption!

The strength of the three disappeared, and the three people saw the eyes and saw it. As a result, he saw that Qinshou plain legs sat in the air, not only did not be killed, but the strength was in the wind!

"Not good! We are very good, speed up, kill him!" The attacked people didn't take care of the Red Lotus fire in the body, summoned the 12th lotus, once again showed the gods, lotus reproduction!

The passerby summoned countless time and space, and the big handprint appeared again!

The Zhu Peng's ancestors had a long whistle, and the body will expand it again. The big head is big, and Qin Shou is only his feathers! Such a big pepper, the vitality of the body is also expanded to the bronze palace, and the bronze palace fell and suppressed!

At this moment, Qin Shou suddenly opened his eyes and bounced out!


Lotus and Qin Shou's fists are hit together, the lotus is crushed, and Qin Shou's arm is full of cracks!

Behind the back of Qin Shou on the back of Qin Shou, Qin Shouwei's blood spurt, and the back is all scar!

The top of the bronze palace falls, and Qin Shou roared, and the hands were hard to stand the bronze palace!

The vitality in Qin Shouchen consumes a lot of energy, and the damage to the impairment is repaired.

Zhu Pengzu, who had passed the people, and the three people saw this, and the eyelids jumped! They can feel the strength of Qin Shou, but no one wants to have improved so much in such a short time! This flesh, actually looks hard to resist their strongest blow!

"No, not his flesh became powerful, he has a saints asylum, and the magical weakened! That is close, he will be a big drink, step on the twelve lotus, and take the Trending Trend. To Qin Shou!

The Zhu Peng Zu teacher changed to human form, but the whole body is gold's feathers. The hands have become a double claw. The double wings disappeared in the air, and there is still behind Qin Shou!

Checkout people, one hand, one-hand trees, one hand, clean, pertide, killing!

Qin Shou once again changed three arms, awakening the battle of the war, the battle, the combat skill is even more awake, the gods, although there is still a little loss, when the time is hit, there are more and more scars, but Qin Shou No spikes for three people! The strength is still in the promotion!

At the quasi-theiencies, the Taoist and the Peng Zuo Master saw this, and the heart is more anxious! They are very afraid, very afraid that Qin Shou is engraved in the moment! Qin Shou is sanctified, they will die! Even if the saints are estimated to be protected! By this rabbit, the character of this rabbit is the name of the revenge, not overnight, extremely revenge, revenge and no means!

No one is willing to provoke such a bastard!

The three people are anxious, and they are also getting more and more spicy, and the original hidden means

Did out!

Four people fight to the mad, one is crazy, and there is no more fairy bones in the past, some are just to fight for survival!


A arm flew in the air!

That is the arm!


A blood sprayed, but Qin Shou was quasi-trisker angry, playing the chest!


The treasure is on the back of Qin Shou!


Qin Shou's pitched gold bell was taken on the head of the attractions, and the attachment only felt the sky, wow, a blood spurted out of the old, and retreat!

The bronze palace is in the brain of Qin Shou, Qin Shou pace is flying!

, leave three deep cockroaches in Qin Shou! .

Chapter 507 Two

Two maps

But the next moment, Qin Shou screamed, and a slap in the sky, the gods of the gods, the old ancestors, the speed slowdown!

Qin Shou took a scientific caught up, one grabbed a wings of the old ancestors of the Pengpeng, torn it, late!

In the old ancestors, the half of the sheaves were teared by Qin Shou hard and students, and bloodded and drove!

However, the three people have a big magical, and the injury is turned into an eye, and it will become a group again!

Qin Shou's roar is constantly, the roar of the three people is not limited, and the fluctuations in the universe are getting bigger and bigger! The four more people are, the more farther, and the gradually god people have seen the detailed battle screen of the four people, but the horrible fluctuations, and the stars that have disappeared, but tell them, the four horrible guys The battle is still going on!

Seeing this, everyone is silent, just war, too terrible, like a nightmare! If it is not the world's inde, there is only the people of the East, and they even suspect that everything just is a dream!

Just then, I don't know who is shouting: "Music, ask for a long life!"

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