The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit 1065.

Pangu frowned to look at the female sneak Niang Niang: "There is only one broken refer to Yuan Zunzun under the Mount of Mountains? Can't it?"

The female scent said: "Of course, the Yuan and Tongtian also know that they are not retreat, but prepare for the next step. I am coming to you, it is also going to discuss the things, the Wan Mountain's things are still Didn't end. You stay here and there is no significance for the war, once you have a thing, just have a person who is leaving, it is a big problem for us! "

Pangu nodded: "I understand."

"Let's go, go to my female palace, this time is afraid that it is not so simple." The female goddess, followed by the ancient times.

Not long after, too old, the old monarch came to Yuxi Palace, but his face is very ugly, there is still a red hint on the left face, as if you have a punch.

At this moment, in the world of the star, Qin Shou has completely absorbed the half finger of Yuan Shi Zun, and the result is that he can become a holy, but he can't move! The tricks of the saints, he has been able to see it, as if you can, but unfortunately, you can't touch it, I really let him crazy.

"It seems that the sanctuary under the Wan Mountain is still not there!" Qin Shou sighed, looked up at the sky, step by step!

There is a heaven above the universe, but at this moment, this world is already collapsed, and the broken wall is obedient, except for the ruins. The sky flying in the sky fragments into the sky, floating in the air, plaque, and soldiers are everywhere.

"This Tiantian doesn't know what has experienced, but it has been destroyed into this ..." Qin Shou sighed.

At this moment, a brass is floating, and Qin Shoufei passed, this ancient bell portrayed countless figure, if it looks carefully, this seems to be a shadow of God! There are a few ancient gods on the ancient gardens!

Qin Shou only glanced, it was scared!

There is an incomparably domineering breath, even if the Qin Shou seemed to be at this time, there is also a feeling of palpitations! It seems that this word of writing, can cause certain threats to Qin Shou!

"How is this possible? The universe in the star is not big, and there is no such a strong aura. How can I make such a horrible person? This is completely exceeded!" Qin Shou did not reply.

Gently patted the yellow-bronze garde, awkward, the bell is not strong, but there is very strong penetration, as if you can send the bell to the sky underground.


Just then, the black light flashed, there were two people in the air, which is the master and judge of hell!

"Do you have anything to do so?" The two met, first met, then asked.

Qin Dong, I asked: "When did I call you?"

After the master and the Lord of hell, the main bitter of hell smiled: "Master, is you just a gathering?"

Qin Shou nodded: "Yes, it is the brown hour."

Judgment official road: "Master, this is called the god of the gods, but it is the clock used by the gods of the gods, and the bell will ring, and the heavens between the heavens and the earth will hear the bell, and then quickly come to report I just heard the bell, this is coming over. ".

Chapter 510 Second Rabbit

Second rabbit

Qin Shou refined the government, opened the ghost door, they can already come out from hell. Otherwise, if it is changed before, even if he heard the bell, it will not come.

Qin Shoudao: "It turns out, right, you can know that the sky is the most powerful existence between the heavens and the earth? Can there be a saints?"

The master of hell shook his head: "Master, there is no saints between this world. It is like you have two strong people. One is the Emperor, one is the motherner."

Qin Shou took a breath of cold, this world actually has such a horrible person? Qin Shou didn't dare to smash this world. If he is really like the Lord and Judge of Hell, this world is only hidden in a huge secret!

Qin Shou asked: "This world has always been so big?"

Judiecase: "Of course, I listen to people say that this world is very huge, even if he is not able to explore the margin. However, after the disaster comes, the world is indeed a few days a day. Small just After hell came out, it was found that this human world is a little pitiful ... "

Qin Shou nodded; "Yes, it is a little bit. OK, you follow me, today I want to recover the Tiantian!"

"Re-casting the heavens?" The two were shocked, but the two were very wonderful, and the Tianstrium was recasting that it is not difficult to Qin Shou.

It is recasting, who is coming to the same day?

Qin Shouke did not work hard to make their doubts, running the gods, the broken land began to condense, constantly impact in the air, one is suspended in the aerial island reappearance, and below the continent began to condense! Spring water, plant regeneration, palace reconstruction!

Different in the sky, the land house is also broken, but the main land is still, Qin Shou only needs to build buildings, complement the broken road, and arrange the various array guards. And the sky is really broken, want to rebuild, extremely difficult!

I have been in the past one year, and the sky is coming to autumn. The mainland of Tianstring is finally completed by Qin Shou, and the broad continent.

The mountain river lake is all re-cast, the heavens and the earth are re-running, Feiquan flowing, neon, colorful clouds, golden halls, jade shop's ramp, everywhere is not very luxurious!

The only unfortunate thing is that this tightening is too cold, except for Qin Shou, Hell's Lord, Judge, and thoroughly out of snow women and seedlings, there is no one.

"Master, this ..." The judge is around, and some don't know how to ask.

Qin Shou also didn't answer, a group of people in front of him! These people are the most devout believers of Qin Shou, all of which are monks, and they were taken away by him, and now they have come out.

"See the owner!" These people also worshiped at the same time, and the strength of a one reached the level, and the powerful several reached

Wang-level! There is even an emperor's big demon king exists!

Qin Shou nodded: "You got up, you will live in this Tianship, if there is anyone in the future, the virtue is enough, and when you can enter the main heaven!"

"Yes!" These people collectively worship!

Qin Shou also said to snow women and Miaofei: "You two, temporarily do this belonging to the left and right deeds, in the future, degree of people! If there is a good person, you can teach you."

"Follow!" Two women worship together.

After Qin Shou nodded, he released a group of people in a full 100,000!

"Hell, judge, you will take back, they will help you manage the government, there are them, the government can be worry-free." Qin Shoudao.

Judgment and the Lord of Hell, thank you! At the same time, there is also a tone, the land house is too big, only the strength of two people, and the person who is in the hand. But with this 100,000 strong, the government can reach the golden soup, reproduce the glory of the year, is only a matter of time.

I have done everything, Qin Shou came to the front of the Lingxiao Temple, where the same is a stone monument, this stone monument is the only thing that is unique to Qin Shou!

That's right, Qin Shou re-casting Tianxing is not really necessary to reproduce the heavens, but consider a problem!

Since there is a saints of the saints, the sky will not have anything good. As a result, he refined all things, but also felt that this stone monument was a bit embarrassed.

There is no text on the stone monument, and the generies are like a huge jade, and people can map out the shadow.

I can't see it, but it is very hard! With Qin Shou's power, you can't crush it!

"What is this?" Qin Shou got up and observed.

At this moment, the people in the stone tablet shook!

Qin Shouzhen, he was very sure, he did not move! So why this shadow is moving?

Then, the film became clear, and finally Qin Shou saw the picture of the stone monument. It was a gray place. After careful observation, Qin Shou found that the person did not walk on the road, but in the earth!

This figure is getting clearer, and finally Qin Shou found that this guy is actually a rabbit!

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