The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the jade rabbit 1073

Too seconds: "Anyway, I think so, as for the truth, I have to investigate it. I don't say it. I said that I said to sleep, this big half night, I didn't sleep. A kind ... "

Too second is left, Qin Shou can't sleep, how do you sleep? There seems to be more and more problems in front of you ...

The next day, the sky was bright, and Qin Yuan came.

"Shantou, this is a dry? Is there something? Do you say anyone?" Qin Shou looked at the appearance of Qinyuan and asked.

Qin original smile: "There is something wrong, but this, I think it is not a good thing."

"How do you say this?" Although Qin Shou asked, there was an idea.

"My teacher said to me, he wants to see you." Qinyuan Road.

Qin Shou brows wrinkled: "Tongtian's teacher? That two five more? He wants to see me?

Qin Shou's pairs of Tongtian is a hundred and twenty uncomfortable! Before the front, Tongtian, the teacher has already pitted him twice! Although these two are all in his expectations, he is still unhappy!

Qinyuan smiled, said: "To be honest, I don't want you to see him. But I have to bring it ..."

"You are afraid that I have been eaten by your master?" Qin Shouton was happy.

Qin Yuan nodded: "Well ... last time he shot, you want to kill you, if you go alone, I am afraid ..."

Qin Shou shook his head: "He wants to kill me, I will kill it directly. If you use this means to lie to me, if he kills me, his face is lost. Moreover, he can't kill me!"

Qin Shou said this, the eyes flapped!

Qinyuan was surprised: "What does you mean this? Do you really want to see him?"

Qin Shou smiled: "Why don't you see? I also want to know how this second five is said!"

"You are crazy ..." Qin Yuan called.

Qin Shou ha laug laughed, and I took Qin Yuan into the arms, laughed: "You worry about me? Why, as a rabbit, my lady, just believe in his husband?"

"Who ... Who is your lady ... Search, it is not good. I am ... oh.

, I am worried about you, you can't go! "Qin original gas drums.

Qin Shou waved the door to the door, Qin Yuan suddenly had a bad premonition to run, Nai Qin Shou's power, pulling Qin Yuan, do not let her go, turning over her pressing her, said: " What? I can still eat you, run away? I told you something to do. "

"Is it right? Do you say that you can go up from me beforehand?" Qinyuan strive to hide Qin Shou, and the two people are very fast.

Qin Shou stared at Qinyuan's eyes, whispered: "No, this is, you must say this. I have been here for so long. Is it a child?"

"Well?" Qin Yuan said, the boss, etc., but unfortunately, she hasn't waited for her to say that Qin Shou has kissed it.

Kinyuan's head is blank, she has not experienced her personnel, I don't know how to deal with it. resist? But why should I resist? Don't she like him? Do not resist? Also shy ...

Qin Shou won the chasing, and the big hands were extremely skilled. After a while, they will strip the original lamb. Qinyuan regretted has been too late, Qin Shou flops on her, whispered: "You are mine, so you are destined to escape my hand."

Qinyuan is red, whispered in Qinshou Ear: "Um ... don't escape ..."

Qin Shou wondered, and smiled happier.

I went out, the door is from left to right, sitting on the business sheep, rainbow, sunflower, wins! Liu Shuangyin looked at him with his eyes, except for the other five women.

It's all the obstacles!

Qin Shoufun scratched: "That ..."

"Don't talk! It is now a family bought room!" The sun is first called.

Qin Shou Bar, the mouth: "Who is chance?" ..

Chapter 521, goodbye, no trust

Goodbye Nothing Virgin

"Of course it is you! Carrying us ... you ... you ..." The sunflower is still the appearance of the mouth of the drum, the result is the focus, but will not say, the small face is very popular.

"You are you, no words, just listen." Qin Shou quickly mastered the initiative.

As a result, the business sheep opened: "Rabbit, good youth can't waste in bed, then say, we are waiting for you, do you mean not to come out in the room?"

There is something in this obvious!

Unfortunately, Qin Shou is not those rookie, Zhang Wei said: "It is reasonable, the problem is, life is in the nest."

At this time, the face of the girl is red, and the heart is rogue.

Qin Shou saw this, smiling: "Look at your expression, you know that you don't believe, if you don't believe, the rabbit will take you to see? Who will come first? Hey ... How come?"

"Stinking!" The sun is back, and it has made a face against Qin Shou.

Qin Shou spanned, smiled happily, whispered: "A group of little girl, I still want to fight with the rabbit?"

At this moment, Dongfeng ran in and said: "The king, the two demon emperors invite you to go to the Tiantian."

Qin Shou nodded: "Okay, I know, you will answer the outside official, just say that the Tongtian teacher invites me to the Bishi Palace, I will pass a trip first, then I will see the two demon emperors."

"Ah? Oh ... yes!" Although Dongfeng is a little surprised, the demon is orthodox, such a straightforward refusal, it is estimated that no one is dry. But let's think about it, although the Tongtian Lord is unwilling to Qin Shou, but it is a saint! The face of the saints is always given.

So, Dongfeng went down.

Qin Shou flew over the air, straight to the Best Palace of Penglai Island.

In the Tianding, there is a demon emperor.

"Tongtian teacher invites the rabbit to the Bi Tour?" Emperor is too surprised to look at the emperor.

Emperor Hands nodded: "Well, this is not wrong. What do you think is the purpose of this rabbit?"

"What can I, I still have to pass him to the Bishi Palace, let the world know that it is troublesome to create trouble, let him start with him. Relative to the thoughts of the rabbit, I care more Tongtian's idea, what do he think? On both sides ... "East Huang Tianyi is unhappy. This time, if it is not a Tongtian's pedicure halfway, even directly inverting the Geo, not there, there will be so many moths.

The battle of the saints has been scared throughout the fairyland. Now the calm, most of them are scared! The saints are shot, who is still a chaos?

But this peace, can not be seen by two demon emperors! The bigger the sage's situation, the worse the heavens, which is easy to grab the power of the heavens! If the heavens and earth are decentralized, then this fairyland is not far from chaos.

Emperor smiled; "Although I don't know the idea of ​​Tongtian, I know, he will not be how the rabbit. Instead, there is a rabbit! The rabbit is probably not only dangerous, not only I will also get a back. "

"Hey ... What are you sure?" Emperor is too embarrassing.

Emperor, launched: "Look at it ... right, some people say that the rabbit is slow, I am proud, what do you think?"

"The Ministry of the Minister of the Minister of the Ministry of the Minister of the Criminal Minister? The people of those who are the ancestors should be cleaned. At this time, they don't have a long eyes. I can't see the big trend of the Tiand, and I still want to stir the talents. When I really don't know the life!" The Emperor is too cold.

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