The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is the jade rabbit 1070

Qin Shou smiled and said: "I am very hard to come back. Can you say something happy?" Said that Qinshou is upstairs.

The bloody little waist.

The sluggish struggle two times, the results were surprised to find that Qin Shou's power was extremely huge, she could not take off!

Qin Shou Road; "Don't move, let me hold, I like this feeling."

There is no movement, and two people are row.

Qin Shou looked at the sky, looked at the explosion of Jiuyi, all kinds of magical means constantly blooming all kinds of brilliance, like a large smoke, very beautiful.

The middle of the side is silently looked at Qin Shou. After reading a long time, he also looked up his day, whispered: "You grow taller."

Qin Shou nodded: "" Not only grows, it is still growing. Men can do it ... ".

The middle and life can be heard, but she is also used to it, and Qin Shou's mouth will always talk about some words.

I don't know if I am in Qin Shou's arms, whisper: "Your guy is still so poor. Do you not worry about the fight above?"

Qin Shou shook his head: "Worry? I am not worried at all, you should worry for those guys."

"What do you mean?" .

Qin Shouxi handed wrist: "Because the rabbit, I have to do it!"

Next moment, Qin Shou disappeared!

Then, a loud noise in the sky, the rain dragon in the rain, then one person is like a meteor to fall from the sky!


In the mountains, I didn't climb out again!

"Rainstorm!" The wind fairy saw this, roaring.

"You still care about him? You still care about yourself!" Qin Shou suddenly appeared in front of the wind! A punch has smashed the past!

The temperament of the wind is a wind, want to avoid!


"One force breaks the way, let you change, I am playing your own source, go down!" Qin Shouyi punched in the wind! This should be immune to physically attacked the hazy screaming, falling from the wind, and the chest is completely wear! Zhang with a big mouth, spitting blood!

Qin Shou continued to solve two guys, is preparing to deal with Wu Yunxia, ​​the black clouds that the clouds that the clouds in the cloud suddenly disappeared!

Then the black fog gathers, there is only one rainbow in the air!

Think about the way of rainbow killing, Qin Shou knows that the black cloud fairy is completely dead!

Dark Emperor, the world, two people saw this, and a ghost expression looked at Qin Shou.

Shi Zun said: "How long does it take time, your strength is so powerful ... really let me not reply."

Qin Shou smiled: "When the three days, when it looks at it, it is better to see for so many years."

Xinghuang shook his head: "I will start to understand now, why there are saints to kill you! The potential of your guy is too terrible ..."

Qin Shou smiled, didn't say it, look my back, I called: "Uncle, I want to help?"

After shaking the head: "I am okay ..."

On the other side, abuse returns, strength is getting stronger, but he can't get close to it! Because each time is too close, he has a feeling, and then it is going to be shot! He has been looking for opportunities, but finds that it is as good as the mountain, but it is not warm but always maintains the power of killing hits! Let the abuse come.

Today, his helper has been hit by Qin Shou. He also knows that the trend has been going, suddenly a roar, a boxing is empty!

At the same time, the body is like a shell, through this power, instantly!

"Want to go ?!" After the eyes flashed a cold, he did not go to the emulsion of the emulsion, and the bow was very satisfactory directly!

Ren Boxing hit it, he is on the body bloom, and it is not moving!


Next, the arrow is flying out, the sky has passed a dragon, a Canglong runs through the void, disappearing in the distance!


The horizon of the sky, the scream of the body, the body is almost fell, but it is still ran again by him.

The speed of abuse is extremely fast, and Qin Shou wants to chase it. It is already too late, can't help but say: "The power of this guy broke out was really scared, and the speed of running is also so fast ..."

Rainbow Road: "The more violent strength, the strength of his strength is full of explosive, the explosive power is very powerful! In the seven people, only the town can suppress him."

Qin Shou nodded: "No wonder this guy is so arrogant. I didn't expect that you turned out to be a seven gods."

Rainbow shakes his head: "It's not going to be hurt, I have been sleeping, and I woke up."

Kwai has also ran over, bitter, face: "Rabbit, how do you let abuse run? The guy is too babard, and it is necessary to take his MA mother to him. ! "After the finish, the sun waved the little fist and the face is not good!"

Qin Shou knew the head of the smock, laughed: "Well, let you make you in the next time!"..

Chapter 517 Sapphire Secret


Kwai said: "Let's behave!"

After falling, I'm going to Qin Shou Road: "Rabbit, you come over, I have something to tell you."

Qin Shou made everyone a little wait, followed.

After that, I have just let everyone understand a truth. The strength of this guy is only the most horrible! Of course, there are some except Qin Shou, and Qin Shou's strength is strong and some of them. But you can't say that after you are not as good as Qin Shou, you will have no full effort, no one knows where his limits are.

Qin Shou and then left, and the middle school was immediately invited to rest in the holy mountain with the identity of the hostess. As for the praise ...

Everyone sweeps an eye, and the excitement of riding in a violent dragon is called. The two guys will hit a mountain, and they did not stop. ...

Everyone understands that this guy does not tamped the dragon lion, and she won't come over, so I just ignored him.

There is no name mountain in a certain place, and Qin Shou followed behind him.

"Uncle, you are looking for me. Is there anything? Is there anything in their face?" Qin Shou asked curiously.

After the end: "Yes, this can only you know, others know, will only bring them to kill!"

Qin Shou wondered, and suddenly, he asked: "What do you mean?"

After a waving, a stone was shared, sat up, said: "You also sit down, I have a lot of things to tell you today, but you have to remember, don't talk to others! Unless otherwise The strength reached you me! "

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