The old man is a jade rabbit

The wilderness of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 1074.

The emperor smiled and didn't say anything. The Emperor of the Emperor can be so relieved. He is really afraid that the Emperor is too angry, and the rabbit is full of trouble.

Emperor is too paramonds, shakes the head: "Emperor, I am bigger than you, but I am not angry, there are also belly.

Point places, to have the next jumping rabbit. "

Emperor Jun said: "Then I am relieved ... come, I will pass the four-party emperor to go to the Biyou Palace! Well, the Ministry of Criminals check those guys who are dedicated everywhere!"


At this moment, Qin Shou did not fly very much, he was waiting, and then accelerated. Anyway, Tongtian Church is just inviting him, nor does it say when you must arrive!

Although Qin Shou fell to him, he won't be his hand, but it is always good.

At this moment, the west flying a team of horses, purple gold horses, silk, quartet, more than a dozen maids, both sides of the guards, followed. A woman is sitting on the account, a white hair, black dress, and the face is a long-awaited, it is an acquaintance!

Qin Shou saw this, immediately got up, call: "No coming, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

The coming people are not as the Virgin. When I saw Qin Shou, I didn't say a smile in the Turndon: "Rabbit, don't call my sister, I am afraid that I will go back from the teacher. You this The guy is too trouble ... this time you go? "

Qin Shounhen, smiled, no Danju's teacher, the teacher, is one of the four disciples of Tongtian.

. Qin Shou and Tongtian 's prostitutes have a stiff thing, and now people know, and the Virgin is naturally known.

However, the Virgin Manta is also to say, while complaining about him, pace the bedside, obviously gives Qin Shou to the place.

Qin Shou is also welcome, smashing the shoes, a buttocks are sitting up, smiling: "Hey, we have made each other, the fight, the fight, the drink, the contradiction, the contradiction can't be ignorant, right. I have no anesthes this time, that is, your old man wants to see me, I am not the idea of ​​this, the farting of the jade, the arrive of the swift, is it? You? Where? "

Non-Dan Shang listened, Suddenly be happy by Qin Shou: "What is your friends, the teacher is my Master, Master's things are naturally apprentice. However, since my Master invites you, then you are guest I am going back to teacher, I didn't expect to go to you. Also, your guy is not covered, it is not afraid of provoking trouble? ".

Chapter 522, goodbye


Qin Shou did not matter, "I haven't seen it. I have to be afraid. I am afraid. Just shine, I have no problem with the hurdles? Oh, this bed, really not small, lying comfortable ... no teacher You can really enjoy. The Golden Gimbus can enjoy this. This is true, what is this scent? "

Rao is a Non Daddy who is used to the wind and waves, and now I have encountered such a splash rabbit, but also. This empire is her own alone, almost no other people have come. This break is made up of this rabbit because she is very clear, she does not let, this goods will also be coming, it is better to be generous.

As a result, I didn't expect that the wolf entered the room, and this goods actually asked her bed for her! Also covered her exclusive quilt! As for the scent, which fairy will use perfume? In addition to the fragrance, can you still have?

Just this, the Virgin is not good to say, white Qin Shouyi: "You this rabbit, don't be too much, get up, sit down. Roll in my bed, you will follow it!"

Qin Shou smiled, sat up: "Well, I am not lying, sitting in the general rule? No time to sister, what eye is you?" I don't have it? "

"What do you sit with my quilt?" Nuffly the Taoist called.

Qin Shoudao: "This is not too high, the wind is big, I am afraid of cold."

"! If you can freeze you, you are all dead. Don't know how many times. Don't play with me, let go of the quilt, the old man sitting, or you will go to you!" Eat him this set. Nothing, the Virgin, frin, in the era, is a symbol of a time, a peerless beauty! If it is seen, her quilt is wrapped by a shameless rabbit, and it is unclear into the Tianhe ...

Qin Shou helplessly, I had to put down the quilt, poor Baba looked at the Notadae: "Nothing to be sister, you are too embarrassed, so cold days, how do you mean to freeze? Do you want to cross? Forget it? Hey, there is something to say, take out the knife, the god horse is a bit unfriendly. Well, we are sitting on our own. "

Non Damn, the Virgin saw Qin Shou honestly, this is relieved, said: "You haven't worry about the big brain in the last time, and it is not a lot of good things."

Qin Shou smiled; "What is the birthday of the old guy? Well, doing a funeral, I have to give him a funeral, no way to sister, you have a gift to send, I will give it to me. "

"You ..." Nothing was a bitter smile, nor did you say that Qin Shou is better.

Then two people opened the topic and chatted. Qin Shou is the least segment. When you throw it out, you will be smirked, and the Virgin of the Mad, and the Virgin is given to Qin Shou. Some of his interesting things. The more people talk more

Happy, time is also fast.

Soon, I went to Penglai Island and dropped the clouds.

"Rabbit, your guy is interested, if you have time, come to the sister's Lushan sitting, I have a few hands to take a good dish." Nuffered the Virgin.

Qin Shou took a head and guaranteed that it was idle.

I bid farewell to the Non Damn, Qin Shou's familiar house, the rushing road, the result is not far away, I will see the Dinnamili drums from the distance.

Qin Shou quickly tried his call; "Jinling big sister, you are this? Who bullied you? Say to the rabbit, the rabbit master helps you!"

The Jinling Virgin saw Qin Shouton, and then did not cool: "You are afraid to be helpless, my Master let me go down the mountain, but also say that I am buffing ... Hey, I am bothering me. Right, Rabbit, how come you? "

Qin Shou smiled: "Your old man is looking for me, I will come. But your business, I really help, you don't go, just wait for me." Looking back, I told you. "

The Golden Virgin heard the words, and his eyes loured; "Really?"

Qin Shou patted his chest: "Must! Rabbit, I am not a bunny that year, now it is a big rabbit.

, Long guns and sky, sweep the world. "

"Hey, don't you like to play people with fists or take the radish? When will I change the gun?" The Millennant of the Golden is.

Qin Shou smiled, the thief of the thief: "There are a few people who will not use guns. This is born. I will talk to you again. Your old man is waiting, I will go to him, go. "

After that, Qin Shou hurried, led the Mao Lunar, and took him a grandson!

When Qin Shou is far away, the Jinde Mado is thinking of Qin Shou, why do you feel a little is not a taste, whitelo: "How do you listen to this ... What do you mean? No, I have to go Looking for someone to ask ... Who is looking for ... Yes! No When the sister is coming back today, I will ask her! "

All the way to high, Qin Shou once again saw the Tongtian, who was sitting on the clouds.

Qin Shou saw Tongtian's leader and saw three times, but every feeling is different.

For the first time, he is playing.

Second, he came to talk about trading.

This third time, Qin Shou did not know how to define it.

Tongtian's teacher did not sit in the play, but a floating fish pond in front of him, holding fish rods, fishing in the leisurely fishing.

Qin Shou took the past, pulling open the Tongtian's fish, and the result is not!

Qin Shou bar is a mouth: "Uncle Tongtian, your fishing technology is just off, Mao is not a."

Tongtian teacher heard, brow, wrinkle, cold, said: "Rabbit, you and my current relationship is not more than, if you are so rude, do you have a slap in the palm of you, send you to turn back!"

Qin Shou did not agree, sitting on the side of the Tongtian Church, directly took out a net, sprinkled into it, and took a group of fish! Tongtian teacher, the eyelids are straight! .

Chapter 523 Who is inexpensive?

Who is it?

Qin Shou said: "Get it, Uncle Tongtian, who is you scratching? Let's talk about it, wait for the matter, you will pay for my loss."

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