The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the old man is the jade rabbit 1075

"Loss?" Tongtian's teacher has a little higher! At last time, although he shot, there is an ancient guardian Wang Yue Mountain, Wang Yue Mountain is Ni Mao, no hurt! What losses are there?

Qin Shoudao: "Yes! You don't know, I am coming back, I heard that the two saints ran to kill me, this is scared, there is no food in the three times!"

"You are just finished, not hungry!" Tongtian teacher was happy by this dead rabbit.

Qin Shou lazy way: "The reason why you are tube, you have to pay some compensation."

Tongtian teacher screaming: "You are really not afraid that I will shoot you?"

Qin Shou looked behind: "I am afraid that I will not come ..., I said, you are looking for me, isn't it to shoot me?"

Tongtian's teacher point: "It is a descendant of that bastard, your courage is bigger than normal rabbit. Still, I will talk to you."

"Just, how good is it." Qin Shou smiled, he would not yet, he is very curious, Tongtian's teacher is nothing to find him.

What? Now they are not on a boat, see more, in case it comes, how can I do it? Who is attracted?

Just when Qin Shou cranky thought, Tongtian teaches the main road: "Do you have a token of a Zijing Palace?"

Qin Shouzhen: "How do you know?"

Tongtian teacher laughed: "Of course, I know, just yesterday, the teacher let me pass on you, the next month, the Purple Palace, let you report."

Qin Shou has been really stunned. I thought it was a Tongtian Church Lord to find him. I didn't expect to be a Hongjun to find him! This can let Qin Shou have some sitting, this is too much! Hong Yucao!

In Qin Shou's memory, then the character of the first cattle after the opening day, from the opening day, it is the existence of the world's first person! Such existence has long been there. Like Tiandi Avenue, it is generally overlooking everything, ruthless, everything is in accordance with the rules.

Tongtian's teacher saw Qin Shouyi forced, and finally smiled and smiled: "I didn't expect this world to let you send it, prepare it, it is very fast for a month."

"Tongtian classmate, you don't like this, what is prepared, time is fast? How do you feel like a funeral to me?" Qin Shou said very uncomfortable.

Tongtian teaches Qin Shou, said: "Classmates?"

"Yeah, you see that we are studying together under the old ancestors of Hongjun, isn't it a classmate?" Qin Shou explained.

Tongtian teacher nodded slightly, followed by Qin Shou Miya, it was a fish, cold: "I am a saints, you are just a wild rabbit, how can you pay for yourself? Have you stayed at you? talk later!"

Qin Shou joked his mouth, did not agree with: "The line is line, then I will wait for me to say. Then, my question, you haven't answered it yet."

"Why do I answer you? Don't send it!" Tongtian's teacher waved in Qin Shou, Qin Shou only felt the sky, and the next moment was outside Peng Laizhi!

When Qin Shouton, the gas was taken by Penglai Island; "You don't answer a question, you don't answer the question, it is a day of the dog!"


It took a thunder to fall in front of Qin Shou.

Qin Shouyi god kung fu, I saw the Milley of the Jinling from far away!

Qin Shou quickly shut up, but the old, this little murdered, hurricar!

The Nikin Ming, the Virgin, as if he saw him, chasing all the way, Qin Shou helpless, stopped in half air; "Jinling

Big sister, you chase me? If you like me, you will say it. I will carry out the 8th chapes tomorrow. "

The Jinling Virgin is a red, angered: "Hey! The rabbit is not vomiting ivory! Bho rabbit, your honest explanation, what happened to me, how do you ask? Who is, no one? I just laugh and not explain it? Also, don't you say that I am solved? Solved? "

This series of questions, asked Qin Shou, the mouth of the train!

How does this gather explain? Do you want to tell the Millennium of the Jinling, this is to say, it is estimated that the Tank of the Jinling in front of him is not chasing the empty hand, but the knife is chasing the knife!

"Rabbit, you quickly explain it! ? How is your expression? Is there any problem?" Is there any problem? "The Millennium of Jinling seems to be realized.

Qin Shou hurriedly called: "No problem! Of course, no problem, um ... is like this, you do you?"

Jinling Virgin: "I asked no sister, Turtle sister and Duobao Master."

"They only laugh not talking?" Qin Shou asked.

Noddow Ninth.

Qin Shou nodded: "This is right, I ask you, a person runs over asking you two legs, how do you answer?"

One of the two eyes of the Jinling Virgin: "Is it asked so simple?"

"This is not enough, so simple questions, do you still use it? Male will play guns, is this difficult?" Qin Shou boards his hand.

"Really? Is it so simple?" The Dark Lady looked at Qin Shou.

Qin Shou has busy tangible: "It's so simple, no answer."

"Then you have gave me a look." The Mint of the Golden is not idiot, standing on the waist, and a small pepper is staring at Qin Shou.

Qin Shouton is forced, this intention is? Take off your pants? It is estimated that it is immediately!

Qin Shouqi cough, How to solve this problem, really can't be prepared to drag this gimmick to a cave, and demonstrate the real Qin family gun method. But he is not the same!

Just as Qin Shou thought, he was just flying, and Qin Shouton was happy. "Shen Gao leopard! You gave me!"

Shen Gala was scared, he didn't plan to find Qin Shou today, it's really just passing, I didn't expect it to meet Qin Shou, the stars, scared the legs, a black leopard, black leopard, the black leopard is going to run ! .

Chapter 524 picks two pairs of nights

"Run? You dare to run, I chase your home to interrupt your legs!" Qin Shou drunk, scared Shen Leopard and still dared to run.

Today, Qin Shou can be said to be a normedous, there are too many people who kill, and these people have a big background too much! Even, because he broke a holy battle! Under such a brilliant record, who dares to provoke Qin Shou?

Even those who have the saints support the waist.

The most interesting thing is that Qin Shou is a famous unreasonable. If you don't say it, you will kill people, so he is also known as violent rabbit, barbarian rabbit, blend rabbit ...

Shen Leopard smiled and came over and said: "I have seen the Sifang Emperor, the Golden Virgin."

"Shen Gala? Are you a disciple of Yuan Shi Tianzun? I heard that you will swim around the land in the fairy world, and you will have a big energy everywhere, and it is extremely good.

Shen Leopard laughed: "I am just a non-learning person, but I don't have to pay for the Tank of the Milley. I have a thousand miles away. I have no achievements, but I like to make a world."

The Tank of the Jinling was taken as a hit and a lot.

Qin Shou opened: "Shen Gao, where is your kid? Also, there is, bet, you have to eat shoes, you see me there is a variety of shoes, which pair you?"

Qin Shou finished, changed a lot of shoes, then hugged the arm, smiled, and laughed.

When Shen Leopard suddenly had a kind of impulse, he dared to Qin Shou, but he really didn't dare.

Qin Shou kills the wind, heavy rain, Wu Yun Sanxian night he saw that under the honest

Looking at the poor Baba, the Shengao leopard, Qin Shou suddenly passed: "If you don't want to eat, I have something, you have to handle it!"

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