The old man is a jade rabbit

The wilderness of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is the jade rabbit 1079

Emperor was amazed by Qin Shou: "You have to have the matter, of course. But I don't recommend you to use it."

Qin Shouzhu: "The rabbit, I am handsome, the wind is, people see people love, the flower family bloom, is it used to use? You should worry that the Notor of the Jinling will not use it to me. Uncle, Do you mean that I don't have to worry about the Lord of the Milley? "

Dijun shook his head: "Rabbit, you have to understand that there is no absolute thing in this world. Tongtian teacher will send his love to your side, can you get her heart is your business. Just like a chess, The other party let the chess, can you eat this step, you have to look at your ability. If you can't eat it, this piece may be the key to it. Of course, so far, you don't have to worry, that The threat of people is too big. Three clear will not be born at this time. Their eyes are long enough, and they will not be so narrow. Of course, so far, Western teaches you to ... "

Qin Shou nodded, the Jinder of the Milley, he can put it down, but the Western teaching is still not cool, so

Asked: "Why?"

Emperor's denweulk: "Bunny, you know, why is the world's sacred part of the sacred parties, can Western teaches to sit in the West? Normally, after a sector, after the development to a certain level, will be controlled by heaven, Or being pressed. But Tianding always endures them again. "

Qin Shou shook his head: "I don't know, I am also wondering. Isn't it because I am attracting the strength of the people? Hey ... it is not right, the emperor is really going to send, one can pick them two."

The emperor smiled: "The strength of the Taoist and the quasi-trisole is not as bad as you think, their current strength is a discount. This is said that you can know that Hong Yuli has not yet What is the situation before? "

Qin Shou quickly became the head, asked: "Is Hongjun ancestor not a heaven and earth, is it a day?"

"Yes, nor." Emperor Hondun.

Qin Shouyi fog water.

Emperor continued to continue; "The world is beginning to open, the purity is rising, the turbidity is falling! There is a double child in the chaos, and the one is turned into the gas, and the one is turbid. The two people are born, and The fair is unmolved, catering to the heavens. Luo Wei has seven emotions and six desires, I want to do alone, the whole new world. I can only one person, so the two people will have a long time, Luo Wei has always occupied Shangshi, Nai Hongjun itself catering to Tiandao, war

It is also understanding that Wan Dao, the strength may not be improved, but the interaction with the road is getting higher and higher.

In the end, Hongjun is integrated into the heaven, that is, the current Hongyu old ancestors! With the power of heaven and earth, Luo Wei cracks down from nine days!

Hong Hao is intended to kill Luo Wei, but Nai Hulu is falling into the devil, causing turbidity, and achievement.

Hongjun can only seal it, suppress it in the West!

Later, Hongyu's ancestors started the Class, and she was 30,000 passengers. Among them, there are attractions and quasi-triskers. The two people have become more and more profitable, and they have realized unique magical gates. They have a strong restraint to the power of turbidity. .

Chapter 529 Zijing

Purple guest

So Hongjun's old ancestors sent them to the Western seal, and the turbidity penetrated in the air purification seal day and night.

However, there is not long, two people are inadvertently, they want to open their parties, spread their cultural practice, and condense all the people to suppress the turbidity of Luo. Hong Yu's grandparents were willing to teach in Western.

Today's attractions and quasi-triad people have only one of themselves, their book is still in the West, and the seal seal in the West is not out. and so…"

"So, I was bullied by these two bastards, and I can't slaughter them, right?" Qin Shou is very uncomfortable.

The emperor smiled: "It's not not, if you can find someone replaced their position, kill them and kill them. Hong Yuli is just order, as long as the order is not destroyed, change a guard, he is not Will ask. "

Qin Shou immediately recorded his heart. The so-called Western Unit, Qin Shou is not strange, he has swallowed so many bodhisattvas, Luo Han, the understanding of Dharma is absolutely weak! Even more than the current attractions and quasi-triskers may have to be deep, and now, the so-called Western Unit is just a prototype. The future of Dharma is the final completion product!

As for future people's strength, there is a dog, that is because of the changes in heaven and earth, the deeper is hidden in Wan Dao,

If you want to know, it is even more difficult. This is also something wrong.

At the moment, there is an integrity, a complete cultivation system, Qin Shou is really do not believe, he is here to cultivate successors!

The first goal of Qin Shou also locked it in an instant ... Just, excavated the wall of the wall, but also need to take a means and planned.

Qin Shou asked: "Uncle, the uncle, what do you say, but the magic rustic?"

Emperor Hands I said: "Well, this person is this person! This person is not weak, not weaker than the old ancestors. Nai's seven emotions six wants, into the magic road, but also a pity."

Qin Shoudao: "Then what you said is also him?"

"Of course, the magic rustic is designed to rule this world and become a thousand autumn, the king! Instead of destroying this world, when the light is commanded." Dijun shook his head.

Qin Shoudao: "This, I thought that the guy who killed the world was Luo Wei ... I just gave it to the deduplication of the people to deduct the unfavorable crime, smoke them a meal ..."

Emperor: "@ ¥ @ ¥ %% ..."

The emperor smiled: "Okay, this is temporarily said. Right, since Hongyu's old ancestors let you go to the Ziyong Palace, it is to include you in the Ziyong Palace, this is a very Good chance, you have to grasp it. "

"Zi Yan Palace audience? This is a chance? Isn't it a good student?" Qin Shou asked, his strength has been against the sky, it will become a sanctuary, is it going to class, back Do you make a volume?

The emperor smiled; "Don't read the quota of the Zijing Palace, you have to understand, even if it is a saint, you have to go to class. Every time I listen, I will feel it. The strength will be improved. Tong Yan said, Musical , Wu, everything is inseparable from one word! You know, just to find the footprints of the road, feel the strength of the power ...

But Hong Hao has been closed, he is God, God is him, he is Wan Dao! He said, it is equal to it in front of you, don't look for it, directly touch, understand it. "

Qin Shou suddenly realized: "Is it so powerful? Uncle, you don't say it early, say that I will listen early, isn't it less cultivation for many years?"

"Do you think anyone can go to the Ziyong Palace listener? Enter the Zijing Palace listening, need two conditions, one is a purple order, one is Hong Yunqin! Less or not! Zi Zi is only three Thousands of, the former is not in the purple palace. But the purple order is a trail, and it is better to get too much relative to the second one. Hongjun is a person, no Any reason can be found, as if it is free, there is no law. But we all know that Hong Yucao will not joking this kind of thing, so he is definitely some principle. "Emperor Handsome Qin Shou One eye.

Qin Shou Dao: "Well, I have listened to the uncle, I said, I have to take me to the Ziyong Palace, it is no wonder for so long.

Quiet, it turned out to have a lesson. "

Emperor Jun nodded: "Just this. Ok, rabbit, do you have anything else?"

Qin Shou immediately called: "There is! Distant Uncle, you can see a diagram of the texture of the mountain?"

"Arrace of the texture of the mountain? The big world, the law countless, cover all. The texture of the mountain, the rock, the meridian of the leaves, in fact, the heavenly area Avenue. So, this situation you said is nothing special. "The emperor did not agree.

Qin Shoudao: "If someone is on the body of the mountains, the mountain pattern is the array?"

The emperor heard the words, the eyes flashed a tyranical gas, buddy: "Who dares ?!" Then I found an angry object was wrong and converged at the breath.

Qin Shou was shocked, and the power of the emperor had just broke out, so that Qin Shou was a little panic! He finally understood why it would say that the strength of the emperor and Emperor Taiyi is horrible ... These two guys are afraid that they are really called the strength of the plate!

After the emperor had a false fire, he said: "This is true?"

Qin Shoudao: "Thousands of true, Jiangli and Taichi people have went to observe, I also inherently inherent, but I have achieved it in the array, I can't see what it is to do.",

Emperor Hands said: "If you don't have to manage this, I will go to investigate. If I find that there is really a chaos ..." The emperor flashed a smeared murder! "

This matter Qin Shou met the emperor, the first time he saw him so fierce! The previous emperor has always been synonymous with Wen Wenya.

Qin Shoudao: "Okay, this is given to Uncle, the last question, the hook of Chen, is there a problem? She seems not long body?".

Chapter 530 Overbearing


The emperor heard the words, the chill of the eyes, flashing a smile, said: "You found it"

Qin Shou looked around: "I am not a blind man, so long, I have grown up in the rabbit, she is still a little Loli is too much. Emperor's uncle, you won't want to save People give you a boy, deliberately give her a hand? "

"Hey!" Qin Shou's head has a babard!

Emperor smiled: "Is I doing? The girl is a million demon ancestors, with the blood of the Wanchao! It can be said to be a natural demon emperor, or it can be said to be born. If there is The way to resolve the blood of the millennium conflict, her future achievements are not limited. Why, this is not a good thing, even the saints are helpless. So I have to ask the female The blood seal of the demon, so as not to be out of the blood of the Wan Demon, died in the dead. "

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