The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 1069.

Just then, a white figure came from afar, and the speed of the bow was stunned!

Next, there are more shadows in the top of the sun, and the white bat double wing, slender nails, the corner of the mouth hangs two sharp teeth, is the river!

The river double wing is the whole person like a sharp edge!


The abuse of the fist is shredded on the spot!

However, the river has also been bombed back by this force, and the wings are dark, and a face is shocked. "You have a little terrible!"

I can't afford it, I will go straight to the nine! The cold looks at the lower side: "You will watch it again, don't blame me to go back to find you!"

In the next moment, the sky was blown up, and then the clouds were falling down, and the heavy rain came!

Three people came from the wind, black cloud, and heavy rain, wearing the same robe, it seems to have grown almost, it is a three-bit brother!

"Wu Yunxian, the wind fairy, storm, the three of you also come to this water?" After seeing this, the eyebrows are vertical, and the sound is loud!

"After you, you don't scare our brothers. We really want to play, we are not afraid of you! If you are not taboo you, the ancestral witch behind you, hey ..." The wind fairy does not take advantage of it.

Wu Yunxian hooks the rainbow; "That woman, you are also playing smoke, come, let's have two hands!"

After saying, Wuyun fairy is directly killed for a group of black clouds!

This rainbow saw this, snorted, the corner of his mouth was smirk, she is playing smoke? It's a ridiculous!

The eye abuse in the sky is also flashing, this is ridiculed, I don't know if it is ridicuing the clouds, or the rainbow.

Rainbow and Wu Yunxian have also turned into black fog, hit together, black clouds rolling, constantly impact, there are Thunder lightning in roar, and we have a strange

The wind fairy blocked the world, and the rainfall was stopped.

The abuse is alone behind the back!

After looked at the abuse: "I don't think so, you have also begun to wake up. If I have not mistisred the wrong, you should be the violent and calm of the seven sin?"

I have a mousse, slightly tie: "It is a big witch, I have heard of you ... you are famous after we are still in us, but the name is more than us in this era. I am curious, what is your archery? Means, can you come out so prestigious! "

After a smile: "You will know!"

I'm smiling: "If you are willing!"

After that, I have turned it, I have just calm down, I have become violent in the next moment, and the loud noise behind it. The whole person is like a shell, and the shell is generally rushed!

Then there is no way to move at all, bent the bow!

At this moment, the heart of the abuse was mad, shocking, suddenly a change!


A feather arrow wiped the cheeks fly over, incident in the air, disappeared!

The abuse shocked: "Sure enough, a terrible arrow!"

After the brow wrinkled; "You also have some means, people who can escape my arrows may not have much."

"Not much? That's there is still ... then you have nothing to get!" The abuse kills again, this time is faster, but he doesn't go straight, but constantly transforming the orientation, trying to be close After killing!

In the distance, I saw this, huh, huh, hungry to the mysterious dragon lion in front of him: "Little guy, fight with women, it is not interesting, come, let's practice!" , Kaoyu's biggest meteor has gone!

The violent dragon lion is not good, after being provocative, directly give up the flourishing and kill the father!

Kaatu, haha ​​laughed, nor to avoid it, directly by the violent lion in the chest! As a result, this goods, open the bow on the spot, a mountain, take it on the head of the dragon lion!


The two loud sounds, the typhoid lion was turned in place, and the birth directly across them, took out a big set of sets in the neck of the typhoid lion, the violent lion came back, roaring, rush The sky, Zhao Feng haha ​​laughed: "This is a good, flying high! I am ... how to fall!"

After the hair is flying to the air, he hits it directly to the ground.

However, he forgot, riding him behind him! The flesh of the big witch may not be as good as the ancestral, but it is absolutely stronger than that is more stronger!



The violent dragon lion hits the earth, and his own brain is dizzy, and the karao behind him has no hair.

This is a great madness of the war, and the other side of the war.

The blood station is sitting in the top of the holy mountain.

Too two is called: "How can you not get on? Now, the battle is basically a flat, you will go up!"

In the middle of the mid-to-one, the real person said: "If you block the enemy is you, I am sure, anyway, you don't want your face. But they are different, they are all invincible, have their own self-esteem, I am inserting it is right. Their insults. "

The Star Wars storms, the rain is boiled in the rain, the stars explode, the power of terror is getting stronger and strong, and the ultimate two have to rush to higher high-altitude combat.

Everyone else is almost, all people in the fairy belong, even if they are bad, they don't want to dismantle your hometown.

With all these people, they have more and more people who are in the air of the Wild Stars. Similarly, the people who are touched by the fish also appear, and the public and universities of the city began to suffer challenge! There will be a lot of money in the movement of those people. So, in the inside of Zhou City.

In the middle of the way, "," , your army can be used, all into the city to take the opportunity to touch the sauce to catch the dog! They like to do things, let them give us a mine! "

"Goodle!" immediately responded, she looked up at the end from her head, she has been inserted. Today, there is a place where it is used, and I will not be like a idiot, how can I not happy? .

Chapter 516 Bunny's Fist

After leaving, the business sheep and Qin Yuan also went to help, and it will be too big in the city!

The river did not participate, but it disappeared, and didn't know what to do.

The middle of the middle is standing on the sky, looking at the clothes, looking at the direction of Wang Yue Mountain, muttering self-probing: "Bho rabbit, how is your side ... Feel the battle of the saints, Jiha ..."

"What is the junction?" At this time, a familiar voice sounded in the middle of the middle, and the middle of the middle was shocked. When he turned, he saw that Qin Shou didn't know when it came back, and he stood behind her. A face of a face.

Block Zhang Xiaoxi Road; "You ... Are you so fast?"

Qin Shou two eyes turned: "What is it? My rabbit is my lasting ... Men's most taboo is fast!"

In the middle of the red, I glared in Qin Shouyi: "Less heel with me! Have you succeeded?"

Qin Shou nodded and shakes his head and shakes: "How to say, I have been taken by things under the moon mountain, and I can't get it yet, but I've been happy."

Holder: "Fast to the hand, that is, there is no hand? Means, there is a bigger crisis behind?"

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