The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the jade rabbit 1066.

The big ears were pressed by a straw hat, and the back of the soft is behind the brain. When the mouth is in the mouth, there is a carrot on the shoulders, and the face is relaxed forward, while walking one side : "Life is like a play, some stupid flew finger, ..."

Qin Shou wondered, his face was dark, he was very sure, this dead rabbit is definitely not him! At least this dead rabbit is not the same! Dress dressing is different!

"Is this that Qin?" Qin Shouzhi.

Just then, the rabbit in the stone suddenly turned, and he went to Qin Shou: "You are a scorpion, you are eager to have you? Don't know me!"

Qin Shouton fired, pointed to the rabbit in jade: "Rolling your uncle! You said that I am Laozi is my Laozi? I am Laozi. I still don't know? My Laozi is not a rabbit!"

"Fart! You are alone, you don't know if you are."

Qin Shou followed: "Your uncle, don't you say that you are my Laozi? How come be a orphan? You have a dead liar, there is a matter of this, the rabbit will give you a loose!" ..

Chapter 511 show muscles


"Your uncle, there is something you come in, I will give you a loose!" The rabbit inside called.

Then both guys have a big eye, no one in the past!

Half, the rabbit inside took out a carrot and threw the mouth, and he took the mouth and took a while: "It's really a baby rabbit, stinky boy, wait until you meet, you will give you a good opening. ! "

"What is your stuff?" Qin Shou called.

"You!" The rabbit road inside.

Qin Shou two eyes turned around: "Less less, I am a person!"

"Is it like this?" The rabbit inside was changed, and it turned out to be the appearance of Qin Shou's father Qin Daoyuan!

However, Qin Shou directly reached a middle pointing: "You are a grandson, it is very like, but unfortunately, the temperament is not like!"

The rabbit is not angry, whispered: "When you see Qin Daoyuan in the future, ask him, who is you! Your uncle, ...", the rabbit in it, "stinky boy, yourself Optimistic, the stone monument you see is named Time and Space, which is used in a super durable DVD. When you encounter your player, you will play automatically.

. Well, the rabbit scorpion, don't open this stone, because you can't hear it, I just calculate the future, I am jealous with you, how? I am very realistic As if I am inside and your dialogue? Wow haha…

Such a bullion algorithm, only you will be there! I met the next time, I taught you!

Well, yes, this stone has a use, after returning to the fairy world, you will plug this place on your moon, after seven or forty-nine years, the sage will truly emerge. You pay attention to it, don't be killed! "

After that, the rabbit on the Time and Space Cup called: "Oh, the cents, don't pull you! Hang up!"

The time and space cup has become a clean jade, but the rabbit inside is gone.

Qin Shouton is stupid when he didn't think of it, the result will be this! He actually has a rabbit! And he originally, it is not good!

But no matter whether the rabbit is not original, Qin Shou is now very unhappy! Because he two, TM is not a fun, one is not responsible than one, a woman who is going to die with his wife, and I don't know which gifted!

The more I want Qin Shou, the more unhappy, but this guy will take this stone monument.

Subsequently, Qin Shou turned in a lap in heaven, and went to hell to search again, and finally returned to the universe, searching, and did not find anything worth it, this is back to the star.

It took a few days in a row, and Qin Shou was really tired. Qin Shou did not rush to return to the fairy world,

It's time to stay in this time, another time and space is not moving. Here, he can sleep with peace of mind, don't worry, but if you go back, he has to face bloody reality ...

Push the door, Qin Shou suddenly dumbful!

I saw that the original empty room was more than a few people!

One is moving, a journal sitting on the sofa, the kitchen has passed the sound of cooking, the fragrance has floated, the star cuisine, the taste of the home!

On the balcony, there is another flower grass ...

Qin Shou blinded his eyes, withdraws it, look at the door number, he is very sure, this is his home,

I came in.

This time, four women saw it, Qin Shouton is happy, but they are all acquaintances!

It is the old classmate Chen Ning, watching the magazine is peace of mind, and the grass is Lin Ke, the mopping cleanliness is Qin Shou's old classmate Luo Wei!

"You come back ..." In the four women, Chen Ningzhi is very cautious, and the peace of mind is very big. Obviously, she is ready. Lin Ke is a little small, but I still use her stubborn and work hard. I am very calm.

Only Luo Wei smiled at all, and didn't see it. There was no way to do it. It seems that it is her home, and it is her man.

Qin Shoun know that after these years have always been Luo Wei to pack the room, his heart has accepted this silent girl who pays him, not to return. Therefore, Qin Shou's first Duozy smiled and laughed: "It is back."

Then Qin Shou surprised to watch Chen Ning and others: "You are all, is it so clever today?"

Qin Shou's attitude towards everyone, letting people immediately understand the status of everyone in Qinshou. There is no doubt that Luo Wei is the first, then it is another person.

But the girls are not discouraged, and they will get up: "Our agreement, I want to continue ... So I am coming, I have been here, I have been waiting for you to come back. I have considered it, those are not Question. I know, I will say this now, some people think I want to climb the branch, but my name is peaceful, doing things, I am, I like it is

You this person, because you have brought me a different and other people, I used the people I like twenty-six, I found it, I don't want to hook! "

No one wants, peace of mind will confess this time, and so straight!

Qin Shou is also a person who has seen big wind waves, but the woman he encounters, most of them are passive, suddenly being proactive, Qin Shou is a little nervous.

Just then, Lin Ke also opened, this gimmick has never been characterized by the personality, and she can't help but can't help it. But her way is special ... Lin Ke said: "I ... I have To say! That ... I ... I want to repair the fairy! The city's life is bored, others can't teach me, only you can! Let me follow you, I will wash clothes cook! "

This tense gimmick, actually on Qin Shouliang's two-two muscles on her fiber arm ...

Qin Shouton did not smile ...

Qin Shou did not answer peace of mind and forest, but he looked to Chenning Road: "You will not go with me?".

Chapter 512, Pengpeng

Chen Ning took the head: "How? Can't you? Your return, change my world. It is my life. But you let me see a broader sky ... I never be a person who easily admitted. I don't want to miss this opportunity, I want to rush out, go into a broader world! "

"Do you want to become strong?" Qin Shou lisilized, Chen Ning is not love to him, but really desires the outside world, wants to follow Qin Shou.

Chen Ning used to nodded: "Yes!"

Qin Shou nodded: "What do you want?"


Chen Ning was in front of Qin Shou in front of the other three women, and then slammed three heads, called: "Disciple Chen Ning, see Master!"

Qin Shou saw this haha ​​and smiled: "You really have awareness, but you can't go to the fairy world, because there are still many things to handle. However, since you are my disciples, strength can't be too I am inferior, I will pass your skills, give you Dan medicine, magic weapon, how to achieve yourself, wait for me to come next time, if you have a strength, I will pass you other ways, you can you want? "

Chen Ning Wen Yan, Da Xi, and quickly worship.

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