The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit 1089

Then Qin Shou was pulled by two people, and the face was not willing to go in.

I saw this on the side of the side, and I smiled, and I saw that Qin Shou's eyes were smiling.

She has never seen the jungee and after the life this life.

On the other hand, the attractions, the passenger and the town of the town came together, and the three people talked all the way.

"The rabbit is so evil, disturbed the peace of the fairyland, bringing the people to the infinity disasters, when the town said angrily.

The attractions were hosted, and smiled: "It is true that this rabbit is sinful, and it is not enough."

Zhenyuan Zao: "Hey, there are two sages in the land in the middle of the year, and the Western teaches the secret to cultivate my people's disciples, and let the people have a cone. Thank you."

Attendance people and quasi-triskers, Lianlian, also ritual: "Don't dare to be, Pu Wei sentient beings are what we are in the past, and how do you dare to work? If it is a function, isn't it a rabbit?"

Three people looked at it and laughed, and then walked into the purple palace.

Not far away, the two men slowly came, one person: "Chen Wang, just in the rabbit. What do you really do this?"

Chen Wang snorted: "Red Mi, my things don't need you. At the beginning, I didn't have a grace of me. This cause I naturally go to break. You don't have to blow and blow in the edge, say more It is useless, my idea will not change because of anyone. Pour you, the key time is not thoughtful, I don't care, I am. "

Red Mi did not think about it: "This is wrong, I don't want to abandon him.

I don't care, but he doesn't listen, I still want to marry and I ... "

"Your business, I don't want to listen. Let's go, everything is waiting to say again! I also want to see, this rabbit can be resistant!" After that, Chen Wang suddenly walked forward.

Red Misfort smiled, followed.

On the other hand, there are two people walk into the purple palace, one person is wide and cold, quite emotional temperament; another person is a big red robe, a smile, a heartbead.

"Three thousand friends, just entering the rabbit, I got to have a good relationship, but it is not as good as the friends. But why is the world saying that he is the main character of the world, the genius of the world?" I can't say it.

The Chinese service man is at the beginning, I want to ask him to deal with the three thousand mains of Qin Shou. Unfortunately, the three thousand people don't want to be causing the bunny, and finally refuses.

Three thousand big rings, huh, huh, smiled: "Burning the lights friends, if the genius, this day does not know how much. However, this rabbit is indeed genius, this year has such a achievement, I can't do it. Of course, The genius or not, it is still necessary to see that the threshold can be considered to cross the saints. The rest are virtual ... "

The burner laughed: "It's so, let's go, Taoist friends, let's go in and see."

The burning laugaire, the three thousand mains Lord laughed, two people understand each other's mind, some words are going to remain the best, but more, but causing the opponent.

When I have to enter the purple palace, the three thousand people suddenly asked: "What do you mean now?"

"The saints are repaired, naturally, but the disciples are inevitable, the world is big, want to high-spirited, only the competition is the unremitting motive." The burning launcher.

Three thousand big director hits: "I will go with the rabbit, but I will not kill him."

The burning lane: "Taoist friends are free."

He is sneered in my heart: "Once you have to do it, you will not be you ..."

At this moment, the burning man felt a murderous movement, stunned, and found that the rabbit was watching him! The heart suddenly turned a hundred and twenty, he and this rabbit met for the first time, how did the other party seem to see the father and enemy? The burning man is fingeting, the result is a chaotic, what is nothing, it makes him upset, angry, inexplicably. .

Chapter 544 Challenges?

I saw the burning light again, and the murder in Qin Shou's eyes did not add convergence!

In the future, this burning can be said to be countless and Qin Shou, and finally the saints are struck, and most of the reasons are also in his body! If he is not him and if it is, Qin Shou uses whiteboard to reverse the time and space, and how can it be discovered by the saints? Why do you want to kill you?

So all this is in this burning!

However, Qin Shou also understands that now the saints are repaired, and the burning people are the disciples of Yuan Shi Tianzun. If Qin Shou doesn't care about him directly, it is afraid that it is a big disaster. If you are not good, the saint is going to fight again. If the person who has killed the world, Qin Shou can be big.

Qin Shou arrived if he didn't care about it, but killing the world, killing the world, no one fled this world, the final fire still had to burn him. He is now concerned, and it can be lost to anyone ...

Today, because Qin Shou's arrival, this world has already changed. Slowly deviate from the historical trajectory, at least the mature thing to die in the Valley Valley is gone, and there is no matter what the dafficking day. The fuse of the Lich Wars is cut off.

Left, just manage, when you can change the trajectory of fate. At this time, it is really not suitable for chaos ...

In addition, Qin Shou is also concerned with the people who have killed the world, Qin Shou or even doubts.

The Lich War did not have happened, but the people who were destroyed were out of the world. It is like the original dragon and phoenix robbery. If it is true, then Qin Shou has not changed any fate trajectory, everything is still running. So, Qin Shou has to be more cautious.

So Qin Shou still endured, but he remembered this matter, just wait for the opportunity to mature, then let the killer!

Qin Shou turned over, the burning light is an inexplicable.

The Zijing Palace is inside, what is special, the palace is set with three thousand stone pillars, and there is a futon on each stone column. The higher the stone pillar of the intermediate, the lower it around.

After the low voice: "This stone pillar does not have a fixed master. If you want to sit forward, you will have to go to the book. With your strength, the top ten stone pillars can try. The second circle of stone pillars At that time, ten were tempted. "

Qin Shou nodded, he knew that this time you don't have to be polite, the Zijing Palace does not allow you to find trouble, fight, but there is another space on each stone column. That space is to fight for everyone, win can sit down, lose it!

Qin Shou swept an eye, the location of this guy was not in the first ten, but in the second circle. Qin Shou can only give up the opportunity to find him now, must be, every time Hongjun starts, there is only one chance to challenge, Qin Shou can not want to waste such a good opportunity.

Qin Shou whispered: "Who is the position of the big brother, the middle of the middle?"

"You are right, from left to right, respectively: pick people, pretty, 3,000 main, Chen Lord, Devil, Fuxi, life and death, Chang Hao, Yihe, and mine." Hoe.

Qin Shouzhen: "Dad, uncle, do they have no position?"

After the head: "Emperor and Emperor Taiyi are the demon emperor, heaven and earth, their position is not below, but it is above!"

Qin Shou looked up, this saw that there is a huge lotus flower in the Zijing Palace. This lotus will come up with it. If you can't see how many petals, emands rotate, empty, you have an endless kight!

There are sixteen futons on the petals of the lotus, surrounding this lotus flower.

Big lotus flowers, floating two independent lotus, at this moment, emperor and east emperor are sitting on it, it is always easy to get it.

Qin Shou was called Qi Dao: "This thought that the column below is the best position. I didn't expect to have such a good location on my head."

After: "That lotus is the ninety-ninth lotus station, it is said that the power is still on the Xuanhuang to treasure of Jiuwang Tian, ​​but some people say that this lotus is fake, the real lotus is as early as When the Bao Cliffs were treated, they have been known as countless Xuan Huang. It is just a virtual image. Even so, it is infected with the ancestors of Hongyu, and it is also very powerful. "

Qin Shou nodded, he also heard that the ninety-ninth lotus has differentiated into countless days.

The god of treasure, just don't know the true and false.

"If you choose, hurry, when the lotus is completely opened, Hong Yuli came, and there is no seat, and will be kicked out."

At the same time, many people looked at Qin Shou, as well as attractions and quasi-triskers. Everyone understands that this rabbit is coming, it will not choose a pillar who is obscured, he will definitely find things!

Since finding, who is more suitable than the attractions that have just been provoked Qin Shou?

"Attach people are afraid that there is a lot of trouble."

"Not necessarily, although the Taoist Buds is in Missha, but don't forget, this is not an outside world. Here is the Zijing Palace. In the Zijing Palace, the attachment can use all the strength! That is the strength of the virtual level ..."

"Hey, I see this rabbit is planted, the attachment people deliberately let him, showing that he is afraid of his appearance, it is estimated to wait for him here, with him higher."

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