The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the jade rabbit 1088

Qin Shouzhen, the mythical legend of the star, the town reality is a person, the ancestors of the land fairy is not a mess, unbeaten three clear, worship the world, one hand sleeve, the monkey, the monkey, the monkey. Guanyin Bodhisattva is also paid to his lifelong ...

However, if you think about it, Qin Shou is relieved. Now Guanyin Bodhisattva will come again, Qin Shou's fingers can die! So, according to my mythical stories, this town is still

It's really unlikely. .

Chapter 542 Chang Hao, Yi and

Chang Hao, Yi and

Of course, the legend is the legend, never can't look at the truth, otherwise it will be difficult to see! This truth is Qin Shou from the bloody sea of ​​the corpse to summed up.

In front of the town yuan big immortal, the Sae's top master, the strength, Qin Shou did not step into the virtual level, it is really not necessarily to have. But now ...

Qin Shou whispered: "Uncle, you said that he is a soft egg? What is this?"

After: "Tiandi Wancha, which race has a decline, is because the people in the family work together, the follower is the opposite or encounter irresistible power, being destroyed. The life of the family is terrible, this The town redeezes did not want to pass the borders, or the opening of the rules, but they were frightened by some people, they did not dare to go out. Every day, the outside people said that they have saved the people and actually until it is. Now, there is no step to step on the Purple Palace. "

Qin Shou nodded: "This is indeed a little sleep ... I also listened to people, and the people were suppressed by the thousands of people. They were afraid that the people once again rose again, overturned the heavens, and the world. Zhenyuan is threatened, Once you get out of the purple palace, it will be saved. I still think that he is also forced, and now it is indeed a soft egg. "

After: "Yeah, the so-called thousands of boots, but some don't use it."

The guy of the heart is in the ghost, for example, the ancestors. Whether it is a witch or a monsters, the views of the people are actually the same. You have the rise, and there is no such thing. Emperor and Emperor Taiyi will not rise in the idiots ... "

Qin Shou is deeply thought about: "Yes, I really have a short, I really believe it. Emperor is a matter of emperor and Emperor Tai Wai, I can't shake their status. How can I care about the rise and fall of a family? This town is not to kill the biliary and courage of his own people. It is despised! Unfortunately, the first day, the original, and let the opportunity to pull him, send back to my moon mountain species. Go. "

After he heard, he suddenly gone, and he saw the robbery and strong bastard!

When I said this, Qin Shou was also too lazy to look at the town, and the two people went to stop, and then gave Qin Shou to introduce some friends. The other side listened, Qin Shou is now the rabbit in the day, nature does not mind and Qin Shoulalla relationship, at least not sinned, lest it hoped on the way to go home, so Qin Shou's next time is also cheerful.

But happy days will soon pass, two black faces come.

"Hey, isn't this a visit? I haven't seen you for a long time, the rabbit master is very missing! Last time

. I met this time, let's get close to it? "To say this, Qin Shou ran over.

Attendance to the people, the face suddenly became incapacitated! In the face of so many people, I was shouted by the rabbit, this is not the bright, big, and the face is lost.

However, after all, the attachment is still angested, and it is not a way: "Rabbit, if it is not a saint to help you, you have no longer ruined. Today is here, it is really a shame!"

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "I didn't care about this skin, but I didn't think about this skin! I didn't swear! Tagged people, you dare to vow it to the sky, I didn't have a dog that I was not as good as I was?" At the battle, the rabbit, I have a truth, don't believe it? Don't believe it, do you swear? "

"Ohasaks can you hang? Also, here is the Zijing Palace, can you not be your hoping mount, what is the ?" At this time, the town is open!

Qin Shouton is not cool, suddenly turned, big and said: "Which wild dog is changing? What is your mouth?"

"Mixing things! You are just a mountain rabbit, and dare to be so mad?" The town render is big.

Qin Shou's two eyes turned, it would not ignore the town of Yuanzi, but look around: "Who is this stupid? Hurry!"

Everyone he said, smirked, and the town Yuanzi suddenly killed half. Confucius on the side: "Taoist friends, this person is so vicious, but you said that he is good, it is really unaffected."

Kong Qiu shook his head: "Taoist friends, you meet, talking is very happy, there is something, first."

After the finishes of Kong Qiu, he turned directly to leave, Wanshi is right, his heart has a mirror, and it will face with him with him with him.

However, Kong Qi is the foreigner, and it is not planned to be drunk, so there is no need to go to Qin Shou, just standing in the distance, two do not help.

When the town Yuanzi suddenly became awkward, even the comments around him were not optimistic, this person can be a bit lost!

At this time, the attractions and quasi-triskers came to the front: "Town Yuanzi Jianxian, this long time didn't see it, the mana of the big fairy is getting deeper."

The look of the town is a lot, and the rollover is said: "The two friends said, the strength of the two friends has already passed. If it is not to suppress the Western evil, it will be stunned by a rabbit. Two It is the model of my generation. "

The face of the attractions and the quasi-trisher also became a lot, and at the same time, the town is indeed on the road!

Qin Shou wondered, and he smiled.

I asked behind; "Why laugh?"

Qin Shouke laughed, and laughed and said: "I am killed, two together, say each other incense ... haha ​​... The most important thing is that they have a letter ... Haha ..."


Lucky, Qin Shouwen looked at it, slightly, people were a woman, with a thin yarn and could not be clear, wearing a silver long shirt, all over the body, and a faint moonlight, it is very expensive. Wong.

After the lack of low voice: "This is the Moon Fairy, which is said that she was bathed in the moonlight. He has a feeling, with a pregnancy, and he is born in December. Another woman, the sun goddess and not, the two people don't know how many years, even the emperor is adjusted in the middle, and I have not seen it. ".."

Chapter 543 Burning People

Burning man

Qin Shou wedd by whispering, whispered, whispered: "For , I heard that the emperor and, Chang Hao is a husband and wife, the sun and the moon are the children of the emperor ..."

After glanced, the eyes were scared: "Who do you listen to?"

Qin Shou asked: "Isn't it?"

After: "Of course not! Emperor and Si and the brothers and sister relationships, Hehe with the real fire of the emperor and the emperor, the output of ten golden embarrassment. But the hey is not a wife, two people have been They are all brothers and sisters, and there is no impunity in the autumn. He has said that she must surpass the emperor. She did this for so many years. "

Qin Shou Mong is a circle, scratches the head: "Hey, brothers and sisters have children? Is this not incest?"

"Hey!" Qin Shou's head was smashed, and Qin Shou was anger, but the emperor arrived.

Qin Shou quickly shut up ... Behind people say bad words, being caught in the current, and it is also a life.

The emperor glanced in Qin Shouyi: "What is a incest, we understand the heavens, the day, and benefit the people. How did you get a taste in your mouth?"

Qin Shou also understood the meaning of the emperor, the so-called ten Jinwu, in fact, it is equivalent to the living method of the emperor and the refining. It is only that two people have made some of their own sequesties. There is no relationship between the two

There is no feelings.

But Qin Shou as a professional old driver for many years, and the more I want to be more and more, the more far away.

Looking at the eyes of Qin Shou's thief, the emperor is too lazy to take care of him.

Emperor's hand in Chang Yizhen: "Chang Xi Xianzi, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Chang Hao is also a ritual: "The demon emperor is still still style, why don't you see the Emperor?"

"He has something, first goes. We don't stand outside, let's go, go in." Emperor is invited, no one is not good, nodded, and left.

After the emperor was invited, he would have a good time.

Only Qin Shou was deliberately forgotten by emperors. This guy saw this, this plan will take the opportunity to open, go to other places to transfer, the result is only turned, I heard two drinks: "Rabbit! Where to go!"

Nature of the opening is emperor and after!

This dead rabbit has made them don't worry. This is two people looking away. He can also be outside the Ziyan Palace and take the trokers. This guy is not allowed to do anything. .

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