The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 1067.

Qin Shounan nodded, this is the peace of mind: "If you don't leave, I am life and death. The past life, the fruit, peace of mind, and meet again."

The foggy of peace of mind, I don't understand what Qin Shou is saying.

Qin Shou did not explain. Now his strength is getting closer to the saints, and he is not just that it is so simple, and he can see three consequences!

And the peace of mind has Qin Shou's marriage lines, Qin Shou guess should come from the last life. Otherwise, two people will not be so coincidental, and Qin Shou meets again and repeatedly meets.

After that, Qin Shou took Lu Luo's little waist: "I have said that I have a group of people, you can't run."

Luo Wei heard the words, and the pretty face was red.

She was secretly in Qin Shou for a long time, but she had no chance to confess, until Qin Shou came to death, she regretted. Now I have encountered Qin Shou again, she will naturally not easily.

And Qin Shou is very clear, Luo Wei as a class flower, no one does not like. However, the original Qin Shou has a little self-humble, afraid that he can't help it, so he has been stupid in the opponent, when a friend, when the party is dead, it is not that the skin, the final two people go far.

Today, Qin Shou is no longer the little boys in the year. Love is coming, then, even those who can't face their feelings, how to face the world?

As for Lin, Qinshou took the head of her: "Washing clothes cook even ..."

The little face of the forest is suddenly collapsed.

Qin Shou then laughed: "But see your muscles so developed, I lack a bodyguard, don't you do it?"

Lin can face is red, but still nodded.

Qin Shou smiled: "In this case, the things between us are solved, that, I have to take a break. I have been tired of me before."

After saying, Qin Shou does not care about the eyes of women, hurry to bed, and do their best, because he has something to do!

"Hey!" Qin Shou released the golden bell and the golden bell crazy! The roar of the ancestors of the old ancestors: "Qin Ge, let me go out! I am amenali, you can't be so good!"

Qin Shou wondered, smiled: "Demon? Rabbit Master I also Tianting Quartet Emperor! Ye Peng, you should think that there will be today! Rest assured, just as you talk, you are a talents after all I won't kill you. But can you can't live, but you have to see your own skills! "

"What do you mean?" Yu Pengzu's heart trembled, with a bad hunch!

Next moment, Qin Shou played a print, the golden bell, and it turned out another Qin Shou. When he waved his fist, he killed it!


The bells have risen, combined with Qin Shou's power, crazy bombardment,

Three people still have to suffer from the ancestral nurses, and now they are called, and the flesh is cracking, as if they will be crushed at any time!

"Strong rabbit, what do you want!" Yu Pengzu is really afraid!

Qin Shou smiled: "Not, your current strength and potential, there is a great threat to me! If you are self-dedication, I will leave a living road, how?"

"What is alive?" Yu Pengzu also understood that he was still trapped alone, he basically has no living.

Qin Shoudao: "Explain! I will put you into a place where no one is, I will never return!"

Yu Pengzu is silent ...

Qin Shou saw this, nor is not nonsense, continue to attack! And the attack power is getting stronger and more joined!


A set of arms of the army was removed by Qin Shou!


A wing was torn with Qin Shou!

The blood donation is everywhere, and the Wolf is escaping. Why, who is trapped in the golden bell, where can he escape?

Seeing Qin Shou to kill the killer, the Peng Peng's teacher can't hold it again, and it shouted: "I am willing to sell it!"

"Late, still I will help you!" Qin Shou said that the body disappeared!

The body is coming to the golden clock, under the power of the golden clock, like the eagle catching chicks, will grab the Zun Peng's ancestors, double power!

The buzzer is tearing and opened, and the Peng Zu's screamed was screamd in a twice!

Subsequently, Qin Shou doubled dance, smashed in the flesh of the Zengzu teacher, the flesh, the final bombard!

The Yuan God of the Pengpeng is smashed out. If Qin Shou, I wanted to flee it, and I pushed it back, and I sold the flesh and blood of the ancestors of the ancestors. After the urban dog, Qin Shou opened a portal and threw the ancestors of the Pengpeng.

After all of this, Qin Shouchen smiled: "This is to give the future, leave the rations, ... Although it is just a hurt, it is enough.".

Chapter 513 returning to the fairy

Return to the fairy

Overhaul, Qin Shou is really tired, lying in bed, and entered dreams in an instant.

As a result, the next day, Qin Shou found that there were more than three people!

On the left side, the right Rosha, the side of the peace of mind, and there is a small tail.

Does Qin Shou have more handsome? At least any man is handsome than any man on the star! How is the temperament? This kind of temperament, countless murder, countless saving people, the temperament above the million people is not the more than those of the film star gods!

Qin Shou si is a ice heart, and I came to the living room.

Just saw Chen Ning ready for lunch, Qin Shou smiled: "So many dishes?"

Chen Ning helplessly: "I have done a table in the morning. You have no one comes out. I made a few dishes at noon. I added a lot of ..."

Qin Shou fits the head, this kind of thing is still not explained, sit down and eat.

"Why don't you eat?" Qin Shou saw Chen Ning, and he asked.

Chen Sun said: "I have checked the traditional cultural etiquette. You are a master, you eat, I can only stand, wait for it on the side."

Qin Dong, this etiquette does not know? However, I think that although he also took the apprentice at the fairy world, but did not get along. Basically, it is a transmission, it's going to go, and apprentice is released ...

Qin Shou shook his head: "I don't have this here, how can you do it?"

Chen Ning shook his head, but I said: "This is not good, maybe you don't care about this, but I think that the master is the master. This generation will definitely can't be bad. Otherwise, the number of disciples in the future, there is no reason to constrain, will be constrained You crash. "

Qin Shou is awkward, think about it. Today, his strength is getting stronger and strong. If it is a saint, he will inevitably share the disciples.

Will be passed, although the saints are amazing, there are many things that are not convenient to do, there is a group of disciples, it is more convenient. Furthermore, the saints also contribute to the skin, the base of the land fairy is still relying on the disciple to carry forward, giving the saint.

So this is calculated, it seems that this rule is still very!

Qin Shou nodded: "Some truths, OK, for this, you will be a master of their master in the future! I am lazy to manage these things, you are responsible for these things."

Chen Ning Wen Yan, Da Xi, I am busy, thank you.

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