The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit 1098.

; "What do I do? Of course, I have to give me a good son-in-law, some people say that you have moved not Wushan, I don't believe it. However, the other two old guys are very convinced, this will not take me. It is gone. Daughter, you are honest, this is not thinking about Zhaoshan? "

, hurry up: "We don't know, we got news last night, some people did not mine in the mountains. We have also rushed over. The result is that there is a large group of guys to say in the door of Shengshan. They are preparing to go to the mine to see, we mean together to see. "

: "It's not that you do, but this is very big, and it happens when you go to the Ziyong Palace listening. This is not a plot, I will eat it in the mountains! Remember I don't have to shoot, this is really a big pit, I caught in the heart, I causing it. "

: "I know."

The sea is safe.

I have never spoken, but quietly observed the movement of there.

"Win the cloud, still not willing to forgive people?" The woman of the Phoenix family said softly.

Winning the clouds, I looked at the Chinese women. The girl nodded, won the cloud, and came to the Phoenixian women. "Meet the Queen."

"Winning the cloud, the Phoenix is ​​what you should be very clear. At that time, we would be unable to fight. So there will be sacrificed you to marry the move, now the demon is dead, everything has become, you still refuse Back to the Phoenix family? "Queen Fenghuang people asked.

"Why do you want to go back? Go back and then be used as a piece of chess? Win the cloud, don't go with her! The Phoenix is ​​not a few good birds up and down, from the head to the end and our rabbit rabbit is right!" Knife immediately shouted.

The Phoenix Queen smiled slightly; "I admit that when I did a bad place in my Phoenix family, I can apologize for those I can apologize. As for winning, I don't want to ask, if I want to go home, I will go back. Look, don't want to go back. "

Winning the clouds, she is really worried about the Queen of the Phoenix forces her, and she will be difficult to choose.

So I won the clouds: "Multi-learn Queen is concerned about, winning the cloud now there is home."

The Queen of the Phoenix is ​​heard, and the eyes flashed a disappointment. She is a queen, thinking about it will never move because of their feelings, will only depart from the interests of the ethnic group. It's like the winning cloud of the year, even if she disagree, she still did it.

Today, winning the clouds and the four-party emperor, the relationship is close, no one can see, the name of the rabbit is the servant of the rabbit, actually the existence of the general management, the size of the business is involved. Even some people say that win the clouds and evening are Qin Shou's women!

Under these rumors, the status of the wins natural water is high!

Nowadays, the integrated evaluation of strength, power, forces, potential, almost no one can exceed Qin Shou! This also allows the Phoenix Queen to see a hopes of the rise of the Phoenix family, but unfortunately, this hope that they will cut off their own years ...

"Win Yun, can you move not Zhaoshan?" Queen asked.

Win Yun immediately shakes his head: "Of course, there is nothing, don't we move him? Not Zhanshan? Even if you want to move, it is also a Wan Mountain. "

The Queen heard the words, slightly said: "It is true, then this is afraid of being serious."

"The serious is not serious, I have seen it! In the buddha, Yu Xi Palace Yuan Shi Zunmen's disciples! Teachers, brothers and others have went to the Zijing Palace, and they are not eligible to eligibility. Not Zhaoshan, specially come to see. "The bustling libraries, white gates, holding a folding fan in hand, quite a few pieces of son.

Unfortunately, there is no one in the scene, but after the courtesy of his polite, no one will care about him, and the bustling is awkward.

"The bustling master, I haven't seen you for a long time!" At this time, the Shen Gao is coming, and the eyes swept on the bustling.

The prosperous son saw the Shen Gal leopard is a hundred and twenty dozen, the strength, his second kills the leopard, the mournful anger, but only when the teacher ... but I met my own people, so I said: "It turned out to be a Shen Gao brother, how did you come over? ? "

Shen Leopard shook his head: "How can I not come? Why don't I come? Not only I came, Wu Fang five old came, but did not appear. Nowadays, the fairyland, can also call the name, All come. "

Shen Gao leopard is not small, everyone can hear clear ...

The face of the slogan is getting worse and worse, and this thought is only a small piece of dirty water. It seems that this is someone who wants to take advantage of Qin Shou, and push him to the abyss!

"It's been so many people, it seems to have something to do."

is also a concern: "Old, he said, how do these people come? Not what we do is doing, can they still don't work?"

: "Hey, you still don't understand. If you remember me, if you have something happened, you don't have your hand, run directly! Go to the sky! This matter also tells you those good sisters, rabbits People must not be injured here! I will bring people to help you. "

: "Why?"

Head: "Silly girl, we suspect that someone is accounting everyone! Black rabbit is just ahead, if it is successful, I am probably to shoot you. If you kill you, wait for the rabbit back, In his character, what do you think he will do? "

I thought that Qin Shou's personality had the character of the news, suddenly scared, called: "He will destroy all the ancestors of everyone in the scene!"

"It's, if the rabbit did this, people behind these people will not shoot? What should these positive people think? If you have the use of the opportunity, you are likely to explode a battle! When you come ..." He said this, I don't say it. .

Chapter 556 Rabbit

The pretty face is awkward, and it is called; "I have to go to the sister to talk ..."

Then I ran.

When I arrived, when I guess it, my girl was not surprised. Instead, it is the transfer of waving: "Some people give us information. This is someone who is calculating us, which is likely to be in the mountains."

"What? Someone delivers information? Who?" .

The women have shaken their heads, and the merchants said: "A small demon sent, the other person used the eye, he didn't wear it."

"No matter what to say, we still have all the allies, not the lonely fight. After a while, I will have a problem, I really want to have a problem, let go, understand?"

The women nodded.

On the other hand, the group is already called out, and repeatedly forced back.

After the middle of the middle, Shen Qing said, and suddenly sent a tone. Lang said: "Okay, don't shout! You don't believe it? That will go see it! But I can tell you, no matter what Don't mess out! What is the truth of things, or wait for us to ask the heaven and earth to identify the true and false, then say! "

Everyone saw the Qing's concession, nor did it, then the army was developed, and they went straight to the mountains in the mountains!

Too two truths followed, pull the Qing Dao: "What is you doing so fast? Slow down!"

"Don't you do it? They are so fast, if you can't put all kinds of cultivation? I don't want my big brother to be black by them." ,

Too two is white, and you will look at the Qing Qing: "You know a fart! The front of the thilactors will be calculated, the people who come back later, and those hidden, obviously not all the way. I suspect that someone will They attracted, they are not coming to the black rabbit, but to see the truth ... "

"Then we should be more hurry, master the initiative."

Tai Quali people directly gave it a pastel: "Is it paste in your mind? The situation in front of you is obvious, some people are in the layout, they will lead people to the mountains! But what is the scene? Still watching your stay? "

After the Qing's face: "What do you say?"

Too two really flashed a fierce road: "I doubt that the person is not a rabbit, but these people who have calculated! This is the only explanation I can think of. But it is my guess, not do it. Quasi, in short, let's go behind, it's really not right, running can also get. "

Although Shen Qing is not shameless to the act of the truth, he has to admit that it is more compressed than the strength, but theory

The brain, too second real person is absolutely crushed! Therefore, after the Qing Dynasty, then ran to the other side of the middle, and said the guesses of the Taiqi.

The bloody nodded: "I think that the guesses of the Temple people are likely to be true, but we are different from you, know that we are the people around the rabbit, representing Wang Yue Mountain and not Zhaoshan, if we are behind, I really want to do something, I am sure to add the tanity. This way, you will walk behind, I will go in front! This will not fall into the mouth. "

"No! How can you let the middle sister walk around? I will be with you!"

"I am also together!" The sun is crying.

Then, the women said that they have to follow their migration, and they will not let their people adventure.

Hard smile: "Okay, don't compete with me, my strength can still be self-motivated at the crucial moment. Your strength is not, so ... You still stay outside. What's more, I don't want it. Have dangerous, do you forget? We still have a card! "

The girls heard the words, suddenly laughed, yes, they still have a card! A strongest base card that is enough to turn it at any time!

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