The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 1077

A purple thunder dropped, Qin Shou smiled in one!

As a result, this carpet made a few full, the heart is amazed, and the saint is a saint, even if it reaches the virtual level.

In the face of a thought of the saints, it is still so hard! Qin Shou once again feels deeply, not the meaning of the sentence of the sacred antite.

However, this Thunder is not really used to smash Qin Shou, and the internal contained a complete purple Thunder, this is also a wage in Tongtian's teacher to Qin Shou.

Take the heavens for salary, it is estimated that all the world, and only the saints can do.

There are wages, there is a benefit, and there is beautiful no bubble. If it is successful, there is a virtual treasure as a dowry, Qin Shouton is beautiful.

Not Zhaoshan, no week.

Qin Shou took the Milley of the Jinling, it was arrested by the sunflower.

The sun ran immediately and called: "Rabbit, where did you turn back a beautiful sister!"

Qin Shou did not pinch the little face: "What is the turn, this is one of themselves. This is one of the four disciples of the Jinling, the four disciples of the Tongtian, will stay in our family in the future. You are first Get start, help her know? "

When I listened to the disciple of Tongtian, the sun became a small wild cat, called: "Disciple of Tongtian Wall grass? How is it to come to our home?"

The Milley, the Virgin of the Jinling, is unhappy, and said: "What is the wall grass? How do you talk?"

"Isn't it? Don't you talk to our rabbits, and then jump to Yuan Shi Tianzun to deal with our rabbit! No principled wall grass!" The sunflower is in the waist, a small princess.

The Golden Virgin heard the words, I really don't know how to refute.

Under the trend, everyone is clear, this is not authentic.

However, Qin Shou took the brain's head: "Okay, you know. You know. You also said, that is, the teacher owes us, not Jin Ling owes us, one yard Code. Your advanced door, take out some seniors. "

Subsequently, Qin Shou journal: "Your hoe gives me a savvy point, know that she is a Tongtian Church owner doesn't show me? The enemy is put under the eye of the eyelid, and it is more safe, um, Bless help me Take information, if she can make her fill, it is estimated that it can be mad and sacrifice. Can we don't die? "

Kwats have listened, suddenly came to the spirit, the small head nodded again: "If you say what you said, then, I am ."

Jinling Virgin as a hundred and eighty degree big turn, plus a sunflower is just a little girl, and it is also unsatisfactory, and the sun is shaking hands, then two people don't know what to talk, no one Will open it. Kwai is a little girl, and the Jinling is also simple, and the two make a piece. Qin Shou suddenly found that this is not awkward. .

Chapter 526 and?

and then?

I entered the gate, I saw a scene that made Qin Shou's headache.

"I said yes, you are coming in the city, how can I refute my opinion!" A foot typing on the chair, bending over the eyes, staring at the old and autumn, sitting in the eyelid Don't lift the hook.

Towards the trend: "I am not a harmonious, I just came to experience, I have to go back to the sky. I don't want to take your dragon princess's shelf. Try to look at me, I am more distinguished, I can be more than you. Noble. "

, the eyes are bigger!

Tinch Chen continues; "The eyes are very big, oh ... you have been in adulthood, look at people, you are the first Tu backfall, big chest pu big fart gu, then look at you? I suggest You will eat more meat to make up the body, the chest is hungry, bending such a big waist, I didn't see where your chest is ... "

After all, it is a mixed heaven, and there is no experience, but it is obey, but it is obvious.

I'm going to run away, she is a typical false kid personality, but there is no hook of Chen, the chest is still there, just is not so big. But this also made her anger, and the table was blown up.

, Called: "I am mad at me, go! Go out of the plan!"

"You two are better than you?" Qin Shou hurriedly walked over, these two girls played, it is estimated that he is not allowed to be detached in many walls.

After seeing Qin Shou, still a pair of old and autumn models: "Little hoe, the people like gentle women, you can like it like this."

After finishing, tick Chen: "Meet the emperor."

Qin Shou waved: "Don't be so polite ..."

"Okay, rabbit, you play it yourself, your woman is not saved." The speed of changing Chen changed Qin Shou.

: "Tick Chen, you have a stinky head forever, but also say me! Although I am small, but you have?"

Qin Shou clearly saw that the back of their hooks, the moment it was in an instant!

The championship does not move, but gives people a feeling of the volcano! The suppression of the suppression, Qin Shou has a bit of creepy illusion ...

I regret it, I regret it, dry cough: "That ... I am sorry, I am ... that ..."

"Don't say it, I know, you are not malicious." Tick Chen said, low-heading.

Qin Shou, a mist, look at the hook Chen Dao: "What is this?"

After a look, after Qin Shou, the flat flap said: "You don't know? Women you bring back, you are unclear with her situation?"

Qin Shou Road; "What do I know? What should I know?"

Bring a bit of sympathy: "The gimmick is actually very poor, her body has a problem, forever growing, I don't know if I have said," I also listen to my brother. "

"Hey? It's called brother? Are you not a five girl?" Qin Shou smiled.

, !

Qin Shou quickly flashed: "Do you do?"

"You are only five girls, your family is five girls! I don't care!" After that, I ran.

Qin Shou looked at the back of the Haha laughed, it seems that this gimmick is to understand the meaning of the five girls.

When I went to the hall, I saw the rainbow sitting there, holding a black stone in my hand, gaze straight, obviously her mind is not on the stone.

Qin Shou quietly came to the rainbow, and grabbed his eyes and learned the voice: "Guess who I am?

! "

"Rabbit." Rainbow suddenly said Qin Shou's name.

Qin Shou is not cool: "No, I have a good voice very much."

"Your taste." Rainbow Road.

Qin Shou scratched his head, sitting on the rainbow, looking at Rainbow Road: "Rainbow, I am not at home, you can play with other sisters. A person sits here staying more boring."

Rainbow looked at Qin Shou, and there was a bit of angry in the scorpion. "No, you are coming back."

Looking at this rainbow, Qin Shou's heart is slightly distressed, this gimmick's emotional fluctuations have always been very small, the face is always cold, and the people will refuse to be a thousand miles away. I only face him when I face him. Although it is also good to face the girl, it is not as cold as a stranger, but it is absolutely not good.

In this kind of thing, Qin Shou can not want to happen, he hopes his woman forever.

Qinshou CHU hand, gently pick up the rainbow: "Rainbow, I don't know why you are so cold, but I want to say, if you are cold, I am hot enough, I don't have a big idea, I just want Melting you, let you laugh! Really happy. "

Rainbow looked at Qin Shou in his head, and the scorpion flashed the color, but the smile was still a bit stiff.

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