The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 1102.

But everyone understands that if there is no action on the Zijing Palace, the results have been destined.

At this moment, the demon suddenly inserted into a black light column, and he screamed; "Luo Wei's ancestor, give me strength!"

In the next moment, the hair of the demon was hit by a violent power, and the whole body was concerned, and the double glance made a black light! Then a punch!


At the same time, the proclamation of the proclamation, and the arms of the two were blocked! The sleeve is smashed, and the black flame is burned above, and it is not possible to go out. Under the helpless, two people bite their teeth, self-break!

On the other hand, the demon is slowly came, and the rattan behind the rattan is inserted into the black light column, and the strength is constantly drawing. His strength is getting stronger! The mountains in the mountains in the mountains have fallen, and the prosecutors and quasi-triskers play after Lianlian!

The demon grins and laughs: "The game is over, you lose!"

After saying, the demon five fingers open, a black light ball appears in the hand, in the light ball

Electric flash thunder, as if it will explode at any time!

Just then, the twelve sound came: "Two teachers come to help you!"

During the speech, the twelve people broke out of the light column, and the light column was engaged in the air, turned into a huge bright god! God's four sides of the 16th arm, there are countless gluten runs behind! A instrument flew out from the light and blooms!

"No quarantine beads? ... I didn't expect this nine-day Xuanhuang to treasure in your hands! Haha ... No wonder you can assist the attractions and quasi-triskers to suppress Luo Wei, but it is with it! But ... still not enough to see!" Demonar absorption More black power is in the body, the brunette fly into the air, like a strange poisonous snake! The black light ball in the demon has become more terrible, the big hand turns, and the light ball has smashed the incompetence!

"Sudden! That is not the power of the demon, is the power of Luo Wei! Can not stop!" In the case, he saw this.

However, late, the attack of the 12 sages has already sent it, I want to collect it!

There is no strength to gather infinite belief! Will bloom the light of faith, purify all evil.

But Luo Wei is a demon! The ultimate in the dark! His strength is especially the belief in the martial arts, can you purify?


There is no amount of beads and black light balls, and there is no amount of infinite belief, but the light is not able to shine at all, it is swallowed in the dark! Then the black lightning is falling, and the force of the belief in the unmete bead is all bombarded!

Two sages are under the link, all are all hit hard, wow wow's blood is blown!

The demon steps stepped out, and a boxing of the head of the bright gods, and the gods were screaming! The result is only a few steps, and the whole body is pulled by the demon's handle and dragged the past!

The demon laughed: "This is a bright, I just lacks an avatar, I barely use it!"

During the speech, the tentacles have a few sulf, piercing the bright gods, the paint black power is in the body of the bright gods, and the bright gods are black with the speed visible to the naked eye! The black demon will start invading the 12th of the world with the soul link!

The twelve people screamed, and then sat down a leg, read the scriptures, and confronted the magic invasion.

At first, the people and quasi-triskers shot, trying to cut off spiritual links, destroy the bright gods, and rescue the 12th Xianxian.

However, the demon does not give them an opportunity, and they can wear a world! The two people 's magics can't stop the demon, and they will fly in the scream!

The demon laughed: "Luo Wei's power, really strong! Attach people, pass the people, you still come over, put it into the arms of the ancestor, haha

... "The demon flying out several tentacles and tagged people.

The attraction is called: "If you can't play, he is too strong, walk! Otherwise, you must be left!"

The passenger nodded, two people played a stunned As for Luo Wei under Missha, they can't manage so much. The two people are not full, and they are not a demon. At the moment, they can only hop the hopes in the purple palace.

After the demon stopped the leader and the quasi-trisole, he did not continue to chase, but the legs sat in the air, cold and looked at the bright gods and the western sages, at this moment, the bright gods have been completely black It's a huge dark devil, there is a pair of beefs on the head, behind a lion tail, the 16th arm is more thick, the nails are razed, and the spine is growing with the spine, no never The god of the gods.

Similarly, the Western 12 sages will not hold the dark attack of the demon. It is flying away. The breath is instantaneous, and the eyes are black, there is no white eyes, the whole body exudes the darkness of the chaos, worship the demon begins: "See the messenger!"

The demon waves; "Today, you are twelve respects. Listen to the ancestral order in the future, he is united in the world, you can live in the first work, the benefits are naturally less than you!"

"The Act of Wan Zun!" Twelve Demons Looking at the same time.

The demon is satisfied, and then looks to the distance: "Rabbit, although you go

Purple Palace, but this is still your people. Let me discuss the interests first ... "

"The demon, you have to kill the rabbit casual, the people around him can't move." At this moment, one person snorted from the sky, the man was welded to the bone armor, and the head is a black iron mask, and the white cloak behind it. Wind flying, hands holding on the chest, like the king, usually falling from the sky.

"It's you ... God wants, who are you? Who do you think you can stop me? With the support of the ancestor, don't want to block my footsteps!" The demon is a feet, rushing up, countless tentacles Volume goddess. .

Chapter 562, Hongjun

Hongjun shot

God wants to make a bomb!


The whole sky is blown! Miss Mi Mi is collapsed into a few paragraphs!

The demon's tentacle is all flying as flying gray, the whole person is not helping out, half-air, wow, highlights several mouthfuls of green blood donation, hitting the hit on the hill, half a day climb!

The goddess is cold: "The demon, still that sentence, if you are the year, what you want to do, no one will stop you. But now you, there is no qualification for what you want. The ancestore has his own plan, you Any action that is unable to interfere with the ancestor! "

The demon stars, stare at the guard: "You a bastard, you clearly have the power to solve everything here, why not let me come?"

The gods looked up at the sky: "Hong Hao's causal, I don't touch it!"

"Your grandfather!" The demon rushed to the sky, and there was a black thunder ball in his hands and angry: "Then you will make it!"

Unfortunately, the next moment, the gods disappeared!

The anger of the demon is nowhere to vent!

The voice of the gods in the void: "The rabbit's woman can't move, I am not to protect the rabbit. But because there are horrible guys around you,

If you go, you will die! Advice has been sent, it is dead, you will choose. "

The demon is roaring, but unfortunately, the guard will never respond.

After you have a low, the demon is sitting on the ground, and the heart is full of anger, he is not willing!

At the same time, the purple palace.

Qin Shou didn't know what happened outside. At this moment, he has been completely immersed in the feelings of the road. The first time, he and the road is so close! Qin Shou is hungry and thirsty and absorbed. At the same time, he once again changed again. Shanchuan raised in the rumbling of the rumbling.

A round of fire red sun appeared in the air, the flame was completely sinking into the earth, and the original flame was covered by the sea, the huge waves were in the sky, as if it was in gestation.

In the righteousness, Qin Shou felt a great power between the world, the power of the big power, that is the call for life in the world ...

Qin Shou knows that as long as he can grab it, he can really open a world in the same day when he is in. He can create life in the sea!

However, the power seems to be very close, and it seems very far, always let Qin Shou can't catch ...

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