The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit 1076.

So Qin Shou lost the problem of men playing a long gun, Shen Gao heard, suddenly became crying, such a yellow section wanted to explain clearly, it is not a simple problem. The most important thing is that the Tongli Virgin of the four disciples of Tongtian's four disciples is hooligan, and it is estimated that the entire land fairy is, but the rabbit dare to do it! He even doubts, how did Qin Shou lived from the Bishi Palace? Tongtian's teacher did not slap him!

Qin Shou Road; "No matter what method you use, explain it, this matter is like this

Over the past. Otherwise, today I will use crowbars to open your mouth, but also let you eat two pairs of Father's original shoes! "

After saying that Qin Shou did not pay attention to the Shen Gao replied, immediately to the Noter of the Jinling: "Jinling big sister, that, you don't know, this Shen Leopard walks the world, see how much knowledge is wide. Why don't you ask if you just ask? he?"

The Eye of the Jinder of the Jinling is bright, so I really asked the Leopard: "Shen Gao Leopard, you explain it to me @ # ¥ ... &"

Shen Galars heard the words, sinking: "Jin Ling Daoyou, in fact, this is very good, as the saying goes, the girl is born to be red, the boy is born to the dance gun. So, the man is good at playing guns, this It is very normal, there is nothing to explain. "

The Minsheng Virgin is flattened: "That's more to play ..."

Qin Shou is busy: "To the right, actually play, everything is cool ..."

Shen Leopard heard the words, suddenly rising red face, why is it from this rabbit mouth from this rabbit? I always feel weird ... Huanghuang ...

The most interesting thing is that the pure Golden Virgin actually followed!

Shen Gao leopard is saying that he knows that Qin Shou Hong knows more, but he doesn't know at all, this rabbit actually uses this means to pick up girl ...

Qin Shou saw the problem solved a wave: "Shen Leopard, don't you have anything? Hurry and go."

Shen Gala, listened to the head, and he had to go.

As a result, I walked two steps, I heard the Milley of the Jinling called; "Taoist friends please stay!"

How to listen to such a familiar with the Shengao leopard, look back: "What?"

Toward of Jinling: "Rabbit, do you just say that there is a gamble? He is lost, then you will eat shoes ... Taoist, you choose one pair, I haven't seen others to eat shoes ... "

Shen Leopard heard the words, the face was green, and the look of Qin Shou, eyeliner, a pair of help with hope.

Qin Shouqi cough, twisted the head, waved the hand: "That, Shen Gao Leopard friends, men, talk, splashing water, if you don't pick it back, or you have to eat?"

Shen Gala is almost crying, this dead rabbit is too unspeakable, too no reputation! At the same time, the sound is given to Qin Shou: "Rabbit, you play me? Let me not believe I will explain your words again?"

Qin Shou two eyes; "Hey, do you still threaten the rabbit master? Let me not believe that the rabbit will catch you, give you a hundred pairs of shoes as a grain?"

Shen Galay listened, suddenly soft: "Can you play me like this?

Qin Shou thinks too, I have promised people's things, and then refuse to regret it. So I turned back: "I haven't played you, I said to do it, say not let you eat, don't let you eat. Just Not letting you go, now the situation is no longer me to eat, it is the Golden Spirit to make you eat! So, you can't rely on me. "

"Then I do?" Shen Gao also knew that it is useless with this rabbit. It can only be summed.

Qin Shou wanted to think, open the mouth: "Shen Gao Leopard said, there is a hurry, this way, you pick two pairs to take it back as night,."

Schend: "@ # ¥ # ... && ×"

What else is the Golden Virgin, Qin Shou quickly pulled the Golden Turndo to the side: "Your old man is not letting you come out to ferry? My method is very simple, you follow me, I protect you? "

"You protect me?" The Madunda of the Golden Spirit was immediately transferred.

Shen Gao sees this, just pick two pairs of shoes, jump on the leopard, and ran away.

Qin Shoudao: "No?" ..

Chapter 525


The Golden Spirit is scratched: "The question is, my master is to let me find you, saying that my robbery is on you."

Qin Shou: "23 ¥ # @ ... &"

Qin Shou squatted in his heart, and the 18th generation of the people of Tongtian, if there is anything ... Qin Shou finally understands, this Tongtian's teacher see him, the conversation is still the next, the fundamental reason is to let Qin Shou helped him. Apprentice!

It is no wonder that Tong Tian's teacher will throw Qin Shou, this is afraid of being knocked the bamboo bar!

Qin Shou is not happy, not happy!

So, Qin Shou's Taoist Taoist said: "This, you are waiting for me for a while ... I will come!"

"Where are you going?"

"Looking for your old age! Take me the nursery, and give me a lot of blood, not a big bleeding?"

"I heard that the Biyou Palace must be a month!"

"Tongtian's old man, your uncle, you are jealous!" Qin Shou ran to half a road and folded back, Fengshan, must not enter, Qin Shou can't stand in the door? However, Qin Shou refers to thinking about it, watching the Cute Golden Virgin, this goods

Laugh, heart: "Good ... You take the rabbit master as you have suffering, the rabbit, I will dig your corner, soak your disciple, let you lose the lady again!"

When Qin Shou thought, he suddenly been forgotten, it seems that he has been in the disciple of making people ...

Qin Shou grouped to the Bund of the Dinnada, the thief smiled: "Jinling, you are coming out, that, your master doesn't give you a baby?"

Jinling Virgin: "Yes! Give me a virtual Bao Longhu Yu Ruyi to defend, when you can protect my week."

"Virtual? What is this?" Qin Shouzhen.

The Taoist Taoist Taoist: "You don't know this? The virtual is actually the eight-day Xuanhuang to treasure. It is only better to use the material, and the internal contained the power of the saints, or the other world of heavens, the power is second only to nine heavens Xuanhuang Huibao, full outbreak can explode the power of Jiu Zhen Xuanhuang to Baobao in a short time, but it has been used. But this kind of baby is a big kill, so it is called the virtual treasure. "

When Qin Shouton, there is a virtual level, and it is almost the situation of this virtual treasure. It is not to reach the realm of the saints, and the kind of forces.

Qin Shou immediately said: "Your baby is like? Take it to me?"

The Milled Virgin is vigilant to the Qinshi Road: "My Master said, go out to prevent fire fight against the bunny! There is no baby.

Can you see you, otherwise you will be grabbed. "

Qin Shou heard the words, the two eyes turned over, "said this old man when I am a rabbit? Is there a person like? He is really a dog, day or husk! Let the rabbit master me He protects the disciples, but it is still so dark ... no, I am not willing, wait for a while! "

After that, Qin Shou ran.

Not long after, Qin Shou Shen is refreshed back.

Asked the Milley of the Jinling; "What did you just do?"

"Didn't do it, let's go, go home!" Qin Shou pulled the Milley of the Jinling.

I have to ask about what I have to ask, I heard a roar after hearing: "Sad bun, you gave me back! Dare to frozen into ice in my Penglai Island, I still don't tell you, I knock out your third Hand leg! "

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "Tongtian classmates, don't be excited! The age is big, too excited to hurt! Your uncle, let me fight free work, don't give money, live!"


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