The old man is a jade rabbit

The wilderness of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 1085.

"Hey, what kind of wind blows the emperor Jiangdao?" Qin Shouzhen.

I turned around: "How do you divide the bunny? Guan Dijun is a big uncle, I am going to be a friend, do you think I am not as good as the emperor?"

Qin Shou smiled: "I don't say this, but I have the brother's brother, you are the brothers of the scene, countless, and only the relationship between the two generations. As for the emperor, that is called before Take a port, now too lazy to change, you know, I am very lazy. "

Di Jiang said: "The mouth will be said, I don't care about you. Rabbit, you just have a big hand, a few billions of believers, ... what is the verse used by the end ? Ecthase with great confusion. "

Qin Shou did opposite the Emperor Jiang, said: "Di Jiangdao friends, can not tell me, I

I haven't dried, those guys are happy, and I am appointed me. "

"Less less with me, you eat a gambling rabbit, there is a virtue, let people feel the convincing? I don't have it to resist, you can do it? If you don't say it, I will come to you. It is something wrong. "The expression of the emperor was serious.

Qin Shou also stood up with serious, the ancestral found him, or he was not a very familiar ancestral witch, 80% is a big event!

Dijiang is very serious, staring at Qinshi Road: "Um ... Do you know not on Wushang?"

Qin Shou is in the heart of a slightly.

Dijiang Road: "This thing, um ... how do you prepare to solve?"

Qin Shou smiled: "This is too big, I can't solve it. I have said with the uncle of the emperor. The uncle of the emperor said that he will personally solve it. But so long, no movement, don't know he is doing What." ..

Chapter 538 Demon Demon


Di Jiang's brow wrinkled: "You can't do the Lord this kind of thing? Also let the emperor solve?"

Qin Shou booth stall hand: "The key is that I don't understand! I don't understand, I am very real."

"You don't understand? You don't understand what casinos do you open! Mom has a chicken, and you have to get the old man, winning my pants, the scorpion is so faster! Now I still have a buttons! I No matter what this account, I decided to pay off, you look at it! "The emperor took the case and screamed.

Qin Shou is dumbfounded ... This TM said is not a matter! He also thought that the Emperor River ran forward to talk about the problem of the graphic graphic on the mountains, the result is that this guy is gambling because of running the holy mountain, and the bet is lost! Qin Shoutonia has a day-old dog's feeling ...

Di Jiang saw Qin Shou did not speak, the old face was a red road: "Rabbit, I will tell you, I am very poor. Um ... In fact, in our ancestral, except for your sister, it is very poor. So ... you see, Is this more ... um? "

Qin Shou once again stupid, the ancestral, this Dijiang also faced?

Di Jiang saw Qin Shou, not a sound, fire: "I don't care, anyone else can't catch up with me, this account is not returned, I love it!"

Qin Shou went back to God, nor well, took the table to jump, call; "What?

Calling love? Get gambling, do you understand? Are you still a ancestral, this face is not? Also, if you pay attention to others, the holy mountain is a rabbit, my industry. It is also your younger brother's industry. Are you so pit? No, I have to go to my sister to talk about it, too bullying people ... "

I heard the emperor, I am anxious, and the character of the consecutive land is really not worried. Most of him have passed, but another woman does not want to provoke, it is easy to be lifted!

So Di Ru said: "Stand! Rabbit, you said, I am your brother, your brother is dot, don't you use this door?"

Qin Shou saw the Sijiang service soft. This smiled and sat down. Who did you pour the tea in the Emperor Jiang? "This is right, or a family is useful. It is useful. Money, look back, I will help you. "

Qin Shou is not in the point of money, and then said, the holy mountain gives Shen Qing, he will not care. He cared about this person of the emperor, and the ancestral friend, the future is great!

However, Qin Shou also has its own principles, and the knees are not good. If you want to make friends, you must free, no problem, let's say that everything can be talked!

The emperor saw this, immediately understood the meaning of Qin Shou, smiled: "The back of the land also said that you are a person, I think you are just a giant."

Qin Shou smiled: "I am not a stitority, now my strength is not as good as you, but you dare to guarantee the future, I am not as good as you? This saint, I became

deal! You don't lose your losses with my lord. "

"Forget it, I don't know how many yuan will, I have seen how many geniuses, and finally is not a card to die in the saints?" Di Jiang did not agree.

Qin Shou is deeply sure, since ancient times, it is a saint, and it is only a bunch of bones or ants. However, Qin Shou is not anxious, laughing, said: "That change, the rabbit, I am so old brother, we are also the same people. You can't get people with strength?"

The Emperor Jiang has snorted two times: "If this is not this, I have taken you early."

Speaking of this, Dijiang didn't want to talk to Qin Shou again, and the road: "Yes, have you seen any suspicious guy recently?"

Qin Shou shook his head: "No, people around me are known to know ... um ... um? No, there is a guy suspicious, very suspicious!"

"Who?" The emperor came to the spirit.

"Auntie!" On the holy mountain, rushing up the sleeves, squatting on the chair, two eyes on the light gambling, too, suddenly playing sneeze! ; "Really, which bastard is talking about my bad words?"

At the same time, a man is on the air, and it will go straight to the holy mountain.

Too two is fun, the next moment, one big hand falls, then it is taken away in front of it!

Qin Shou sat in his own yard, snorted a small song, and heard: "Too two, I have not married you, now I don't know if you are, so, um ... I hope you don't be too much. Ok, "

Although Qin Shou felt the secret of the gods of the Temple, Qin Shou, I really don't think there is a guy who has killed the Taiyuan people. The personality of this guy will not be suitable for the world ... but find a chance pit He, Qin Shou is still very happy.

At this moment, the depth of the mountain in the north of the land, a palace.

"Hey ... I saw him! I want to kill him!" A man huddled on the ground, constantly shaking the body, as if she was able to endure some kind of pain!

The man is all the bones of all kinds of creatures, blood donation will be red-covered throughout the palace ...

A big fire in front of the big fire is burning, just at this time, the flame suddenly deformed, distorted, and then turned into an illusory person: "The demon, I put it out, but not let you die! Your current strength, kill Don't die, the rabbit. You want to revenge, go to the West! Can help you revenge, only Luo Wei! "

The demon is difficult to raise his head, stare at the flame, call: "Who are you?"

"Who are I? You can call me to guard!" The people in the flame said indifferent.

"You want me to release Luo Wei, let the world chaotic?" The demon watched his eyes.

"What do I think, it's not you should know!" The goddess flashed in a cold and shot, shot in an instant!

The demon is fried in the air!

However, the demon rolled up on the ground, and the whole body broke out the demon, a boxing on the flame, the flames were out!

But the voice of the guard is still: "The demon, you are not you in the past! The year, you are boundless, but now you, far less! This world doesn't have the power you need, you want to restore the strength of the year. It is not distant in lovers! But Luo Wei can help you break the boundaries, live you want! You want to kill the rabbit, this is your only way! ".

Chapter 539

The demon didn't speak, just stood there, moved.

When the voice of the gods disappeared, the demon whispered to smile: "A watching dog also dare to talk to me, I will kill you sooner or later, kill everyone!"! "

The demon is roaring, starting with the sky!

Bang, a big loud, a mountain collapsed, the demon rushed to the West!

Western, must be in Mishan.

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