The old man is a jade rabbit

The wilderness of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the Yutong Chapter 1063.

Various editions that were originally sealed have been turned out, a vigorous

Strong, the whole people's cultivation is open, but unfortunately, the heavens and the earth are inadequate, the progress of cultivation is ...

In the universe starry, Qinshou Wars, Peng Zu, the troops, the passing people, the four people, the more crazy, the fighting fluctuations don't know how many civilizations have caused how many people have caused the death and injury.

But over time, Qin Shou's strength is getting more and more horrible, the flesh is getting stronger and stronger!

After a month, the Zhu Pengzu, who took the road, and the three people were almost unable to leave scars in Qinshou! Up to the voice of Dangdang's gold iron!

And Qin Shou's punch is as if you want to break everything!

And the first blow is the bronze palace of the Zhu Pengzu.


The huge palace, was bombed by Qin Shouyi, and those fragments did not wait for the restoration, they were swallowed by Qin Shou!

The ancestors of the ancestors roared, but there is no way.

At this moment, the passenger and the attachment passengers did not have a good idea in the past, and I didn't want to worry, let the ancestors of the Zengpeng head array, fight for life, and the fisherman is profitable. Now, they only ask for three people, can kill Qin Shou, otherwise ...

The more you think that the heart of the two is cold!

The Taoist's eyes saw the magic weapon of Pengpeng, and quickly rushed to block Qin Shou, and prevent him from chasing!

Seven treasures fall, !

"Hey, your grandfather!" Qin Shou suddenly turned, directly sweeping, a slap, the pronounted person did not hold the seven trees, the seven treasures of the trees flew out!

Qin Shou chased it, it is necessary to grasp the seven treasures!

At this moment, the attachment people descended from the sky, with the help of the 12th product lottery, the attractions have become the only existence that can be confronted with Qin Shou, and the attractions in the hands are empty!

Qin Shou frioled: "Roll!"

The head is not lifted, and a punch is rushing to the air!


The Treasure Building was fly off by Qin Shou, and there were some standing unstable. And Qin Shou took the opportunity to catch up with the seven trees!

"The rabbit is in the mouth!" The passerby was shocked, and he quickly called!

As a result, Qin Shou looked back to him, and then directly chewed it in the entrance of the seven treasures!

"Hey!" The vicinity people under the traction of the gas machine, and a big mouth is from the blood! The seven treasures are different from six clear bamboo, this is his mission magic! This loss is great, it is simply to grasp people! This is basically broken his way to the San Dynasty!

At this point, I will bite the teeth, and I will worship the sky: "Congratulations to Taiji map!"

Qin Shounhen, scared a jump, look up, really, there is a yin and yang in the sky!

This yin-yang two gas is turned, turned into a huge Taiji figure fell!

Qin Shou saw this, angered: "It's a good time, I am waiting for me here!"

At the same time, the land fairy world, the palace is accommodated!

"Brother!" The female scent of the girl willow!

Too God moved his head: "I said that I can't show up, but the Taiji map has already handed over to the gate in the past few years. Now I don't want me to shoot?"

The woman heard the words and sneered: "So, as long as it is given in advance, it is not a handle?"

Too God nodded.

The girl is nodded, don't talk.

The star here!

The Taiji figure fell, Qin Shou felt the will of the saints and the power of the saints! The saints attack with the nine heavens of Xuanhuang to the treasure attack, so the power is desperate! There is no power to compete with it, unless it is also the nine heavenly Xuanhuang to treasure used by the saints!

At this moment, Qin Shou sighs: "I didn't plan to use this thing. Since you are forced to me, don't blame me! Congratulations to the saints!"

In the next moment, Qin Shou's golden bell flew out of a group, and the purity was launched in the air, but it was a picture! Drawing the sun and the moon river, the mountains, the beast, everything is vivid! The most horrible thing is that the above is also lingering the power of the saints and the will of the saints!

"The mountains and rivers of the girl!" Tou people saw this, the eyes were round, and the face did not dare to confuse!

Qin Shou cold smiled: "Idiki! You think that only you know the saint? I don't know the sage. I know that you are not a thing, you will play these black means, the rabbit, I am prepared!"

This is said that Qin Shou said that the burdock is actually, but his heart is seven on the top eight. At the beginning, the female saint gave him a golden clock, and Qin Shou once with the female girl, and the Fang Jian repularized some plans. As a participant, in order to ensure Qin Shou's security, the female scent of the girls will put the mountains and river maps in Qin Shou's goldens.

However, this thing can only be used as a life-saving straw. In order to use it, it is equal to the saint of the saints, and insert the fairy. If this is passed, the face can be light. The most important thing is that once this is exposed, the urine of Yuan Shengzun will definitely take out various magic weapons of various saints to give others, that is the real crisis! .

Chapter 508, halfway


Today, Qin Shou is also no way, the enemy even the Taiji map is invited, if he doesn't take it, then he is dying! Still death!

The mountains and river communities came out, and immediately flew in the air and the Taiji mapped together, and then two pictures were so quiet, and they did not move.

Below, Qin Shouzi has a wrist, facing the attractions, the passing people, and the Zong Peng Zu Zi Jie will take a hand: "Come on, let's continue! The rabbit is today!"


Qin Shou issued a wolf, killing it!

Qin Shou's strength is getting more and more fierce, the combat power is getting more and more strong, the flesh is getting stronger, every punch has exceeded the eight-day Xuanhuang to the treasure, approaching the nine heavens Xuan Huang to treasure! In the face of such a combat, it is difficult to compete unless you have a big trick, you will be difficult to fight!

"Try again!" Attack Taoist the voice of the Tao Peng Zu and the governor.

Then, the attachment will release the lotus again, and the passing people will release the handprint. The Peng Peng's nurses are very retreatful. The bronze palace is broken, and the power is all the most powerful means.

This time, Qin Shou is not anxious, not to play a means, in the original place, the bright light is constantly condensed, the body opened the nine days ten place, endless yuan flocking! Communicate the golden bell, see the magic weapon of the light and death, communicate countless believers in the body, communicate with the power of Zifu Tiandi, the communication of the ancient ax!

Qin Shouyi played out, there is no movement of the earth, but the simple punch, but the attractions and quasi-triskers are desperate! They can't see the existence from this box, can only see endless power! This force is turned into time and space, and it is the most terrible invisible killer!

The lotus fell in front of Qin Shou's fists!

7 Attach people, then widened his eyes and back, face with pale! Just, I have been attacking the sea.

Hit, almost split!


The hand is shaken, the courtier's lower court is still miserable, no twelve lotus is guarded, he is sprayed out, the breath is sluggish, and there is no previous strong horizontal.

Zeng Peng Zu Master saw this quietly ...

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