The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the 1101 chapter of the jade

"Will n't! I have Tianmen Education, Tianmen teaches a magical pass, named" Do not confuse ", cultivate this, you can see your heart, repair the gods, wipe it all the dust, thereby regaining new students. The price is, Before you sanct, you have to stay in Tianmen and become a disciple of Tianmen. If it is a judgment, when it turns away, it is a death.

Guangming Zun said: "The purpose of all things in Tiandi is to be super off! Become a saints! It's just that there is too much road between the heavens and the earth, so the road is different. But the end of the result is the same, can you choose to die? I am willing! "

Swalloween people point to: "In this case, you will be the first to protect the law in my Tianmen, the light is the law!" The title is good! "

After saying that the swallowed people waved "not confuse", falling into the sea. This is not finished, swallowing people succumbing, a order chain followed from the void, hit the brightness of the sea, helping the light to cultivate the "not confuse" to repair the god!

At the same time, after the suffocation in the mountains was purified by the swallowing people, it seems to know that the power of swallowing people, did not dare to pursue it, retreat back.

The mine cave returned to calm, but only in the mine, there were countless dry bones ... a dead miserable, horrible ...

In the middle of the middle, I'm sigh: "This is not too flat, there is no peace in the mountain, and there is a big battle here. If no one is planning, I don't believe it!"

"It is not to be in the mountains, this is to be right with the people!" Qinyuan Road.

Hook Chen said: "This is not the most terrible, the most terrible thing is why he caught so many people, why did he swallow these people? There is no doubt that his plan is successful, then next step? "

Everyone suddenly fell into the meditation ...

On the other hand, the swallower people help the light to respect the Yuanyuan, and then the whole body will be divided into the whole body, so that the flesh is not complete.

Wirming. After half a time, the brightness wakes up, the whole body is more powerful, the breath is less violent, and it is a bit of peace and peace. I am a gift to the swallowing people: "Thank you Dao You guide, Not confused, when it is not confused. Heaven and earth sad, I will wait for everyone. "

The swallowing people also ritual: "Sheng Mountain is handed over to the friends, if there is something, I will come here."

The light is nodded, and it will go out and go.

The flock of swallowing and shocking: "How is this possible? The strength of Guangmingzun seems to be ten times more than him! And his holy light has a very powerful purification, cure, flat-hearted effect. The whole person standing That, just like a gods, let people feel calm, the next consciousness wants to worship, close to him. How did you do it? "

Swallowing humane: "This is the effect of" not confuse "," Don't confuse "is that I have summed up countless scriptures, integrate the hint of the holy, there is a three thousand sixty-four volumes, and the magical 100,000 eight Thousands of gates! Plus Guangming is a holy light physique, and "not confuse" is very fit, this has the effect. However, his potential has not been developed, and it has accumulated enough merits in the future. Will be flying! His strength, restraint everything in the dark, filth, stay here, just you can see the city. "

There are a lot of words that are swallowed, and the scriptures that "don't confuse", God is from the future Buddha! The future Buddha gates may not be as good as the current Western now, but in the west, Dharma's dupment is far more than today Western teaching.

The scriptures of the Buddha's pass have been mature soon, otherwise it will not hide the two tips in the door, almost respecting the world.

Swalloween people integrate the scriptures of Buddhism, Shen Tong plus themselves to Tiandi Wan Dao, and then compiled "not confuse" power is also a matter of course.

Just when everyone talking, I haven't run away the western sages, and I suddenly screamed! Then twelve people wow, blood donation mad!

Swallowing the heaven and women see this, immediately rushed over, and he asked: "Tian Xian, what happened?"

Tianxian heard, angry, grief: "Wrong! Wrong! All is wrong! They are not in the mountains, but Mi Mi! Seal open, Luo Wei is coming! We are confused!" .

Chapter 560 Rabbit's arrogance

"What?" Everyone was shocked. I thought that the things here were still big enough! I didn't think that I had to make a bigger in Mi Mi. The seal is opened, and Luo Hao is born, this world has to become!

Western twelve sages are far away ...

The business sheep shouted; "What is the use of it now? Luo Yu is born, the non-saints can't suppress!"

"I am waiting for the sky, suppress Luo Wei, now Luo Yu is born, the disaster, is the sin, etc., I have to fight this body life, I have to try it!" Interculve, the West is disappeared at the end of the sky.

In the middle of the way: "What should we do now?"

Since the swallowed man: "Since Luo, since it came out, then it can't be suppressed. If the non-saints can't, even if it is a saint, it is difficult to have it. I am afraid that Hong Yulu is going to shoot. Go back, all People have moved to the moon mountains, put down the big array, strictly guard against the death! We look at the main goal of Luo Yu, temporarily and more, and see what there is any movement there. "

The king of the sea and Phoenix also flew over, and the two people met the swallowers.

The swallowing people nodded, and it was also ritual. Now, the status of Qin Shou is high, unless you see two demon emperors or many saints, only others will give him a gift.

; "The Emperor said that Luo Wei's seal was unwaken, even if he had not completely wakeful, but his strength, even a silk force, it is not we can deal with. If you want to suppress him, there is only purple The Hongyu old ancestors in the palace have the ability.

Today, the Zijing Palace is starting, and I don't know if I can receive information from the fairy world. If you can't get it, then Luo Yu will become a foregone! I don't even know how many years, if we go, will only get trouble. It is better to see it, it is better ... "

"Hey, the suppression of Luo Yan, the dragon and phoenix two people also strive, if Luo is coming out ... Will he?" Asked worried.

: "Do you want to go to Longmen and Phoenix Mountain, he must go to Dragon Gate and Phoenix Mountain, ... Longfeng family is destined to be killed, how can we? I can only take a step. Four Emperor, we First, we must notify the people, planning the next thing. "

Swallowing a little bit: "It's good, if you can't hold it, I hope that the moon is willing to receive the blood of the dragon and phoenix, ensuring that your two people can continue."

The sea and the phoenix king heard, the body is shocked, and the swallowing people do this, this is equal to the fire of Luo Wei to the moon! Under the trend, who dares to do this? This is too big, and no one will bear it! But swallowing people said so!

This is a great giant who continues the race!

The king of the Qinghai and Phoenix turned and went to the swallowing people, and the two were in the same way: "Although our ancestors and the ancestors have a grievances, but at this moment, the Taoist friends can not think about it, take out to help. So big, when eternal life is remembered! In the future, the dragon and phoenix is ​​not destroyed, when Wang Yue Mountain is honored! "

This means that if the two are not destroyed, the two people will become the vassal of Wangyoon Mountain! Qin Shou's affinity!

Swallowing a little bit: "You don't have to thank me, thank you for winning the clouds and ."

Winning the clouds and , the heart is moving, it is estimated that there is no man in the world. It will be so good to them! Luo Wei! The existence of that dare to fight, that madman, the legendary can destroy the existence of the world! I am afraid that most people under the sky will choose to avoid, and even if they go out, cut off, to ask for self-insurance?

Only this rabbit will be the same, not only protect them, but also protect their people! So affection, the two people didn't know what to say, and there was a good time.

Although the middle of the middle is not agreed to Qin Shou's practice, she also knows that if Qin Shou doesn't do this, he is not Qin Shou! She is clearer, this little man is not as weak as his appearance, the opposite, the man's heart is higher than the day!

He dared to take the cause of the dragon and phoenix, and he loves the love of two women. Two, afraid that I want to be with Luo Wei higher? This is a heartless rabbit! A appearance does not care, but never want to be pressed by anyone!

"I can only have this." Hardcore girls, greeted women, everyone collectively returned to the moon mountain, after the big ladies opened, the women can still feel the horror pressure filled in the land!

Western, Mi Mi!

A paint black, there is a lot of blood columns from the bloody red, and a huge spell above it is open, but it is more and more high, but it is getting more and more dull!

In the sky, two people shadow and another people are crazy!

"Demon, you are crazy ?! Plus Luo Wei, you can't get any benefits!"

The demon haha ​​is laughing: "I don't need the benefits! As long as this is a chaotic! The more chaotic, the more mess, the more you, the more you have, the opportunity of the sanctuary may appear at any time, I need strength! Absolute power! Wait for me San, worry about you! "

"The demon, we can work together! Do you forget the rabbit? When the rabbit is almost destroyed, you don't want to report?" The vicinity said.

In the eyes of the demon, it flashed an angry, then roaring: "Special pass, don't tell you! I will kill him! Kill everyone! I don't stay! But today, you must go away, otherwise don't blame me You are welcome! Luo Wei is already in recovery, the chaos he brought is spreading, my strength will only get more and more stronger! And you will get more weaker! "

"Demon, you know that we can't retreat! The suppression of Luo Wei is the old

The ancestors gave us the mission, if leaving, our end will only be more miserable! "Attach people shaking his head.

"Then there is no way, fight! See who is stronger!" The demon is called the whole body and light, and there are countless strange tentacles, and the general thing will take a view to the attractions. .

Chapter 561 Black

There is no magic weapon and the pronounted person, which can only confront the manner. Three people flipped around the battle, I don't know how many rounds, who can't do anyone.

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