The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 1080.

"Wan Demon Blood?" Qin Shou heard, secretly tongue! He now understands that it will become a synonym of the Emperor of the Wanchao in the future! So in the Westward Journey, the hook of this era is not there. Later, the great emperor has also inherited the title of Tao Chen ... The world of demon, and only worship Chen Dand.

"Is there really a certain way?" Qin Shou asked unwilling.

The emperor smiled and looked at Qinshi Road: "Nor is there any no way ..."

"Uncle, the uncle, don't you look at me so, I have a feeling of hairy ..." Qin

Shou was not comfortable by the emperor.

Emperor Haha laughed: "You don't worry, I don't want to make you a pharmaceutical. It is the same blood like the blood of the demon, it is the blood of your family! When you After you disappear, you have disappeared this family. She naturally can't succeed. Once the blood of the uncomfortable Wanfei, it is easy to die. But now ... "

Qin Shou said his eyes: "Need my blood?"

Emperor Hands: "This is just the first step, you swallow the blood of the blood is extremely overbearing, so you have to control it, don't let it be chaotic. Second, you will understand. But you have to do it. Good psychological preparation, behind things are difficult for most people! "

Qin Shou eyebrows challed the way: "What?"

"Go back, activate the blood of the wild, the rest, you will understand it. As long as you get to your hand, she can live. But this method has never tried, maybe other changes Perhaps it is very dangerous ... "Emperor Hondun.

Qin Shou nodded: "Well, there is really no other way to properly?"

"So far, this is this." Emperor Hondun.

Qin Shoudao: "I will go back and ponder." I don't know if it is awkward, the emperor said this method, his expression makes Qin Shou Mao, and always feel that this ultimate situation will be very ...

It's said that Qin Shou did not stay, bid farewell to the emperor, straight to ban

Go go.

However, let Qin Shou surprised that the Tianyuan is not on the hill!

Standing on the edge of the water pool in the Tianyuan, Qin Shou smiled: "Hey, the rabbit master will not easily take the time to see you, don't, really ... really, no, you also leave What is the paper? "

Qin Shou shake his head and turned away.

After returning to Wangyoon Mountain again, Qin Shou finally long loose tone, the saint of this big stone was moved, and he finally worked quietly. Although the saints want to break the wall, it is difficult to get, but at least a hit hope, what is successful?

Qin Shou will be swallowed, and after the understanding of the understanding of the heaven, Qin Shou is planning to continue cultivation. When you think of the eyes of the hoe, Qin Shou can't sit down, scratch the head, I finally climb up and go out.

Originally, Qin Shou didn't want to see the charm, he didn't want to try the way of the emperor said because he is not sure how the last result will be. Perhaps, such a hook will always grow a lot, but at least is not dangerous ...


"Who?" The voice of the tick came out, this sound was slightly exhausted.

Qin Shou called: "It's me! Tick Chen, it's okay to talk about it."

"Can't, I want to sleep." Tinch Chen immediately refused.

Qin Shou scratched his head and said: "Waiting for a longer sleep, I have important things to tell you."

"I really don't want, I ..." Tinch Chen still refuses.

Qin Shouton fired, he hated mushrooms, directly pushed the door, and ticked when he was ticking.

The eyes were widened and stared at Qin Shou. Qin Shou also widened his eyes and stared at the charm. Two people were stupid!

Qin Shou came in the moment, just saw the ticking from the bath bucket, a leg crossed the bath, the white body was completely exposed under his eyelid ...


Qin Shou hurried closed, rushed over, covering the small mouth of the hook, then hugged it from the bath bucket, put it in bed, cover the quilt, whispered: "Don't know ... I don't know, I thought the rabbit master Take you. "

Tick ​​Chen said: "Then you have to put me?"

Qin Shouton is speaking, yes, look at the little girl, you still want to be?

However, Qin Shou is also a long-term old fritter, immediately: "Don't be embarrassed, I have seen it, I don't want to marry you."

"Daddy? Are you very wronged?" Hook Chen anger.

Qin Shou hurriedly said: "Not grievances, it is your grievance, how, sister, you see, I look at it, I still touched it, is it so married?"

"I want to be beautiful! Don't marry!" Tick Chen turned his head.

As a result, the quilt was opened first, Qin Shou was drilled in, and then he hegemony

The road is holding her little waist, whispered in her ear: "You can cure this!"

"Well?" Hooked Chen.

Qin Shou low voice: "If I gave you it, are you marry me? Anyway, I have seen your body, you are my people, whoever dares to touch you, I will destroy him. Zu Zong 18th Generation. "

"You ... how are you so overbearing!" Although the chamis, although it is, it is not fierce. .

Chapter 531 Super Rabbit Sky

Super rabbit base

Qin Shouchi is more happy: "I am so overbearing, this is so fixed!"

"As long as you can cure me ..." Tick Chen whispered.

Qin Shou immediately asked: "If you can't get it, you will not marry?"

"It's not good ... I can't do it ... I just ... don't marry!" Tick Chen said that this is red, the body is not big, this is not for men, whether it is for men, it is A great sorrow and pain. The man is a pencil, and the girl is a Wannian Airport ...

"Others, in fact, I don't have good, I like it. Hey ... Who said that the girl must be big and big butt? The rabbit, I like Xiao Loli ..." When I said this, Qin Shou is very serious. , Just like Loli's emotions are not love, but the father loves.

Will, a normal person, the little girl, not to be angry.

However, this question, Qin Shou, I didn't dare to say it, so it's too hurting this gimmick.

Tinch Chen Wen, the small face has a lot of relaxation, but she asked with the color of hope: "You can really cure my disease?"

"The uncle of the emperor told me, you are sick, put it under the sky, only I can cure. However, this is not small risks ..." Qin Shou said this, slightly, followed: " I am nothing, just you ... "

Tick ​​Chen immediately shook his head: "I am enough! How many years do you live? I have lived for tens of thousands of years! I have always been this! I don't want to be a small road! I want long Big!"

"Tens of thousands of years have passed, why are you so urgently?" Qin Shouneng looked at the hook in front of him.

The chamber seems to be very excited, calling; "I am still anxious! My heart in the past is ice, it is dead! But in the past 100 years, a king is coming ..." Tell this, hook Chen Haoyeded to Qin Shou's thief eye thief smashed her.

Tinch Chen immediately shut up, and it was red ... but this stubborn girl, even continued to talk: "I don't want to watch the bastard and other women, marry others, and I can only watch "

Qin Shou wondered, suddenly laughed, one will hook Chen into his arms, whispered: "Silly girl, you all come to the rabbit, my bowl, do you think that the rabbit can still let go of you? I am very greedy ... "

"But ... my body ..." Tick Chen low, crying.

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