The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 1081.

Qin Shou low voice: "Your body is ok? Isn't it a big? What is this? Do you look at the other people, the long legs, big chest, big butt, only you are different! A great The person said: I want to stand out from the competition, not necessarily better than everyone's strengths, maybe you only need a little. "

"Hey ..." Hook Chen stunned, she felt that this seems to be a bit, she didn't have anyone, but she didn't have anyone else!

But the championship is still asked, "Which great man is this?"

"Super Rabbit"! "Qin Shou proudly.

When the chamiscies of the challenge, it is black, this is not him!

Qin Shou said: "I told you, in my hometown, there are many people like you. Do you know how everyone calls you now? You have a special name, called Loli! One sentence is said so: Loli has three good, soft soft and easy ... cough cough ... "

"What is it?" Hu Chen Haoqi asked, she still listened to Qin Shou to say his hometown for the first time.

Qin Shou Eye beads took a turn: "Easy to dump, the little girl is the cleaner, purest, most holy. Therefore, you don't have to care about your body, you have your good, see it."

The haze in the eye is much smoldering, but it is still unwilling to ask: "Then my disease, can you really cure?"

Qin Shou stared at the eyes of the hook. The word a meal: "Uncle, the emperor said that I can cure, but there is risk! You are my baby, I don't want to handle this problem, so I don't do it, To do it, you have to do 100% success!

Give me some time, wait for me to be sanctified, I should be able to protect you! Waiting for me to cure your disease, eight-speed chair car lifts you to go home, how? "

"What about them?" Tick Chen's face is red and is very excited. She didn't care when she cured her body. She only carefully, if there is no beautiful body how to grab Qin Shou from so many beautiful women. Today, Qin Shou gave her promise that she was very happy.

Qin Shou married: "If you want to marry, I will not let you get started first after getting started. In my this, you are all equally, I will be good for everyone."

"Um ..." The champion is low, it should be, don't sound, and the sound of Qinshou loudly whispered.

This round to Qin Shou's blush, whispered: "What do you know? How do I feel a crime?"

"I am not a child ... I have been very happy, I don't understand." Tick Chen's blush, very cute.

Qin Shou took a sigh of relief. He wanted to refuse. After all, it was a matter of modern people. He as a missionarian of the monsters may not care, but Qin Shou still has a sense of guilty, although this is a sense of sin. However, if it is refused, it is estimated that Hu Chen will be sad ...

So Qin Shou closed his eyes and nodded ...

Time is like a shuttle, a blink of an eye has passed, this half a month, Qin Shou can say that it is extremely moist, sleep during the day, the night, the song, every day, except for eating, sleep. He feels that he wants to be decadent ...

"It's a gentle town, the hero, in this way, the rabbit can be buried." Too second real person lying on the Taishi Chair and swaying.

Qin Shou is a good night: "You know a fart! You know a few months, the rest, you still have a little use? Too two, I will go to the Ziyong Palace in the past few days, you give me starest It's not Wushan ... Well, forget it, let's move tomorrow, this is not in the mountains. I still look back in the moon! "..

Chapter 532 grabs the gas


Qin Shou just can take the opportunity, people who don't know the ghosts on Wang Yue Mountain, and then wait for the holy opportunity to appear, one is facing holy!

Once the sacred, Qin Shou detailed, no matter how big the disaster happened, he is still no problem around himself.

Too two real people, I am not cool: "Go back to the moon? Your bird doesn't pull the hill head? This is not a good city, bustling, more people, money make a lot of money. "

Qin Shou said: "You like it, then you will stay here, I am going back to Wan Shan Mountain. This is not loving, I am going to focus on developing my Wan Mountain, I really don't believe it, The rabbit master, my technique, I still run a hill! "

"Oh ..." Too two truth is untrustworthy.

Qin Shou directly ignored him.

The next day, Qin Shou started the things of Zhang Luo moving. After this guy recently never returned, it was said to be in love, Qin Shou went to see, and found is a fox, but this fox is not that. The cultustful Sao fox, Qin Shou also relieved.

"Big Brother, I will tell you, Xiaoxia is really a good woman, not a wind moon woman." After see Qin Shou, Xiaoxia

God, weird, worried that Qin Shou blocked their relationship, so he called.

Qin Shou smiled: "It's not good to say, I don't care. But picking up the girls can not work, the holy mountain will start at home today, you give me a good job, don't give me yellow! Well, this Even if I send you a gift from you in advance. "

After listening to the Qing, I suddenly got a big joy, although I was not lonely for a while, but I have run for so many years. Nowadays, the bunny is better, plus the saints attitude, Qin Shou's reputation once again climbed to Dian peak!

In order to please the rabbit, there is no one, it will be in the mountains, and it is also a sun. The holy mountain is more flow of people, and the daily introduction is gold.

Qin Shou gave the holy mountain, which isometed to give him a super red envelope, or the kind of spending money!

Xiaoxia heard the words, and the excitement is full of red, and thanks to Qing Qing.

Qin Shou saw this slightly. If Xiaoxia is high, it is necessary to make a drama who wants to , he will definitely be against. But this girl inside and outside will be a lot of enthusiasm, and it is also hypocritical, which makes Qin Shou rest assured.

Solved the problem of Houqing, Qin Shou went to a hill.

"Hey, what is the wind blowing the four-party emperor?" When I entered the door, I saw a tea to put a pair of big long legs on the table, and I didn't lady's lying on the chair. .

Qin Shou is also not angry, makes it over, sitting on the side of the tea: "Southeast northwestern wind blows together, have to come. A tea girl, the rabbit, I have to move, come with you."

"So big move, I certainly know that you have to move, but what do you say to me? We are not so familiar." A tea is lying there, holding a wine glass in his hand, drinking leisurely.

Qin Shouni grinned, smiled: "You see, neighbors have been so long, I have to go, no one looks at this side ..."

"I am coming to find a nanny ..." A tea two eyes, uncomfortable.

Qin Shouton is somewhat embarrassed, it is not coming, it is true that people are doing, this is not very good.

After the tea, the tea was a bit, said: "I want to be 30% profit, you will help you with you. If you don't do it, you will also ask yourself ..."

Qin Shou listened, immediately laughed: "30% of the same, I don't care, the holy mountain doesn't have to take you, give me a look, the kid is still too lame."

Since the next day, this guy has followed Qin Shou, and Qin Shou Ma will look forward to Qin Shou, Qin Shou, I like this bauble child. Coupled with the relationship between Fang Ya, Qin Shou had to consider him. As for money, Qin Shou is lacking? Qinshou disappears, the money can't buy, so he doesn't matter how much it doesn't matter, as long as you do things.

Talking about everything, Qin Shou took a girl, pulled thousands of demon, all the way drums thundered, all kinds of musical instruments were born in the ear ...

All the way, all the demon kings have made a lot of people, or send a variety of gifts. As a result, Qin Shou made a big pen on this way, and he is very happy. However, Qin Shou this guy is also generous, and all the way to the road, the opening ceremony is open!

The people here don't understand the public classes. Later, I heard that it was publicly speaking, and everyone can listen, and the excitement of one by one will go home to prepare the baggage.

"Rabbit, you are so generous? Open public lecture, this ... is too cheap those guy?" Asked with the sunflower.

Qin Shou smiled: "What is the rabbit, I am doing a loss of sale? We want to develop, you must find a popularity! Rely on gambling stone in the early days, later relying on a variety of entertainment industry. Although there is a civil servant examination of Tianstroom, it is not a great role that is also a great role. It is also a three to teach nine streams. And it is a wave of flow, you can't get up.

I want to gather people to rely on myself!

I will speak first, let's talk about it every month, let the swallowing! I don't believe it, I can't help this! As for later, I intend to operate the Wanshan Mountain to the largest trading market, here can buy and sell, in addition to can't fight fight, the remaining rules are relaxed. When I am really hot, I will gradually strengthen management. Um ... there is currently these.

Of course, however, I will not give them a magical door, some of the ambiguous things. Can you see their own yourself. "

In that year, Qin Shou said, but the Qin Shou's own understanding of Qin Shou herself is lacking, just take the dry goods, and it is easy to understand. It's different now, there are few people between Qin Shou's comprehension worlds to surpass! .

Chapter 533 Earthquake

Naturally no longer throwing dry goods, but the same as others, say some ambitions, the existence described, as for how much you can understand, just look at your own business!

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