The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the old man is the jade rabbit 1106.

"Why is Hong Kong? What is the other party?" Asked the road head and worried.

Hong's old angered: "The stream of these chicken snakes is so insulted me. When I really can't bear it! I didn't see their hosts, I was sent to the door! They directly threatened me today. Who can't change the endings! "

"It's really mixed! When I really find it? I will go to them, see what they have!" After finishing, gold is not destroying people! Subsequent Dapeng

The mountains flying out of the mountains, the masters of the Jin-winged Dapeng family have also rushed out from the closed closure, in the air array, accompanying gold to go forward!

"The waste of the dragon and phoenians, I also want to fight my gold-winged big Peng family? It is a ridiculous! In the past, you just have our rations. Today, I want to rebel. Coming out, the speed is killed!" Gold is not destroyed. .

Next, the battle flag waved, countless dragon, the Phoenix family rushed to the sky, the number is double the gold-winged Dapeng!

The person headed is !

: "Gold is not destroyed, your big tone! What? How do you want these chicks?"

"Hey ?! Are you not judged?" Gold is not destroyed, the four major fierce beasts in the land is fairy, each is all the strength, the average person does not dare to provoke. Especially, this guy is almost all, but it is very particular to eat, for example, he grabs Dapeng, only eat Dapeng! For this reason, he is harmous and don't know how much Dapeng! .

Chapter 567

The most interesting thing is that his strength is indeed, the Jin-winged Dapeng family has sent people to send people, and they have not been able to encounter.

, disdain: "Gold is not destroyed, I am not in the dragon, but it is also a dragon. Come, let me see how many cattle is forced!"

The gold is not destroyed. "Hey, do you think I will be afraid of you?"

: "I know you are not afraid of me, I will not be a person with you, I have to be single, why do you want to be single? I am a group!"

"You!" Gold is not desin, how is this guy so not to face!

Phoenix Queen came out: "Gold is not destroyed, the sky is still alive, you will die, you will die. Today, I am dragon and phoeniand, but the protagonist is not coming. You have to play or wait. "

: "Indeed, the protagonist has not come yet, or wait."

"The protagonist is not coming? Who is the protagonist?" Gold is not destroyed, but there is a bad premonition in my heart, and has a rough guess!

At this moment, the distance of the drums in the distance, and the mountains in the sea were generally pressed over. The war is blowing, as if the kilometers are general, let people feel cold!

Phoenix Queen, : "The protagonist is coming, the gold is not destroyed.

The gold is not alive and far-glas. I saw a golden Yunxia rolling in the distance. It is the sky to stand up! Tianbing Tian will almost crowded with the skyline, black pressure, I don't know how much!

Signaling, spear bunny, there are countless giants roaring!

And this is just the beginning!

The Heavenly Tianshui will roll through the endless demon cloud, and the clouds are covered with the demon group, and they can't see the ends at all!

Above the two big troops, floating a colorful cloud, sitting in Yunxia, ​​a group of people headed, a few women! The few women are not unfamiliar, they are women in the moon!

The people standing around these women, let him be shocked! Jin Zun, Tiezun! Kufen! ! Royal raining teacher! Punishment! Ten demon gods and all parties will!

Seeing this, Jin Yili retreat, he knows the gold-winged Dapeng family is really going to finish!

However, the gold is not willing to be unwilling, he is not willing to sweep this!

So Jin Yilu: "What do you mean by people in Yue Mountain? Our gold-winged big Peng and you have no hatred, why is it so right?"

Business sheep got up, cold and cold: "Gold is not destroyed! What do you think? Do you think we are fool? What is your invitation? You don't know? You don't know? You want to fall We look at the moon, then we should be destroyed.

Preparation! Today, the golden-winged Dapeng chicken dog will not stay! "

"Business Sheep! You will take a bloody spray! I invite the invitation that is kind, you can't be married, it's too big! Do you not afraid to contend?" Gold.

Qinyuan haha ​​smiled: "Gold does not destroy now, now you know how to sacrifice, it is also a first downs! Gold is not destroyed, we are too lazy to talk to you, you said that it is a disaster, Say that we bully people! Today, we will plant, just married, just bully, how can you? "

When the gold is not desin, it is a half-dead, and it is pointed to Qin Yuan. Yes, people are bullying you, can you be?

Too two is called: "Old yellow chicken, I will tell you, if you really feel grievance, you can go to your mother crying! Hey ... You are with the stupid, actually to provoke us Wang Yue Mountain, really egg touch stone, yourself Looking for death! I am completely don't understand, how do you choose such a skewers of such a skewers, this is not to die for yourself. "

The gold is not able to argance, pointed to the Tai second real person: "Who are you? I have to challenge you!"

Too two really heard the words, not surprised, not excited, carrying a hand, standing upright, a despise: "You have to challenge me? Well, look at my invincible big summary!"

"Invincible big summary? What kind of legend is this?" Gold asked the consciousness, thinking that he only saw the old manager shook his head, waving, but did not feel

Universal fluctuations!

As a result, the second truth is called: "Invincible, calling, summoning, , windburmur, punishment, , , poor, Jin Zun, Tiezun! Summon is completed, the god of summon, Let's! "

Gold is not destroyed, and the face is green, this Nima is summoning? This is a group of depets, don't you face it?

What makes gold do not extinguish the fire, those bastards are standing! One shocked the head, the farewell, it seems really to shoot ...

The Hong Kong, who is not dead, said: "Stand! You are so many people, don't you face it?"

Kagua laughed; "We are not for yourself. We are called the summoned call, accurately, is gold not destroyed to challenge the Magong of the Too Temple. So, I can't talk about the group, and the fair basis. "

Too two is called: "Just, there is a skill, you also use summoning!"

The gold is not destroyed, and the eyes are staring at Tai Quality. He can summon, but how can it be summoned and there is more people there!

Too two is called; "You got me? Uncomfortable? Brothers! Extinguish!"

Kaoyu and others have rushed up!

Gold is not destroyed in the roar, the cost of the body is modeled, the huge Jin Peng launches wings, big

One of the mouth highlights a big print, the large print is empty, the instant is a thousand mountains, and the thousands of mountains will be trapped in the big battle!


Kaomonghua is a huge body, and the mountain peaks will go out! Yan You and the sentence landed from the sky, and the bombarding will not be destroyed from the sky, and the bow is around the bow, and the head of the gold is inadvertent!


Everyone only saw that the earth was constantly collapsed, and the golden heads of gold were in the land. Let him roar, roar, just crawling up! .

Chapter 568


"Shang!" Hong Kong saw this, and urgent, a waving, people with gold winged Dapeng kill!

Too seconds, I saw this haha, smiled: "Let's also!"

The drum is rumbling, the horn is worthy!

Tian Bingtian will turn into the Tian Luo Site, from the sky, directly put the entire gold-winged big Peng Mountain, the dragon's real dragon, the Phoenix is ​​also open, like two huge grinding wheels, Sweep! Wherever you have, all gold-winged Dapeng is shredded in the strand!

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