The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is the jade rabbit 1100

Some people recognized the identity of the other party. "That is Ya Sheng Guangming! He once went to the Ziyong Palace to hear the way! Although it will lose Zi Yu to Chen, but he

The strength is still powerful! "

"Yes, he is! For so many years, his strength is more horrible! There is him, when you can worry, go in!" Also rushed out.

"We are also!" Some people took the lead, more people swarmed.

Too second to see this, sneer: "These grandson, shouting on the surface, in order not to stay in the mountains, for the world. I want to see, they are in order not to stay in the mountains! I have opened the mine, I've been abolished the pit, But how do you think it is so throwing in the mine? Does they throw it? They will not agree, take the opportunity to touch the fish to steal the stone, go back to open a good thing, and send a big fortune! ".." .. ".." ..

Chapter 558 Blood God

Qing said: "Do they dare to do this?"

"Artificiality and death birds are dead, there is nothing dare. Also, don't take these people as a saint, if there is that awareness, it will not be all levels." Tai Quality.

He said: "I believe that the pair of Taoism is right."

Too many people moved: "Hey, you will finally stand at me once, it is too easy."

Let's start: "As you said, if they have the sense of consciousness, it is not so powerful. It is like you, the strength has always been such water ... This don't have the hard work, they can't get together. You. On the face, you are their ancestors, you will definitely know what they think than us. So I believe you! "

Too two true: "@ ¥ @ ... &"

As the Thai second truth said, when these people go, I will take some stone, more lames, a knife, a knife, and the stone is as a rock, even falling out of a stitch. Small medicine king!

The sorcetic scorpion spread, and instantly died all his eyes, a screaming!

The sea and the phoenix king saw this, quickly shot, shouting everyone calm, the result is not used. There are too many people, they don't plan to use strong, only more and more

People rush into the mine ...

Also in the same virtual, there is also a master appearing, followed by drilling.

However, the sea and phoenix network did not go in, but standing in the distance, the situation in front of the eyes, more and more like a big pit, but unfortunately, many people are fascinated, being smoked in the direction of interest, and Landa will not come. . They can only sigh ...

Western 12 sages have not entered the pit, but they have been guarding the mine and do not let the pits collapse.

Zhangzhou: "Do you make a fortune together?"

Tianxian shakes his head: "These are just the things outside, we are repairing itself, what do they use?"

The middle of the way: "This is some meaning ..."

Tian Xian asked: "Don't you go in?"

In the middle of the middle: "I only heard that there is a treasure in the mountains, but I have never heard that there is a junior opportunity in Zhaoshan. Since we can't be sacrificed, what do we go in? We lack?"

Tian Xian said that it is right, and it is necessary to say that there is money, maybe those thousands of families, there is a lot of money, but it is better than this rabbit, and there is no big advantage. If Qin Shou, I will sweep the existence of not week, the money is really no short!

Just when two people discussed, suddenly screamed from the mine pole, and then many people screamed!

Just when everyone prepared to explore, a bombard, a man in the mine poised! The whole body is holy, but the next moment is dark! The man hit on the other side of the mountain, wow, a big blood! The light armor on the body is completely crushed, and the whole body is blurred!

Even so, Tianxian is still called his name: "Guangming! How is it? His strength is absolutely qualified to step into the Zijing Palace, how can he be hit?"

The slightly drops from the sky and took out a pill.

The light is shocked: "No, my Yuan god has been blown up, and I haven't worried. You will go, the sooner, the better, this is a trap! A trap of the people in the world! This is not a rabbit's mine, None who is the pit, this is a buried place! Go! "

The middle of the way is heard, the head does not return to turn! Rainbow direct into black fog, rolling the women to the direction of the holy mountain of the holy mountain!

The king of the sea and the phoenix is ​​very simply, although I don't know what happened, but I first choose to run! They fell brightly, and the face was so bright, and they were still waiting for death!

Western 12 sages are slightly hesitant, and the strength they jointly will not be weaker than Guangming. But when I changed, I don't necessarily be weak, but they also choose to retreat!

But the next moment, a black fog rushed to the sky! Black fog in the air

The gas turns into a blood red, like a huge waves, and go to all-sided eight-way!

Tian Xian saw this, the horror called: "This is ... ! Quick! Unless it is a saint, it will die!"

The 12th Xiangxian just wants to go, a human shadow rushed out from the suffocation, it is a bloody shadow, like a flow of light, instantly out!

Just then, the light is generous!

Bright Zun, endless light seems to disperse the blood mist, but unfortunately, the snow dance is too strong, and it can't be disseminated! But the bloody shadow is hit with the light, and the light is also awkward: "Go! I will break it!"

Guangming respected, the power of light is strong, and a sacred light shot, the bloody news is screaming, and it is virtual in brightness!

But the next moment, more blood shadows rushed out, and even some blood came to catch up with the middle!

Crisis, Tai Quali's twist, only after the end of the endless blood, this old man recognizes the identity of one person, shouted; "Your uncle! It is the grandson who wants to kneel. ! He is dead, turned into this strange blood news ... Mom, I know that he wants to be squat, I didn't expect to be so fast! "

The endless blood news is extremely fast, the speed of the middle and other people can't get rid of, even when they are rapidly drawing!

After taking a magic weapon, then the magic treasure is a giant dragon. As a result, the dragon has not been able to roar, put it, the next moment is walked.

Over the body, the ! The internal aura is all plundered!

"This ... this is the blood of the blood! This is the magic of the Pluto ancestor! Is it his life?!"

"It is possible, this is his unique magic!" Too second real person relied.

"No matter who it is, can you run quickly!" He was frightened and scared.

"It's not fast, ready to desperate!" Shang Yang called. .

Chapter 559


Just then, set out in the Shengguang, Guang Ming Zun! This guy has not been left by the left arm at this moment, and the half of the flesh is completely dry! However, it still blooms infinite light, purifies the blood gods that will be killed, which can be seen, this is indeed a powerful and terrible!

"Come! I want to oil. I will tell the rabbit, I saved you, he owes me, help me take care of Guang Ming!" Bright respected anger to be self-explosion! "

However, at this time, a flat voice came: "Your heart is gone, but the light teaches you to take care of yourself."

During the speech, a shadow descended from the sky, a dark robe, behind him, carrying a coffin, white hair, flying, kneading a print, one after the next moment, there is a thousand layers of a thousand layers! There is only no Buddha sitting in it, all is a respect!

There are countless gods to open, and a passage is flying out. Subsequently, there is a film in the sky, and Xiangyun has a rainy rain! After the blood gods were contaminated, they screamed immediately, and they were bragged and they were screaming.

The people are the body of Qin Shou's avatar, swallow the heaven!

"Sifang Emperor?" Guangming is stunned, then returns to God: "No, you are the avatar of the four Emperor, swallow the heaven!"

"This is one person, how come you me? Guangming respect, this respect is clear, you protect my family, this is grace. However, you hurt the Yuanshen, the ordinary magazine can't save you. I have a magazine, you can save You, but in the future, you will have to be systematic, can you be willing? "Swalloween asked.

After the brightness of the light, I asked, "I will lose my heart, blind, and break the future."

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