The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit 1082.

And this ambiguity is two orientation, and the fairy is also extremely extreme! It is necessary to say, not anyone can talk, no one has a mood, have time to speak! Although the preaching can cause heaven and earth feedback, Rida to this level, if the underground people are not all sent, the feedback is also limited.

However, Qin Shou has some careful thinking, that is, when he said, integrate into the holy sound!

Since Qin Shou can't go to the West, he simply and fused, re-establishing the heavens, and the Buddha gods are improved, spread out! He wants to use Buddha's doctrines, the teachings of Christ, and the dignity of Daomen, plus the sacrifice of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred

The doctrine of the West is now good, and the magical is not mature. This gives Qin Shou a huge space! When Qin Shou's Tianmen can be independently suppressed Luo Wei ... Qin Shou has seen the scene of him to take a smashing person.

Going back to Wangyue Mountain, Qin Shou immediately made people packed up Wang Yue Mountain, taking advantage of them uns, ran in the scorpion, and the gods of the gods got up to do dinner ...

The thousands of demon work together, coupled with other demon kings, and team up the mountain to help the mountain gate, a big one, Wang Yue Mountain, only for a long time, it is cleaned and clean, dust-free. The array is started again, and the force of Wanxing will be killed. The nine days is open, and the useless yuan will flour in. Suddenly, the whole Wang Yue Mountain will make a general in the world, and the richness will condense the water! Ordinary people drink a sorcerer, prolong the birth, and the people who drink the monks are like a small vital gas.

Qin Shou is not awkward, and the swallowers are called, and they have begun to lead. This time is the dry goods, from the most basic enacted, the experience of the royal family, the queen, and Emperor's experience is taught. And compiling the book, put it in the Collection of Book. As long as your strength is enough, you can enter the Tibetan book to watch these experiences, then step on the sky!

For a time, the little demon on the moon is once again entered the peeling period, and the strength has skyrocketed ...

The whole hunyue mountain is a red fire, hot and fun, jubilant, and what is Qin Shouzhun?

"Ah ... Rainbow, go down, right to ... ... comfortable!" Qin Shou on a big jade, rainbow barefoot stands on his back, giving him back, this guy is comfortable They are there.

On the side of the sun, the sun, the sun, although it is simple in Qin Shou, but after all, live for so many years, essentially not a child. Chess nature

Not weak.

Tick ​​Chen looks at the Emperor Taiyi and Emperor's chess, and the chess is even more, Qin Shou took a few more ways to abuse the body, and finally, he was alleged to be the head cranial calculation to force the air to win a game. After hugging the face, I will never play chess.

However, two little girls arrived in the opponent, and when they met, they were in the world, no matter what they had foreign affairs.

The sunflower is also a five-year-old look, and the slender slim, it has also improved, but the behavior is still Loli Fan, and I don't know what it is shored at all. People sit down, he is asked to separate the legs, and the big score is sitting on both sides of the chessboard. It is not easy to see the opportunity to see if he is a pure man.

However, this dead trousers once again destroyed Qin Shou's blood ...

Qin Shou couldn't help but once again have a specialty star short skirt, shorts, ding words, C pants, hanging, bikini's thoughts. However, it is a thought, now there are too many people in this world, and the old rogue is also a lot. In case it is seen, Qin Shou can be big.

The merchant sheep sat in the side playing the piano, and Qinyuan danced in a colorful clothing. Hey, sitting on the side, sometimes giving some guidance from time to time, and occasionally, I will play people in my own, so that Qin Shou is full of eyes.

This gimmick is relatively depressed, this is like a torture, what

The female red, the chess painting and painting is not in the case, so I simply squatted on the side of Qin Shou, supporting the gods to accompany Qinshou.

Win Cloud sitting on the side of Qinshou, holding a fruit plate, I will shoot a hand, I will feed some fruits for Qin Shou ...

It's natural to enter, nature is an armainer, and the heavy cannons are generous, and the flowers bloom.

Such a day, let Qin Shou intoxication, really do not want to take the outside thing.

Of course, there are also places where Qin Shou is unhappy. Let's see if you can see you can't eat. If you eat, there is always a sense of guilty.

Although the sun is so mature, the physical fitness of this girl must be eaten after an adult, otherwise it is easy to be entangled, so Qin Shou can only endure.

The most important thing is to , this Qin Shou has a thousand years of peerless beauty, but also can only look, can't touch, and let Qin Shou will follow.

As for the Millennoli, this girl may have not come out for too many years, all day in the Wanmi City, everything must be touched, it has become a wander city big treasurer ... Qin Shou also simply throws the Wanmoy City Give her and let her play freely.

One day in the past, a shackles at the end of the month.

In the morning, Qin Shou, heard the outside, impatiently climbed up, pushed the window called: "This big morning, do you! Do you! Also let people sleep!"

As a result, the sun is just passing, and the eyelids are lifted, and they are helpless: "You don't let us at night.

Sleep, I still want to let you sleep in the morning? dream! "

Qin Shouguang squandered on the window, old face is red.

Women in bed, Qinyuan, Rainbow, etc., is a pretty face, and the quilt is not going to live.

Qin Shou dry cough said: "Can this? Can you blame me? Your sister is big, I can't manage!"

Qinyuan is separated from three hundred and sixty degrees.

Chapter 534, hundreds of millions of people listen

Billion people will listen

The sunflower is still following red, and glances on Qin Shou, unhappy: "Isn't it? It is your bastard to get earthquakes in Wang Yue Mountain! Sick one night!"

Qin Shou also hurts, the stinky, the laughter of the ocean: "The rabbit is so powerful? I don't know myself."

"Shash!" After the sun, I ran. She could not stand the appearance of Qin Shou, and at the same time, she also lost a little lost. Walking in the place of no one, pinched her little breasts, sighed: "This is so long, almost alive. …Hey…"

Qin Shou Xiwei, just wanted to go to sleep, he saw the sky! I can't help but say: "Which baument is blocked!" I saw it to the far away. I saw the newly-born sun just jumped out of the horizon, I was blocked by a black cloud. Look carefully, where is the dark cloud, it is an overwhelming monster, the gods and monks of all parties!

Qin Shou immediately called: "So many people, hostile!"

"What is the enemy, a rabbit, you forgot today is the day of your own promise? You kill the wind, dark clouds, storms, and all trick kill. Plorate yourself Go out to boast, one person knocked over the demon

Teachers, pick people, and privileges, now your reputation can be said to be as in the day. You have such a powerful strength, and it is necessary to attract countless people to come to hear. "The business sheep can't stand this stupid rabbit.

Qinyuan giggled: "This stupid is recession, the rabbit, I will tell you, you are now the four-party emperor, and it is strength, powerful existence. Place the fairy world, except for the saints, you can also The upper name of the ranks. But the truth is the most difficult, you will definitely take a few more. You are such a person, they can't wait to find a chance to hung up, go back to boast. Today you give them His mouth, public lecture ... Hey, these people are less. Wait, wait, you will come, you know what is the sea to cover the sky! "

Qin Shou was just wanted to pass, but he didn't expect that he did not know that it became a super star. It turned out that so many fans and feared guys were slightly surprised, and the remaining is full of pride! When he was only in the fairy world, it was just a level, a small day god could put him with him, this long, he has been over the sentient beings. The top can take a few more and less ...

Although these mountains are getting bigger and big, Qin Shou has confidence to turn over, just time problems!

I think this, Qin Shou is proud to look at the humanity of the sky: "The rabbit, I recently I read it ... Hey." After that, Qin Shou fierce stared at the three women on the bed, and smirked: "Just Who said that the rabbit is not good? I can remember the rabbit master, the morning war has not yet been played, the rabbit is coming! Hey ... "

In the end, the war in the morning can only be considered warm-up, so that there is so many people outside, Qin Shou is not pleasing to the landlord.

When Qin Shou came out, people who won the clouds, business sheep, Dongfeng, and Western winds have arranged. Although the moon mountain is big, it is still getting bigger every day, but Wang Yue Mountain is the big camp of Qin Shou, it is impossible to entertain so many people. So all stuffed to the main peak of Wan Meshan. There are Wan Shi City, the Wanmi City is not much smaller than in the invisuit, but there are many people.

After these monsters sent, the Wanmi City suddenly was full, the inn, the entrance of the door, the moment, full, the face is being packaged, and a little boss smiled.

The residents of the Wan Mi City, almost every family received guests, and earned a big earned. On the hill, there are other mountains, and there are all the big monsters. For a while, the whole Wan Mountain is more lively than the Niu Yingcheng in the year!

"Dawang, this people can be described as a heaven, down to the government, what demon ghost, witch, magic all come. Today, the reception facility in Wan Meshan is not enough to accept so many people, no circumference The city also needs to be expanded. Also ... is also the most important question, the king, you have to say, but this, where are you going to talk? So many monsters, even if you go to Tianting, there is no place to put it ... " Billion laughed.

Qin Shou waved: "This is simple, I will speak in the city of Wanmu City! Go back to Tianda to talk about the inner city.

I am talking in the city, then you give me the strength, force sorting, the stronger the strength, the more powerful, the first sequence is the inner city of the mountain, then the mountainside, then the outer city, then the next is the foot of the mountain ... Well, It is also used in the sky, and the upper layer of layers! Anyway, they just came to listen, and they didn't look at the performance. I can hear it! "

Bohuang will immediately lead my life.

Qin Shou also went to the heavens on the sky. As a result, Qin Shou opened, and the emperor didn't look at it: "This matter you look at it. You are now good, the power is not small, there will be no matter what to ask me later. "

Then Qin Shou gone, when the Tiantian is a bachelor, when it comes, it will take one billion days!

Such a huge army opened, and the little demon who was scared to listen to him was still thinking that he was a demon, and he did not dare to go out.

When they heard that these Tianfang Tian will be to maintain order, although not afraid, it is not too curable. At this time, everyone remembered it, this is not more than other places, the owner here is the quarter! Second only to the existence of the two demon!

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