The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the old man is the jade rabbit 1097.

Qin Shou saw this, smiled slightly, his Haiyou has absorbed those treasures, and has begun to build its own world! Once this world is built, it is Qin Shoucheng's day! Qin Shou seems to have seen hope ...

The Zijing Palace is quiet, the land fairy is frying!

Standing outside the mountain, the business sheep face is cold: "What is going on? How can there be so many people come ?!"

Qinyuan followed; "What is going on?"

Too second is smirk; "Don't ask me, I am also wondering ..."

At this time, after the success of it. He has been in the holy mountain, that is, in the near future, the news is naturally more than the public. When I came over, I called: "The matter is somewhat not, I don't know who it is, I am promoting, I don't want to dig away from the mountain, from the outside to the mine!"

"What?" The shocked voice, then he said: "It's a thief to catch thief! Do you know who is passing out?"

After the laugh: "I have sent people to check it, but I can't find it. Now I have come to the holy mountain to ask me, ask me. This is not Zhou Mountain is a bumn, how do I? Maybe you can dig it? I'm seeing ghosts! When this time, the purple palace said, the big brother is not there ... my sister is not, hey ... "

"You don't want it, then let's take a look! I have to look at it, who is in the wind!" Said cold and cold.

The women nodded, especially the sun, but also held the fist, called: "I want

Let him eat! "


At this moment, the holy mountain is still chaotic into a pot of porridge, and I don't know where to come out so many people, all are blocked in the entrance of Shengshan, how to see the four Emperor! Ask for a long time!

After the girls came, they didn't have the first time, but let the girl look at it later! Look at this group of people, which people are most jumping, then focusing on!

As for the back, naturally, it is rushed out as cannon gray. There is also an unlucky ghost, that is, too long.

"Everything, I said, the purple palace started, the four emperors have long been going to the Zijing Palace. How will it be here? Also, you say that my holy mountain is not mine in the mountains, you can have evidence? Don't talk messages! Talking is to be responsible! "After the Qing stood in the height, Hu Shun said.

"Houqing, I am ghost king, demon ghost! Although this magic is not good, it also understands the importance of not Wushan! Not Zhaoshan is collapsed, everyone is not a good day! You said we didn't Evidence? But I want to say, evidence is in your gambling stone square! There are many stone mines there in the mountains! What do you say? "The demon ghost is called.

Too two real people heard the words, immediately jumped out, pointed to the demon devil: "You have a old ghost that you have, what is it? You have to be squat, just find a place to go, don't

Shout! Who didn't know that the stone of the cascade is not a thoughtful thing? Although we took over, we didn't open the industry at all! No profit, what is our mine? Is it sick? "

"Too second real person, you said that it is too simple to say? Who doesn't know if there is a treasure in the mountains? There are countless treasures, and even there is a niche of the gods in the dragon and phoenix!

Chapter 554 is all coming

All came

You can not sell it, but you can use the stone to take the treasure yourself! "Another guy who has a bird's body jumps out.

Too two real people's eyebrows, asked: "Where is your bird?"


The demon devil is followed: "When the empty matters said, you can use it without selling itself!"


"We have the shadow of your mineral, and there is also a rabbit carrot flag of the four emperors! What do you say?"

"I don't have to say it. Everyone directly enters the mountain, I will know how to explore! People can run, the mine can't run?"

Everyone should be, and the morale is high, and the Taiqi live people can't press it.

"How to do this? What can I do? Too many people said that some people do not open in the mountains, this is the past, if the other party is a heart, it is definitely a means of various cultivation and framed ..." .

Holding the head: "How is the arrangement? These waste did not understand the truth of this world! The strength is everything! It's white, if the rabbit has the strength of Hongyu's ancestors, even if it is not, what is it? Although the rabbit did not have the strength of the old ancestors, it really had the strength and power, and these waste is not enough! I am worried about it now, this matter is behind the ghost! "

"I am also worried about this! These guys who jumped out, but the strength is just the queen, the most powerful food! I dare to find a rabbit. The rabbit is not a bit half ..." Qinyuan nodded.

Shang Yang said: "If someone is behind the scene, then what is his purpose? I really can't see what is the benefits of him to encourage these people to come to the black rabbit. How much harm for the rabbit. If it is just to smear the rabbit The name of the reputation, he is not necessarily. The rabbit of the family did not have a good reputation at all ...

The girls heard the words, they were very clear, and the rabbit's name was passed out, and there were bunny to deliberately put out. How is this rabbit, they are clear than anyone.

"I think this matter, we don't come out, just look at it on the side! Look at what they end up."

Kwai Road: "They are now in the mine, and the Qing and Taiyuan people can't live a bit ..."

"That let them see!"

Rainbow also has little to open; "Yes, they want to see, let them look! Walking along the route should be able to uncover the last mystery. We only need to do a good or not. Let us see Look, what is the existence of that? "

"Yes!" .

Subsequently, after the emotion of the sound, Shen Qing heard the words, and suddenly there was.

After the Qing Dynasty, he said: "If you want to go to the mine, then go! Just I have to see, what people are so big, I dare to go to the mountain!"

"This is good, I am afraid that the crime is conclusive, hey ..." The demon ghost is smirk.

Just then, the Tai Tu live is cold and sweeping a demon demon magic: "The crime is uniform? Do not say that this is not the relationship between a copper plate, even if you have, how do you want to fight with us? Still what? "

The demon ghost is heard, and suddenly.

Others are also embarrassing, yeah, if the crime is implemented, how can they? Fight with the rabbit? Don't be teasing, add enough not enough for the rabbit to shoot still two ...

The empty feathers said: "If it is confirmed, we will tell the heavens. If the storm is ignive, we will tell the saints! There is always a reason to be reasonable under the day."

Too two real people immediately clamped: "I said it! I remember you, do you call the empty Yuko? Looking back, I will tell the rabbit, um ... he will give you a reasonable place. Do not worry…"

When the face of the airpatcher, it was pale, and was found to be the door by the rabbit. I am afraid it is not to be.

"What is the rabbit to come back? If there is a human movement, my Western teaches first!" At this time, a group of people came from far away, and the feet suddenly, and the head is Lotus bloom, there is twelve Yadian! A strength, the big old and far, give everyone a heavy oppression!

The slogan also lifted, whispered: "This twelve Yada is very powerful! And the breath is connected, afraid to be a kind of hitting method! Twelve people teamed up, I and the rainbow may not be able to block them!"

Shangqi Shen said: "I know them! This is the 12th Xianxian! It is the existence of Western teachers only to the people and quasi-triad people! There are also people who call them in the West! Because they are mainly jurisded Things are to clean up the portal! Those who betray the Western teaching will be to go to the door! Those who have supreme Western teach will be to go to the door, kill a clean! But recently these yuan will have no longer appear again, it is said to stay In Mi Mi, helping people and quasi-triad people should be able to take the Missha. How come now they have come out? There must be a weird! "

Qinyuan said: "Is it what they are in a ghost?"

"Take a look." The middle of the way, I said before: "This is not on the mountain, but I still don't take you when you come!"

"I hope so." The first in the 12th sage can't say it, but there is no meaning of continuing to pick up. This is a doubt of the mid, she really can't understand, what is going on?

Just then, some people come, Phoenix Ming, Zhenlong roar, but the dragon and the Phoenix people come! The Phoenix family is a woman wearing a Phoenix Crown. The woman stepped on a golden phoenix, a servant, and obviously she was rushing all the way.

A old man took a young man to fall from the sky, and immediately ran up, called: "Old, my brother, how come you?"

Dragon is coming, the old man, the palace, the main Haohai and . .

Chapter 555 planted?


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