The old man is a jade rabbit

The wilderness of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 1104.

Tick ​​Chen was shocked and called: "" Cell, what do you want? "

Hold the fist, excited: "I know! The people in the world think that there is no one in the dark, we hope that the moon is no one! The meaning of the middle is the meaning of killing the chicken monkey! It is not right, it is to kill the big Peng respect The world! Let those bastards understand that the rabbit is not at home, Wang Yue Mountain is still not what they can have a place! "

Towards Chen worry: "If we leave Wang Yue Mountain, what should I do if someone comes?"

"The more you fight, the safer the moon mountains. What's more, we are not single-playing!" China-Hong Kong Looks to Shangyang and Qinyuan.

Shangqi and Qinyuan smiled at the same time: "We understand, yes, we are not a struggle! We will go to the tianship! Take the nominal of the four-party emperor, the soldiers will still fall! With the demon and each Battle of the battle, the golden-winged big Peng is also destroyed! "

Win Yun immediately called: "I have been waiting for a long time!" In the past, the Phoenix family made him to the gold-winged Dapeng, let her have a humiliation, and now I can finally be shameful for a snow, how can I not hurt?

I called: "I am going to the dragon gate, transfer the troops!"

"There will be enough to be enough ..." Hook Chen Dao. .

Chapter 564 Don't provoke women [next]

The middle of the road: "Not enough! We are going to kill, and of course, the more powerful, the better! Win Yun, you will go to the Phoenix, let the Phoenix king out of the gold-winged Dapeng", "said this, Huang Lang, a golden light that has not been ignorant, said: "Jin Guang girl, you have been in the moon mountains for so long, I hope that the moon is helping you robbery, do you have to show it?"

The golden light is booth: "I don't know what to do ... You are all the owners of the moon, just, I'm still not happy. You said, let me do what, I do it." This, the Madrin of Jin Guang is a bit grievances, since the rabbit gone, she clipped in the middle and always felt weird. The girl always took her a rabbit woman, and she was very clear, she didn't have a copper plate with rabbits!

Satisfactory point: "You are the four disciples of Tongtian, mobilize some disciples to come, should it be difficult?"

The Jinguang Turndo said: "This is hard to be me. Although I am a teacher's pro-disciple, the Biyou Palace is different, there is no close relationship between we are in each other. I want to find someone to fight, also I can only play the feelings. I will go to Lushan and then go to the Doctors. If the Turtle, the Turtle, it is willing, it is the best. "

Hold: "There is Laojin's sister."

The Jin Guang is sighing, she doesn't know how to respond to the middle, my sister, have you?

The Missuary of Jinguang is leaving Wang Yue Mountain, and go straight to Ri Mountain. As a result, it has encountered the undead of the Virgin, who has rushed to Wangyue Mountain. One talk is returned, and it is dare to go to the moon!

"This meeting looks a good idea. In fact, it is a waste of water to the east. I can't do it. I am really afraid that you are going to be, I should have this matter. I listen to you, I It is relieved. I am quite a little about with the rabbit. Since he is difficult, naturally, it is necessary to help it, go. "Nuffly Madrino.

The Jinling Virgin is very happy: "The teacher is willing to take advantage of the best, I will go find a brother and Turtle, and there is no teacher to go to the moon."

Non Damn Tao Tao: "It is good, be careful. Recently, there are often monks to be intercepted by half, and some people say that there is Luo Wei's claw tooth dry, and some people say that there is someone to kill people, have a fortune. I want me to see, then The possibility of it is very large. "

The Milley of the Jinling said: "I am not a soft persimmon, who wants to die, even though it is."

Say goodbye to the Non Damn, the Milley of the Jinling to the Biyou Palace, and the Duobao people said that Duobao people immediately, willing to come to help. The Turtle of Turtle is coming with unnecessary attitude, and there is a group of demon kings who have brought him. In this way, the Golden Virgin is a lot of harvest.

On the other hand, go back to Longmen, just open, the sea is directly tedied! The other two palace owners heard the words, and it is not ambiguous: "The four-party emperor, is willing to shelter my family, but the benefactor of our family. Since the benefactor is difficult, do you have a reason?"

: "How? What? Do you don't think I am a seller with the rabbit?"

"Roll! This moment! Back to the past, still marry you." Two old dragon kings smiled.

Then, the three thousand dragons took a vast start, goal, Beihai and Dapeng family! In addition to , there are also . In addition, the dragon is basically coming, the eldest son prisoner, the second child, the three sons ridiculed, the four sons are prison, seven sons, and the Eight sons. As for the nine sons, it has already been dead, and it is naturally too late.

Nine sings walked in front of the army, and the hanging geeks came to the prison cow, said: "Big Brother, the days of today, what do you still have a piano?"

The prisoner has a five-year-old, one eye, whoever, will think that this guy is not a big paragraph, the firmer, the at least a variety of local farmers! The guy is behind a big piano, talking, such as the literati, Yashi, how is it to see how it is awkward.

Sure enough, the prisoner is milder: "Six sisters, this is not moving, the rhythm is God ..."

"Stop! Big Brother, don't talk, you want to copy yourself ... then smash you, you will be smoked. I don't want to be !" Sitting on the gorgeous throne. .

The prisoner glanced at him: "Which is you! Don't you play your punch when you are small? Remember to remember now ... Head, forget that I will turn."

: "There is no way to record sexuality, natural, envious."

"Okay, today is the days of my dragon family to win the gold-winged Dapeng, everyone is still in harmony."

Several other dragons have opened up, they finally calm down.

Just then, a big rang in front, one person descending from the sky, a slap, the horrible waves put the dragon's nine sons all the earthquake!

Cow cattle suddenly looked up, then the trunks: "Hey!"

"How did you come this guy?" Hey is a face of ghosts, and it is a little afraid.

: "My big brother went to the purple palace. Before leaving, let us take care of Wang Yue Mountain. See how many people are coming out together, where is this?"

"Big brother, you are just right. The golden-winged Dapeng people took the opportunity to take the black hand, I want to kill people, destroy my moon. This thing doesn't matter?" Others are afraid, I am not afraid!

I saw that I was also a headache: "I am coming, can I not do this? Is the Jin-winged Dapeng?

Is it today's dinner? "

Everyone suddenly became speechless ... this goods have been so many years, and there is no change, or so greed.

I saw this smile, turned back: "You are all the way, all the way, go together."

Then two of the two portions have fallen from the sky, and they are two different, and poor. is a man, the poor is a tiger head, seeing everyone is fierce, as if the next moment will eat.

"Okay, two don't scare my brother sister, let's stay, go to the gold-winged Dapeng, what to eat!" .

Chapter 565


and poor are not talking, and nodded and took it while sitting. However, people around us are disconnected, and they don't dare to rely too close.

In this regard, the two people are also a face.

Wang Yue Mountain, everyone is preparing, I have seen someone falling in the sky, two people have been in front of it, and the people in front pull the people behind, and then shouted: "Two brother, you are going to hurry!"

"Fast fart! Give people a hand, you are still so active, live your life is a iron!" The people behind are very unhappy.

It is Jin Zun and Tiezun, and Jin Zun is still a stinky mouth.

Tiezun called: "This is the meaning of the big brother, isn't you stopping big brother?"

"If you don't listen, I will not come. Go to the place, don't pull it, follow the way." Jin Zun didn't cool.

Liuhuang to two people's dedication: "I have seen two friends."

Tiezun hurriedly said: "I have seen the immortal fairy. My big brother said, Wang Yue Mountain is difficult, we must help, so we come ..."

Hong Kong and then arrange people, let two people fall.

As a result, this is busy, there is someone over there, but it is a strong man with another strong man and two beautiful women.

The strong man is holding two ax, walking from the road to a dragon tiger icon.

tremble with fear.

One person is white, the waist is a sack, and the eyebrows take a red yarn, it is very beautiful!

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