The old man is a jade rabbit

The wilderness of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the jade rabbit 1084.

Then, between the heavens and the earth, he worship Qin Shou at the same time, and as if he will see the sky! This moment, Qin Shou felt infinity, the moment, instantly booked on him!

Although there is no sanctuary, Qin Shouming feels that his Lingtai is empty! The soul is more than a layer of level, and this will seem to be able to purify all distractions!

Qin Shou felt that pure power, couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "There is no wonder that so many people like to open the origin, the sentient beings will so pure, and the power of the belief is attacked on the gods, which can abandon everything. Magic, always keeps dust-free, the heart of the heart! In this case, breakthrough in the realm has great benefits, and even deepends people's potential! "

This time, Qin Shou did not use all of the magical trend to mourn the holy sound, but it is only a taste, but Qin Shou is still a little bit of its charm. With these people, I will travel to Wan Dao one night, these people are very trust in Qin Shou,

As if followed by Qin Shou, I can touch the big road and become a saints!

Under the absolute trust, Qin Shou guided a little, and even more than 100 billion believers! The speed of this development believer, far more than that of Western teaches people and quasi-triskers are too much!

When Qin Shou understood, it was already late, only to shoot the thighs, recognized: "Hey, the millions are still lost, this plan is slow, this is good, I don't cause the attention of the people. It is. It is caused, causing it, and the sky is not afraid of the rabbit, I am afraid of those grandson? "

Qin Shou finished, I wanted to open.

This is the advantage of the empty platform, all things are not disturbed, all things can be put down, all things can't be filthy to the Lingtai of Qin Shou.

Let go of your mind, accept the membrane of everyone, then Qin Shou Dynasty announced: "From now on, the emperor creates Tianmen education, and all into the gates, when you get the sky, you have to live, you will have a life!"

At this point, there is no surprised person, but it is, collective, worship, cheers and loudly: "I will wait to join the Tianmen, loyal, not dead!"

Qin Shou nodded: "In this case, this emperor is open to the door! I am open to the world, not distinguished, demon, devil, ghost, fairy! As long as you are good, pursue truth, put down the dispute You can accept the baptism in my sky.

Achievements are not true! From now on, no matter how much hatred, make more sins, as long as you regret, into my Tianmen, I have broken all the causal! Industry does not add! "

When you come out, I just rushed over, I still don't understand what some people are really shocked!

"Tianmen is open to everyone, his heart is big!"

"This rabbit is too mad! Is this equal to fighting with the world?"

"Indeed, according to what he said, no matter how much sin made, as long as you really regret, enter the sky, Tianmen will help you resist causal! This ... If he is a heaven, or a sinister? This rabbit Not afraid of wind and big flashing? "

"The saints will be sinned, and they are afraid that they are unable to run to Tianmen."

"It is also, under the saints, this rabbit is really not afraid!"

"If this is the case ... this day of development is only afraid that I have to pass the other big education!"

"This is not the most terrible! You saw it, hundreds of millions of people worship, so many people came to listen, the result is full of his beliescasses ... Who wants to say there is no catage, kill me!"

"It must be a kind of confusion of mental evil law!"

"This place should not stay for a long time, speed evacuation!"

Subsequent people, some people will choose to leave.

The people remain some of the people still choose to watch the lively.

However, the things they worried did not occur. Qin Shou had this billion believers have been temporarily content, he wanted to make so many demon ghosts, so he had to ponder the problem of opening up the day. As for those newcomers, Qin Shou will not pay attention to it, let them go, so that he can also spend a little more, he does not use evil to control others, otherwise, how can these people leave?

Virtuality, true and false, this is the way of survival.

Qin Shou continued: "From now on, Wan Mountain is the holy place of my Tianmen! Tianmen believers are broadcast in the world, benefiting all beings, and all sentient beings are separated from bitter sea! Enjoy happiness, cognition, I am happy, cognition, I am happy! Waiting for a slow! "

"Dance!" Everyone shouted.

Qin Shou nodded, continued: "The emperor can enter the Wanmushan inner city, the emperor is above the king level, you can enter the outer city of Wanyue Mountain. The king is below, you can come to Wan Mountain, the rest, when Communicate the education, accumulating merits! Good merits, self-service pick you up to Wanyue Mountain. "..

Chapter 537, the emperor has come.

Di Jiang also came

"Dance!" Everyone worship!

Qin Shou waved; "Okay, I am scattered!"

Then, hundreds of billions of people went to go, and they were in order, and they didn't start the appearance of the mortar. Everyone see the eyes of Wan Shan Mountain, which seems to be devout believers in pilgrimage, here they don't dare, they are not willing! On the contrary, if you are embarrassing, you will be spurly, even teamed up with him ...

When everyone left, Qin Shou also loosened. He is still the first time to face so many people, the pressure is not a general.

If these people are almost the enemy, there will be no feeling in Qin Shou. All of these people are his believer, and they have grown up their eyes. When you are fanatical, it is necessary to pounce on your feet in the next moment, it will definitely make people feel uncomfortable!

In particular, these people have beautiful women, but ugly man, with pig head, the dog head is everywhere, no one will be comfortable.

Solved these people, Qin Shou did not do it yet, someone came to the door.

Qin Shou is intended to refuse. As a result, he saw these two people, suddenly smiled, greeted two people came in, and closed the temple of the main hall, said; "Two His Majesty, you

How come? "

"You have a dead rabbit to make such a big movement, how can we come? You have received a hundred billion believers, directly into the world's first one of the magicalists! Calculate, you will be flat with us." Jun countless.

Qin Shou seeing the emperor is talking, and there is no angry meaning, which is relieved. Scratched the head, smirk; "You think I think, I am going to just preach, by the way, let them be friendly to my friendly. How can I know how to ..."

Emperor is too good: "Ghost know? I see your rabbit know from the beginning to the end!" After finishing, the Emperor is too laughing: "This is good, your stall is afraid that it is going to saints. went…"

Qin Shou frowned; "Do you have something to do, the saints also manage?"

Emperor is too white, Qin Shou, one eye: "Do something? Your heart is really big! Those saints do not hesitate to break the junior, for the disciples, open the faction. Even if the Tongtian teacher, take a few generations, but a few Ten thousand people ... and you ... do you still feel that what you do is a little thing? "

Emperor Emperor is a bitter laughter.

Qin Shou does not matter: "I don't intentionally, people are happy, and I will take me."

Emperor Jun said: "OK, the rabbit, we come this time, the mother's meaning is very simple, this kind of thing is only once, it is not an example. Since your day is standing, then it works, don't make trouble Come."

Qin Shou smiled: "This is a half-dead, come back once, come back? Forget it ... I still want to spend my wife with my wife, but my disciple is taught, I can't blame me?"

"The hundred billions of appearances, throwing it into the land fairy world, then there is a small trick, how to see your day of this day." Emperor is very simple, maybe in the ground, the sky is a metrics. Digital, but in the fairy world, this year, the world that cannot count, is indeed much more.

However, they don't understand, what are they facing! Qin Shou's hand mastered the full teachings of Buddhism, and some other doctrips on the star, integrated together, and the role of these teachings is far more than their imagination!

In the beginning, I could take the Buddha's door to Dingsheng. Now how many of Qin Shou have, he doesn't know!

Although there is no Yadheng, the Emperor's master is nine people! These people go out to teach, and the speed is not too fast!

Plus the Bible made by the hint of holy ...

And Qin Shou, although it is not a large-scale wholesale of believers, it can choose sharp disciples,

As a result, a church has a master, there is an errand, a teach, he is afraid?

Qin Shou is not worried about his own sky!

So Qin Shoufu agreed, Emperor Taiyi and Emperor have a tone, and now many saints are hard to understand, and they are all together. If it is more troublesome, then trouble.

I sent it away from the emperor and Emperor Taiyi. Qin Shou turned back, I saw a person on my own throne, and I was so dark, a black windbreaker, my mouth didn't know what to eat, how to see Is a scorpion!

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