The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is the jade rabbit 1103

At the same time, Qin Shou's Zifu Tiandi has also followed huge changes, the universe

The fate is constantly exploding, it is originally unbeaten, the starry skyline is also getting bigger and bigger, and a planet is condensed, and even the planet has covered green vegetation, and began to give birth to the spirit! The majestic heavens and the earth are flocked, a road, the heavens order, the Thunder is generally coming back!

Qin Shou's income of countless disciples, they were on the ground, and they worshiped by the sky, and the pure beliefs were so powerful, nourishing Qin Shou's whole body.

Qin Shou's flesh is more crystalline, and the avenue is integrated into every cell! The original blood color began to be smiled, the business disappeared, and even the poison on his fingers sailed! Qin Shou's flesh is getting more and more pure!

However, Qin Shou is not sad, and the strength reaches this level, poisonous, and has a good job, it is not big for him. But the pureness of the flesh, and the intelliure with the road, but paved him the future! Qin Shou can feel that he is getting closer and closer to the saints! As long as the timing is mature, he only needs an opportunity to be sainted!

Today, he, the power may not be as sacrificed, but under the saints, Qin Shou dares to fight the world! Even if it is - ancestral!

However, Qin Shou truly benefits the most, not this flesh, but there is no way to get into the body in the body!

During the body, there is a way, Tiandi is not adding, but the body will generate itself, self-contained system! With the more and more comprehension of Qin Shou, there is also more ways to produce more roads, and a gods sound, and the sea is in the sea.

There have also been a world, and even plants have grown out!

Only the rules of the rules and the rules of the world are different. For example, the world framework of this world is not a fire, but yin and yang. The world does not admit that the spirit can be god, so in the spirit of the world, so in this world, it is destined to not cultivate into a fairy, become a demon; but can become a believer, borrowing God's power to gallop the world.

The departure world gave the heavens and the world, and these sections will brew the original gods. Believers worship different gods, they will live different kinds of power and so on ...

However, this is just a rule, and it has not yet evolved. There are still countless vulnerabilities in the whole world that requires Qin Shou to fill in one ...

However, this is that Qin Shou care is that the road to the departure is getting farther, it seems to be more and more incompatible with the truth! The situation of the two flesh is like water, forcibly fusion is likely to explode, or destroy!

But Qin Shou is very clear, the road to the departure will definitely break, and the road of Zhenwu also has the same limit! I want to break through, only parallel fusion, and I have a different way! A road only belongs to him!

Qin Shou enhanced there, others are the same.

At this moment, the two violets lit up, but it was the book that the people and the attractions were coming in. Two talents were coming, they didn't speak, and they immediately and the provenances were one, and then reluctance to know. . They believe that they are coming, then what they have to say is that the old ancestors will inevitably know that there is no need to say.

Sure enough, when they enlighten, the figure in the ninety-nine lotus is a moving, and a lot of purple lotus flew out ...

Dairy, Western, must be over Mishan!


A loud noise, a huge purple lotus falls from the sky, and the golden rune that is about to be broken suddenly blooms, and the purple lotus is steadily in rune.

The rune instantly aggregated no longer illusory, bombarded lunar sounds, fried the purple thunder, which turned the black light column halfway! .

Chapter 563 Don't provoke women [on]

The demon star below saw this, scared to have no blood, the wolf fled, whispered: "Hong Yu shot! The ancestor speed is moving!"

However, the shouts of the demon are all useless, and the black light column inch is smashed. It is constantly destroyed by golden runes. The broken Miss Misi is once again attracted by golden runes, and it is integrated. Like one big printed, it is generally on the earth. ! Black light column completely disappeared!

The demon can't feel the breath of the demon rustic ...

The demon is not willing to roar: "Can't be like this! You can't be like this! The ancestor, speed! Wake up!"

Unfortunately, there is a quiet world, no one responds to his shout.

The rune falls, hidden in Missha, disappeared.

The demon star is sitting on the ground, smirking: "God wants, this is what you said the magic rustic, so unbearable?"

Among the purple palace, Hong Yugi nodded, and then didn't move, continue to preach.

Nothing did not find that the purple palace floated, and the Zijing Palace and the land fairy were separated!

Dairy world, Western, Misshaishan.

The bitter laughter of the demon has not ended yet, and suddenly shocked throughout the world. The original sunny sky became a dark! Reach yourself and don't see five fingers!

Everything in Tiandi lost the sound at that moment, the wind didn't, the business of the leaves didn't, the birds, the birds were disappeared, and even the sound of river water was gone, it seems that everything between the heavens and the earth is still ordinary.

The demon is constantly displaying the gods, and trying to illuminate what happened. The result can't see anything! But more intense light, you can't illuminate the dark! No matter what night vision, I can't look dark!

Icy, loneliness, fear, countless negative emotions rise in the heart of the demon. The demon seems to be able to hear his heartbeat, that is the heartbeat!

"What happened?" The demon question ...


Wang Yue Mountain, swallowed in the top of Wang Yue Mountain, watching the stone monument around him, whispered: "Hong Yu is in the dead, Hong Yao thought it once again suppressed Luo Wei. And Luo Wei took the opportunity to enclose the purple palace and the fairy Channel, he is coming out ... "

"Head ... Today, the ancestors are all in the Zijing Palace. Luo Wei is coming out, and who is the day, who can be said with him?"

Swallowing the humane: "So he will choose this time ... You are waiting, I will delay the time. Remember, no matter what, no matter what happens

, Wang Yue Mountain can't be lost! Especially this stone monument, no one can move! Leave you from the Fighter Flat to you should not be measured. "

After that, the swallowing people got out of the sky and disappeared.

Business sheep want to stop it is not too late ...

Western, must be outside.

When swallowing a heaven, half of the West has fallen into the darkness! Infinite darkness, let you have a lot of arrogance, and it is also hidden inside.

The swallowed man touched the coffin after touching, said: "This is afraid to rely on you."

After that, the swallowing people walked into the darkness.

This scene, many people saw it, but they didn't dare to appear, Luo Wei is about to be born, this time everyone is self-dangerous, who dares to come out? Ming Zhe's body is what they want, they just want to delay the time, waiting for the moment of the End of the Ziyong Palace ...

The next day, the darkness began in the dark ...

The third day, the endless dark army kills it, and these big troops are clearly covered with black armor! These legions are covered in the dark, not dead, combat power is comparable to the king master! Wherever you have, the chicken dogs do not stay!

The sky of the sky is broken and thoroughly smashed!

Just only took one week, the dragonfly swept the West! Western living people choose to withdraw from the West, enter the central state!

Subsequently, all major power have issued invitations, invite all parties forces to gather in Wan Mountain, and seek countermeasures!

"How do you see this?" Qin Yuan will invite the function on the table and ask.

The bloody face is very unhappy, and asked coldly: "Who is this? What is the place in the Wan Meshan? Can they say that the meeting can take up?"

"This is the bullying of the rabbit, swallowing the dark place, we hope that there is no one in the moon!" Rainbow is also a chilled color.

Sunflower smiled: "I also want to know, who is out of the idea! Arrange the meeting against Luo Wei in Wang Yue Mountain, which shows that Luo Wei's eyes will be transferred to Wang Yue Mountain. Say good to sit down Tiger fight, let us die with Luo! It is hard to listen, they are killing people! "

Shangyang said: "I have been investigated, the person who launched this meeting is the golden winged Dapeng family of gold! It seems that they are destroyed by the rabbit, and the mind is resentful, I want to borrow Rob The power is destroyed. "

The flourishing is gently pointing at the table: "North Sea is not far from us."

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