The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit 1078.

Qin Shou saw this, more distressed, put the rainbow lazy waist, whispered: "I know a way, can treat your problem, melt you, don't want to try?"

The rainbow looked at Qin Shou, but still nodded: "Try it."

Qin Shou looked at the cold pretty face. He could feel her love to him, and her depression, she won't express it! Her love for Qin Shou has always been selfless and unsupported. She is the only way to express my trouble to Qin Shou, silently looked at Qin Shou, who came to Qin Shou, she stood out to kill the enemy.

And this kind of she, although it is the most cute, but also to make Qin Shou most distressed! As a woman, she should have more women's warmth and feel more happiness! .

Chapter 527 Saints


After a hard work, after the afternoon, Qin Shou came out of the door. As a result, he saw that a small road is facing him, sitting on the steps, and I don't know what I am thinking.

Qin Shou smiled and said: "Tick Chen, what are you doing?"

Ticking Chen looked at Qin Shouyi: "Do you have a good thing? Let's go to heaven, you have a second time. This is already the second time, please ..."

After finishing, this girl is not happy.

Qin Shou took this head to pull it back, staring at her: "How are you? I came here, how did you stretch your face every day?" Who tested you? "

Tick ​​Chen to turn his head, a non-cool way: "No ... You still don't go? When the heart is in the future, you will catch you!" During the speech, I made a fierce look.

Qin Shou directly gave her a babard, and the pain of this girl tears.

Qin Shou has only said: "The rabbit is not afraid of what Tian Bingtian will. Emperor's uncle is not important, you should talk, you are in the case. Well, why is your body not?"

Tinch Chen Wen, the face suddenly changed, opened Qin Shou's hand, and ran it.

Qin Shou scratched his head, called: "You run, the rabbit is not ... Hey, run so fast ... I still want to share my growth experience with her. Forget, go to Tianship, ask the emperor Uncle "

After that, Qin Shou sprouts, after the South Tianmen, straight to the Demon Hall.

"Rabbit, please come once, it is not easy." When I entered the door, the emperor smiled.

Qin Shou dry cough and said: "Where is it easy, this is not a shouting? Well, don't do something, don't think ... Dijun Uncle, do you come to me?"

"Nothing, can't you call you?" Dijun asked.

Qin Shou's two eyes turned: "Emperor's uncle, you said this, you can look like a girl, sour."

"Hey! You are dead, you will ridicule me. Sit down, let you find you." "Dijun waved, Qin Shou changed a futon, two people landed.

Emperor Zhang Dao; "You have seen Tongtian, what does he mean?"

Qin Shou Road: "What else can you mean, the old family will take a windmill. Hong Yun believes that I will go to the Ziyong Palace next month. He is wearing a sentence. As a result, I flicked my big and far away. Give me a tacker. "

The emperor smiled and laughed: "The Millennium is not a drag, and a strength is still very good. Better look, you

Kid is not like beauty? Such a beautiful beauty follows you, you are afraid that you will be happy? "

Qin Shou, the two sounds: "Where can I, I am so pure, how can there be so much ideas. Don't look at this, I am laughing, I am delightful ..."

"You, haha ​​..." The emperor laughed a few times, said: "Are you worried that the Mint of the Jinling is a Tongtian teacher arranged the chess pieces around you?"

Hearing here, Qin Shou's face is correct, said: "I really have this fear."

"Since I am worried, you are still connected?" The emperor asked.

Qin Shou booth stalls: "The enemy is still in the eyelids, and those hidden enemies are really troubles. And, this gimmick is still more simple, not so much, the most is to pass back, we eat drinking. Say the information, what is the meaning? "

Emperor is deeply talented: "The character of the Millennium is really simple, the mind is pure, otherwise it will not be seen in Tongtian, choose the apprentice. Such people, what do you want her to know what she knows? I don't want her to know what she doesn't know. But, you have never thought about it. Do you understand the truth, will Tongtian, will not understand? "

Qin Shouzhen: "Uncle, what is this?"

The emperor smiled: "You, this time is really much. Today I just received the information of the female mother's mother ..."

Speaking of this, the expression of emmitto became serious, and looked at Qin Shou Road: "The news, you should know it?"

Qin Shou immediately understood the meaning of the emperor, followed by nodded: "Yes, I know, then?"

Emperor Jun said: "That person is the enemy of everyone, and the three clear saints don't want him to appear. However, before, many saints have a feeling, they should have to go to his breath! That person may want to wake, or resurrected! This is this, will be a world of heaven! At that time, the people in the fairyland can live a few two. "

Qin Shou brows wrinkled, said: "Can a few saints can't stop?"

Emperor is looking at the sky: "The female scent is a saints, but the three clear saints is the arrival behind, and they are directly sainted! That is, they and the heavens and the same life! They witnested the one The dark age ... but they still have no ability to prevent the fallen of the dragon and phoeniases, which is destroyed. According to I know, that person is even competing! "..

Chapter 528 Luo Wei


"What?" Qin Shou was shocked, the saints did not die, and they were dead with the heavens and the earth, then, if he kills?

The emperor shakes his head: "You, the authorities are fascinated, the saints are independent, and they die with the heavens and the earth. If the heavens and the earth are all destroyed, can they still die forever?"

Qin Shou glanced, before he has been confused by the sacred people, it is confused, and the next consciousness thinks, no matter how sacred people are immortal! But at this moment, he suddenly wakes up, the saints are not immortal, once they are destroyed, they have no power to add, no strength, the end is not to die?

Qin Shoudao: "Can the person destroy the world? If this is done, the old ancestors will not let him go?"

Emperor Jun said: "You still don't understand Hong Yur's ancestors, he has already gone to the part of the heaven. He will not care about anyone's life and death, he just maintains the order of heaven and earth. Even if someone wants to destroy this world, no At the last moment, he won't shoot. "

Qin Shoudao: "Okay, then how many saints mean?"

"Suspend the battle, concentrate all the power, find that person's drop! Stimulate it in the cradle!" Dijun a word.

Qin Shou has a smile: "What does this mean? They did it before, I can't kill it?"

The emperor smiled; "It is not good to temporarily, but it is hard to say."

"Don't do it! The rabbit, I have a big loss, say that it is handy?" Is this not pulling? "Qin Shou's mouth said, but everyone is clear, although Yuan Tianzun has repeatedly find him more trouble, but suffer They are the Yuan Shengzun them, and they often pay the lady and the soldiers, and the death and injuries will also take the magic weapon.

And Qin Shou has never loses from the head to the end, and it has also been a war of war!

Qin Shou is also said, he is clearer, and now the saints fight against him is good!

Otherwise, the three cleansing together, the two people in the ancient and the ancient people are really difficult to deal with.

If the three Qing Rail is to kill, only two people need to drag the female and Pangu, and another person can sweep the world. Of course, this is the case where you can't prevent it, if the female and Pangu have to protect who, they are helpless. Just like the previous disc auto care Qin Shou normal ...

However, the latter has a premise, that is, the person who is ancient and female walks, it is necessary to pay attention to it.

Now, it is good, stopped, Qin Shou can go out to go out ...

Emperor naturally understood that this car was cheap and still sold, so I laughed: "Okay, you don't follow me. Good

Hui Tong Tianshi master will give you a golden Yellow Mother as a compensation? Of course, can you leave a golden Virgin, that is your ability. "

Qin Dong took a moment, then he shouted: "What is the meaning? Is Jinguang gave me? So I can't give birth to a small rabbit?"

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