The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the jade rabbit 1099.

However, the rainbow still left, the strength of the two people is the strongest in the women, walk in front, the critical moment can help each other.

"If you really have something, everyone gathered around me, I have the life of the emperor." Tao Chen Chuan

Magic road.

The women nodded ...

As for the Tai second real, I came directly to the hook, and the dead did not leave. Looking at the girls, this old man is clearly unsatisfactory, but it is still afraid of death ...

"What do you know? My flesh is not dead, but in case, in case, I have to fight, I don't think about it, I don't mean that it is not a pain! I am old, afraid of pain ... "Too many people call it straight.

The women are too lazy to take care of him. Anyway, this old guy is always reasonable, even if it is ignorant, people don't want to face, you have nothing.

The big team rushed forward, the speed was very fast, and the last half of the night, finally felt not Huashan hills, with everyone used the map to refer to the road ...

Suddenly someone shouted: "Fast, there is really a mine hole in front! And the demon is moving the stone!"

Everyone he wanted to see, and sure enough, a big hole was blocked at the foot of the mountain, and many little demon spots were in a torch, and there was a big stone with a piece of mate.

"Too second real person, is the mine you discovered here?" Businesswater asked.

Too two real people nodded: "It is here."

The public nodded, no longer confused, they are really afraid that there are several mines ...

Just then, one is roaring; "" Waisherified emblem, speed stop! Let you come up to answer, step by step, when the heart is dead! "

The following little demon should look up, find that there is so many masters, scare a soft leg, kneel on the ground, and let go.

"The king is forgiving, we are also arrested, we don't want to move the mountain. But we don't work, you will die ..." The little demon mourned.

Everyone he said that his face was slightly changed, and there was really someone behind the scenes!

"I am a demon king of the water, you are honest, what people who are gratifying you! Where is he?" Water Valley demon kings.

"Go back to the king, we don't know, people who catch us are a rabbit!" A small demon said.

Everyone he said, immediately looked at the middle of the way!

The faint road: "There is countless rabbit under the sky, what do you do?" ..

Chapter 557 Guangming


"You can know what the rabbit is coming? What is the characteristics?" Shuigu demon king continued to ask.

"I don't know, he will only appear when he is sending hardships. Usually do not appear at all ..." The little demon replied.

"This ..." Water Valley Demon King is also difficult, there is no evidence, they certainly can't accuse Qin Shou is behind the scenes.

Everyone, look at me, I see you, no one is awkward.

Just then, the demon devil: "I think we should go see the mine, maybe, there will be clues inside."

Empty feathers; "I agree, no matter what, this mine hole must be removed, otherwise it will endless."

Everyone nodded, the sea palace master does not oppose it, just smiles: "This is good, then, who is going in? I am old, my body is not very bad, I don't go in."

Everyone he said, you see me, I will see you, no one will move. The ghost knows what is there, it is really a big trap, is it not born again?

"If you say, everyone goes well ..." The bustling is called.

Shen Gao leopard is bustling, this guy has no brain? No one wants to be outside, you said all, this is not a sin? If you really go in,

Out, can you get rid of your dry?

The bustling is not aware of this problem at all, and when you finish, it seems to be a suggestion for everyone.

A group of people stand in the air, you speak, it is difficult to have a decision.

Just then, the middle of the way; "all the position, not Zhou Yushan is significant, if you don't dare to go, then seal the mine hole. After the conviced passerby, please ask the master in the purple Palace to explore "

"Joke, who knows that some people will take the opportunity to wipe the evidence inside, when I come again, I can't find anything." The demon ghost is cold.

The other side of the other side: "You seem to have something to finish, you don't put it. I am curious, is there a rabbit that the rabbit is not there, even your waste will dare to smear four square emperors?" Speaking In the middle of the eyes, I flash a breath, killing the water, the demon ghost, the demon devil is frightened, his face is pale ... At this time he realized that he was too jumped, he really had to be unfortunate. !

"How? But the other party, is it necessary to move? If we move, we will accompany!" The West is tween.

Too two live people smiled: "It's so scary, we will be accompanied! Ah! You don't want your face, twelve playing is still straight? Oh ... Yes, you don't want to face. When you first played the rabbit, it is also Three hits one. Also Western teaching,

Directly changed the names, don't teach ... "

"You are looking for death!" Xianxian in the 12th sages of the West is angered!

Too two live people turned, twisted the ass. "Yeah, I am looking for death, you will play me!"

Tu Xian is anger, it is necessary to rush, but stopped by others. Tianxian said; "Don't see you generally and have a clown. This is not a majority of the mine dritter. Since everyone is coming, I suggest it to go in and see, how?"

"Don't go!" I didn't want to have a lot of time.

When this is, the audience is stunned ...

"Don't you? Are you afraid? You know if there is a problem inside, so you dare not go in?" Tu Xianchen sinated.

The middle of the middle is not watching him, and the way: "For me, my mission is to optimistic about the holy mountain, what is the not Wushan, I don't care at all. Even if the sky is collapsed, there is also a saints. ... as for you In my opinion, it is just a heart. People who dare to move the mountains are likely to be the existence of Ai Shengfeng and even more horrible! You think that you can have these waste together, can you be able to resist each other? "

When everyone suddenly fell into a contemplation, everyone understood, but actively chose ignored, because in their view, so many people came together, representing countless power, who dares to shoot them? In addition, they also think that the masters go to the Zijing Palace, they are now a master, this is nothing.

It was now presented, and their hearts were also worried, after all, the land

Dragon bed tiger, ghost knows if there is a horrible guy hiding here what is it?

Just talking at all, the bombarding loudly, there was an explosion in the mine cave!

"Some people are in the mine!" The bustling is very shocked, the next consciousness rushes.

The demon ghosts also followed the rush, and he called: "Cannot let them explode the mine, destroy evidence!"

The 12th Xiangxian also moved, the twelve people were extremely strong, and the twelve people did shot at the same time, and they settled in the Shenggui, and the hard-erased mines will be supported!

Perhaps someone will say that these people can catch the month, and there is no such mountain. But don't forget, here is not on the mountain!

Not Zhaoshan is more robust than the outside of the mountain, it is more heavy! Some people say that there is a soil in the mountains, which is equivalent to a mountain outside. Although it is exaggerated, there is also a problem.

Although the 12th sages have supported the mine, the mine caucasi still came to explosion, apparently some people began to detonate!

"Go in!" I finally couldn't help it, and I fell out of the void into the mine!

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