The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 1071

Qin Shou sat down and waited for the back of the back.

"Rabbit, you know why I swim around the land in the fairy world, not like other people like other people, saying that Wang Weiben?"

Qin Shoudao: "Isn't it because of Uncle, you have a narrow sense of intestine, save the bore?"

Then, but shake his head: "That can only say that there is an accompanying behavior, the world is suffering, it is not a person can solve. I keep it because I have always had a task. Looking for a person! "

"A person?" Qin Shouzhen.

After watching the sky: "Yeah, find an extremely terrible existence! Long Feng robbery, dragon, the Phoenix people have strong, and finally because of that person, it is flying as a gray."

Qin Shou's consciousness called: "Lingbao Tianzun?"

After watching Qinshou Road: "How can you think of this guy?"

Qin Shudao: "I listen to people say that Longfeng robbery seems to have a relationship with the people, and the rise of the people seems to have a relationship with Lingbao Tianzun ..."

Then, the slightly said: "Lingbao Tianzun is indeed a enchanting, a person support

Located the sky of the people of the ethnic monk, standing against the stress of the dragon and phoenix, and even Qin Shou killed many dragon and phoenix, but still let the dragon and phoenix two people have no choice but to compromise. But this person I want to say, I will be terrible than Lingbao Tianzun ... "

"Who?" Qin Shou is curious, there is still such a horrible person, is it a saint? However, what is the hate that the saints will happen?

After the head: "I don't know, the ancestors did not say, but they said, that person almost destroyed the fairy!"

Qin Shou took a breath, and the heart flashed a bad idea, whispered: "You said that I almost destroy the fairy world, what does this mean? The land fairy is a saints, who can destroy?"

After the end of Qin Shouyi: "If, the saints can't do?"

Qin Shou's heart suddenly turned up: "What is the possibility of saints?"

After the way: "In fact, this is too powerful ... Strong to even if he has disappeared so many years, the ancestors are not willing to mention his name. Just use that person to replace ..."

Qin Shoudao: "Then do you tell me these things?"

After the road: "Your strength has already stepped into the virtual level, all the masters of the virtual level should know this news, then ... vigilance around, find all suspicious people, find him, kill him!"

"Uncle, you are teasing me? If I do this, I will kill him?"

Qin Shou called.

After he shakes his head: "If he is in the whole day, you certainly can't hear him, however, his current situation is very subtle, when a war, he went to Chaos to chaos, then there was no news. Some people say He has been with you with you. Some people say that he is not dead.

However, in the previous period, Fuxi had his breath and prove that he is still alive! So, in any case, we have to find him, kill him! Stimulate all crises in the cradle. Today's land fairy is not going to have a distinctive battle. "

Qin Shou touched the chin, the eyebrows were locked. He thought that this time returned to the fairy world, you can let go of the heart, the saint is against others, he is really not afraid! But Qin Shou will not think that this is still not finished! An old BOSS is hidden near ...

During the world, this name will know that it will be a very horrible battle! One is not good, everyone has to finish!

Qin Shoudao: "Uncle, then, have you been looking for so long?"

After shaking his head: "No, the other person is hidden too deeply, I didn't find any spider silk."

Qin Shou smiled; "Well, I will help you find it. Yes, uncle, you said that you mean? Is it not the highest level?"

After the end: "Yadheng is the highest, the next step is to Sheng. The virtual level I said is my own understanding, it is divided into it. You can feel your flesh, soul and the road. State, is there a kind of caught too much, but there is a kind of virtuality, touch? "

Qin Shou closed his eyes, carefully induced, and sure, he can almost see all the way throughout the world! But these are unspeakable, and Qin Shou is really going to catch, but when you understand, you can't catch it. But don't grab, they will come over, then let Qin Shou's a little feeling ... this feeling is very weird! .

Chapter 518 is not on the mountain

Not in the array of mountains

After the road: "Ignore, between the Sheng and Saints, the level does not exist. But people who can go to this step, the combat power will be much more powerful than the general, and I don't know how I don't know, and I will be a step. One step self-comprehension. People who arrive at the virtual realm are qualified to be sanctified. Just need an opportunity! "

Qin Shou was shocked: "Uncle, after the uncle, can you become?"

After you shake your head: "I can't do it, it is already my limit. I won't keep it. I can't keep up. When you are you, there is a chance, come on, this world, there is more saint."

Qin Shou nodded: "I understand, right, uncle, what is the ancestor? Is it also empty?"

After shaking the head: "The ancestral witch did not level, the ancestors were ancestral, their flesh is a piglet, congenital powerful, not afraid of any attack. Even if it is a saint, it is difficult to destroy their flesh. Once the same is a plate ancient, so even It is a saint, in the face of a single ancestor, will also be commensurate with Taoist friends. But, like, the ancestral card is unable to further advance in a level. This is also an advantageous disadvantage ... "

Qin Shou expressed understanding, that is, the ancestors are no saints without a holy!

However, Qin Shou immediately had another doubt, weak and weak: "

What is the strength of the brother, the uncle and the Emperor Emperor? "Qin Shou seemed to remember, the legend of the star, the emperor and the Emperor Taiyi were fighting twelve ancestors in the Lich Wan! Although the twelve ancestors have been missing, they are indeed dead. Many ancestors!

After looked at the sky: "Emperor and Emperor Taiyi are the true spirits born in a chaotic flame in the world. They born with the will of the heavens and the earth! They may ratio Don't go to the saint, but it is really good to be on the ancestral, and it is hard to say ... "

Qin Shou took a cold airway; "Is it so strong?"

Qin Shou suddenly understood, why did the East Emperor have played with the emperor to let Qin Shou play, and also understand why the ancestors of the Zeng Peng's ancestors are not taking it. It is just a very high grasshopper! If it is not a saint, two people have already taken him!

Qin Shou This is similar to the situation. In the scope of the two people, it is natural to make Qin Shou. But now the situation seems to have changed, Qin Shou has begun to jump out of the circle ...

After the end of Qin Shou, it seems that Qin Shou is worried about what, huh, huh, you don't have to worry, their hearts don't think so narrow, they will accommodate. I was broken in order to exchange forces.

Santed possibilities. It can't become holy, their roads are almost here, and the future of the future is gone, and how can you have a friend who has the opportunity to be born with you? "

Qin Shou shocked: "Their road is there?"

After the sigh: "Yes, break. In the past, two people were in the road to pursue the road of saints, and they went on a road that no one walked. The result is that the road is actually cliff, and they can't go, they are there."

Qin Shou immediately thought that the scene of the Great, the ancient times, it seems to be the limit of strength, the limits of the flesh, that is, Qin Shou's current flesh! But Qin Shouming feels, that road is wrong, it is likely to be a cliff! But this cliff is a bit far away.

There is also a cliff, which is left, and the road, Qin Shou can't see it. He only knows self-contained heavens and the earth, but then? Can you become a sanctuary?

Just then, Jiang from flying, the big old and far greeted Qin Shou, after falling, then said: "I checked clearly, this is not a problem in the mountain!"

Qin Shouzhen said: "What do you mean by Jiang from Uncle? This is not on Yushan now is my chassis ..."

Jiang Zhiyou said: "It doesn't matter to you, some people are in the mountains!"

Qin Shou wondered, suddenly remembered a person, called: "No thoughtful!"

"Isn't he died?" I asked after being confused.

Qin Shoudao: "Dead is dead, but he has been planning, he said many times, he has been here. But after this old man died, I paid all over all things, and I didn't find anything. Special things. However, there is a very special, but I can't open it. "

"What?" Jiang Zone.

Qin Shou took out a picture: "It is this, and when you don't think about it. It seems to be another world, it is also a mysterious place in the fairy world. In short, he will never It will bring a lot of stone. It is the kind of stone that gambling stone square, which is provided to other people's gambling. "

After carefully observing the spool carefully, the results have been seen for a long time, but only shook their heads.

Jiang Zi also watched it carefully, and shakes his head: "This is the Tiandi Weaving map, using Tiandao intertwined, created the door. No password, no one can't go ... Even if it is a saint, it is necessary to spend a lot of hands and feet. OK. The origin of this thing will be the same mystery, Tianxians and many changes are integrated, but there are few treasures between heaven and earth. "

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