The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the flood is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 1096.

At this time, everyone in the scene has gone, this is the highest tribute to the only saints in the world.

In the next moment, the three clear saints slowly walked into the purple palace and sat in the lotus. After a while, the girl is coming, sitting on the other. Then the twelve ancestors arrived, sitting in one side, respectively ...

At this moment, Qinshou corner sounded: "Hey, that is my mother!"

At this time, everyone in the scene looks to Qin Shou, and I found that Qin Shou looked up at the lotus, and the next consciousness came to the eyes of Qin Shou! As a result, it was found that Qin Shou fell to hook, it turned out to be ancestral math!

Xuan Ming's fairy belongs throughout the country is not famous. If you don't have less, things are not dry, so that everyone is secretly named her for the bone ancestral.

Such a woman, no one dares to hit her, and everyone didn't expect that this dead rabbit actually dared to fight the idea of ​​Xuan Ming!

"Is this rabbit to die?" This is a thought of all people whispered.

However, let everyone fall in the glasses, Xuan Ming actually responded! Smiling, the smile is very beautiful, as if the iceberg has a lot of choilate, it is extremely warm, then Xuan Dynasty: "You this rabbit, I have not promised to be your lady. I want to chase me, you still have a fire. "

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "I said, I can't find you in the Hushan. It turned out that it was running here. Nothing, I'm almost the fire, I will don't believe it, I am, I am ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, A handsome big guy can't catch you. "

Xuan Ming smiled: "Then you have to work hard."

"Well, um ... make sense, don't worry, the child ..." Qin Shou

Point head.

When everyone taught, the dead rabbit did not understand the meaning of Xuan Ming. Let him strive to pursue her, let him work hard! Not let him work hard in bed!

Xuan Ming is also angry: "" Sad Rabbit, go back and pack you! "

Qin Shou didn't matter, even busy with Fang Ya, said: "Sister is good, you are good."

Fang Yahe is laughing and responding, the other ancestors are a face, this rabbit will be climbed in the rod, who is his brother?

Of course, the woodproof is except, and there is a smile: "Your guy, don't call me uncle?"

"Uncle is young, isn't it the big brother, hehe." Qin Shou immediately called.

When Menton laughed.

: "Rabbit, you don't climb your relatives, I have no relationship with you."

Tonging to laugh: "Don't deal with you with the sentence, don't use the fire to the rabbit? I have lost my identity ..."

I got a work and wished the way: "Then my business can not use you to ask?"

Is it true that the three flashes are burned? "

Zhu Rong immediately went back, seeing two deaths and heads.

Xuan Ming snorted: "If you have two, it's okay, what is it like?"

Zhu Rong and co-gratifying it, while he is twice, it is not awkward. Obviously Xuan Ming's deterrent is still very good ...

Everyone saw this, secretly screaming, thinking that the twelve ancestors are almost, but now it seems that this Xuan Dynasty is more fierce! And this most fierce is the woman of the rabbit. Who will get rid of this rabbit?

Three clear and female scorpions were not careless, just quiet sitting ... It seems to be used to these guys have not been quarreled, and it seems to be a matter of things between the ancestral.

Just at this time, a purple sky from the sky!

This time, along with the saints, all stood up!

Then, a horrible and sharp pressure dropped, Qin Shou actually had a soft feeling! This is too horrible! It is not for this prevention, but it is only naturally emerging, so Qin Shou has also lived.

At this time, Qin Shou finally understood why the strength of Ziyi's three thousand passengers is very powerful. There is not enough strength, don't say hearing, it is estimated that it is going to be crushed on the spot! This is not anyone else!

However, Qin Shou always looks back, he is very curious, how is this Hongjun?

people! Will it be an old man? Still a child? Is a male or a woman?

As a result, Qin Shou Dachards is that there is no person in the violet light, but everyone collectively worshiped, said: "Meet the teacher!"

Qin Shou followed, but only the question mark in his head, Hong Yu? Human? Win a hair in the air?

Just then, the lotus blooming, the last few petals were also opened, and there was a movie, purple robe, sitting on the lotus platform, under the whole body, purple, lingering, at all, could not see the face! I can't miss the men and women!

"Is this Hongjun?" Qin Shou's doubt.

"From." Hong Yun's voice came out, the voice is very neutral, but it is in peaceful and innocent, and people can't resist! It seems that every word of Hongjun will drive a heaven and earth law. In this case, Qin Shou's enlightened mind suddenly summed up an answer that let Qin Shou feel some horrible. This Hongjun is not saying the law. ! Instead, it is born! .

Chapter 553 is troublesome


He creates rules, creative law!

He said, you get it, this is not to mobilize the heavens and the power, but create a rule, you have to get up! Then you will work out ...

This is extremely mysterious, even if it is a provenent's head, it is not analyzed.

Qin Shou has a feeling of jumping with a heartbeat, this power is too horrible! Far, nothing, can be able to match!

Ok, the other party did not intend to kill, just said a word.

Everyone got up and sat well.

Hong Hao did not say anything, started to have a lecture! Only the way this is said, it is far more than Qin Shou's imagination!

Hong Yu said is not a language, but a sound of sound avenue, this sound is a note, but the notix is ​​integrated!

These notes fall into everyone's ear, as if they see the way, personally touch the general, the feeling of the feelings is far from knowing the provenance! It's like a person riding a bicycle, the slope is on the road, the more tired it, but when Hongjun said, instantly go to the downhill, and the pleasure of a madness all the way!

Qin Shou tried to calm his inner, and the provenent's head was crazy. Receive all the notes, no matter what it could not be realized, save it, look back, it is good!

Qin Shou stole his eyes for four weeks, and Qin Shou was stupid!

Purple Palace is gone!

Some is just a slim space. This space seems to be in the ocean in time. Qin Shou has seen countless pictures, and those pictures are unclear, but Qin Shou is very affirmation, it must be an image of one world! Even these images are one of the portals leading to other worlds!

The Qin Shou of this scene is really shocked! Zijing Palace, is not a circular purple palace, but communicating the endless world!

Look at the old ancestors, lotus, the purple gas rises, the people inside can not see, but they can't miss men and women, but Qin Shou has a feeling, this is like, it is very likely to be no one ... of course, it is guess Qin Shou may not dare to say.

Subsequently, Qin Shou closed his eyes, caught in the state of enlightening, resonating with Tiandao, knowing the amazing changes in the sea. The common work suddenly roared, jumped to the earth, and then breeble with him, the endless sea is spread, and there is a vast and boundless land!

Subsequently, I will follow with a big drink, fall down, and a loud noise, the flame is rushing, igniting a land, but more flames enter the earth, hibernating.

And the seven-color beads also fell, hanging in the air, blooming the light, and shining the people in the sky! Then the beads rotate, the more the flux, the seven-color light is gradually become white, the sky is underground, a bright.

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