The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 1064.

At this moment, the Taiji map in the sky suddenly shocked the mountains and society, and instantly fell. Three people, they must escape!

Qin Shou saw this, angry: "You dare!"

During the speech, Qin Shou accelerated grabbed three people!

At first, he took the road to step on the 12th lotus, waving the blue lotus flag, with the pronounted person hard, Qin Shouyi, the blue lotus flag constantly shaking, the 12th lotus is shaking, the leader face More pale ... But two people still rushed into the Taiji map.

And the ancestral teacher, the ancestors, was not so lucky. The magic weapon was destroyed. He didn't take him from the sky, and he was killed by Qin Shouyi!

The movement of Taiji map is also angered the mountain river community. The mountain river community has a great sound. The endless mountain river is coming, but it is necessary to suppress the Taiji map!

Qin Shou followed a big drink, crazy attack Taiji map, Taiji map had to be retired, and finally the empty shock disappeared in Yu


And the ancestors of the Pengpeng were cruelly thrown ... crazy called: "Daozu, you can't be so good to me!"

When the palace is hilar, the palace is tone, and the female girl is arching: "It seems that this bureau, the mother won."

The female lady smiled: "I can't win, you don't have a big loss? Just unfortunately this nail ..." This nail is naturally said to be the ancestral teacher.

He is a demon teacher, which is extremely high in heaven, and can even affect Double emperor. Have him, Tianship is not a piece of iron. Today, this nail is going to be removed, and the girls are naturally refreshing and relaxed. But it is too old.

Jun Ying's meat pain ... but his head is obviously more hurt! Qin Shou's strength is so fast, now a person can turn over the leader and quasi-trisher, and then add the Peng Zuzu to join hands!

If you come back, who else can you treat him?

No one can cure this rabbit, then this rabbit is afraid to be fine, this place is in the fairy ...

The more I want too much, the older is a headache.

As for the defeat of the Taiji map, there is no saying that too much old monarch, the Taiji map is released, he has not manipulated. The same is true of the mountain river society. It is not enough to see if there are two Turbo, even if Qin Shou is added. However, the old man can feel that a horrible breath is close, so the Taiji map has to retreat!

Just as the big old king and female sideware chat, the face suddenly changed!

The expression of the girls also happened!

Among the void, the Taiji map is tuned to the truth and the attraction.

Just then, I went a person, and I was slapped in the Taiji map!


The Taiji map is smoked in the air!

The inside, I have also wondered the attachment people who have been asking some people outside, and I am scared that I can't scare! The Taiji map of a slap inverted the power of the saint, this person can't do anyone else!

The man put on the Taiji map, and the Taiji map was played, and the power of the saints inside was rapidly consumed!

If the people have a white paper, with a few scared words: "Brother, this is the saints shot! Is this really good?"

The attachment people bite the teeth: "I can only wait! At this time, I am afraid that I have to have a disaster in the top. I don't know if it is the saint.

That man is constantly attacking the sky. The Taiji chart flips the roll, as if the leaves fall into the whirlpool are all tumbling!

Just then, a holy light dropped, and then a cane is separated from the movie! Tai Shang Laojun landed from the sky,

Big a drink: "What person!"

"Hey ... Li Wei, you are cutting the scorpion! So many people playing Laozi, today I am in a few times, you are anxious? You come right, today I will take you a few big ear scissors, relax ! "After the finish, the figure was rushed to the sky, and Li Wei! ..

Chapter 509


Li Wei's eye wrinkled, and he also couldn't see it, but the kiss was extremely familiar.

The heart is puzzled, but the hand is not slow, the cane falls on and the other party.


The void collapse, the two people have exploded the infinite chaotic gas in the middle of the two people!

Li Wei waved, received Taiji map, said: "Go to Chaos!"

After that Li Wei entered chaos, the man followed.

At the same time, the depths of chaos, Pangu Wars Yuan Shi Zun and Tongtian's Lord, the three people hit the madness, various means, the avenue order is constantly flashing, reorganizing, explosion ...

If someone here, it will be seen that when this is spread, there are many worlds being destroyed! There are also stronger people attempt to save self-help, but in the face of the strength of the three saints, it is not easy to hit the sun.

Just then, Yuan Shi Tianzun suddenly sprungly, retreat! His right earners began to become innocent, the next moment, half-cut finger!

Yuan Shi Tianzun is angry; "Who is it ruined my flesh!"

I saw this ancient times, haha ​​smiled: "Yuan start, the saints are damaged, it seems that you are not able to pass through the short period!"

Yuan Shi Tianzun faces, anger: "It's time problem!"

When turned, I laughed: "However, the broken refers to it. I broke me a heart, and I was brave enough in the future!"

Tongtian teaches the main road: "Just this, otherwise you can't find it, the flesh can't be repaired, it is always full. Today, it is a full!"

Yuan Shi Tianzun point: "Pangu, continue!"

Interpretation, Yuan Tianzun once again!

Just then, there is more than one person in the void, it is a female scent!

The female girl laughed: "Two, Wan Meshan has been divided into the wins, will you continue?"

Yuan Shi Tianzun and Tongtian's teacher heard, the face is around, Yuan Shi Tianzun is a calculation, anger: "The secrets under the Wanshi Mountain are my broken finger!"

The female sneakers laughed: "Just this, now your breaking index has been gone by Qin Ge, you have broken causal, he got the benefits, and then it will not be able to win, why bother?"

Tongtian's teacher heard the words and sighed: "It turns out."

Yuan Shi Tianzun color is more and cold: "Even if the rabbit got my broken finger, it is impossible to be sanctified! Sanzhi needs big merits!"

The woman laughs and not speak.

Pangu Road: "It can't be a saint, but under the saints, it is afraid that it is difficult to have an enemy."

Yuan Shi Zun is cold and said: "Benefits!"

After that, Yuan Tianzun is the main road to Tongtian: "Teacher, this time, this time, if it is fine, when I went to Kunlun Yuqui, I sat."

Tongtian teacher nodded, then the two holy couples will go.

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