The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit 1107.

No way, if the public, the Dapeng is also a battle, but the master is dragged, how is the remaining small shrimp? How to resist the big array of the dragon and phoenix branches of the master?

The wind came out of the wind bag, read a spell, flew in the air, turned into a dark big hole, infinite hurricane blowing, blowing countless gold-winged Dapeng bird on the spot wind dried as flying gray!

The rainman waved the silver sword, the sword is too light, the scoop is falling, this rain is like the sword, the enemy is generally pierced! More decent, after the two people in the wind, the wind rolled the sword and rain, and it was simply invincible! The speed of murder does not have to be a big slow battle between the dragon and phoenix!

Two big ax on the sentence, rushing into the long group of the gold-winged Dapeng

, One to play four, !

Although Jinzun's mouth is stinky, it is not a vague, and a golden iron chain flies out of his sleeves, drilling into the void, and will not be able to get out of the enemy, or bundle it! People do not move, but the gold-winged gold-winged gold-winged gold-winning is no peaceful.

Iron Zun has changed directly into a triero, nor does it useless, heroes, completely depends on the enemy, but in turn falls. But there is such a person's meat tanks, but also attracts a lot of enemies!

A big mouth, a bite, don't know how many demon, and poor quarter are almost, the two guys are specifically looking for people, or use the gods, or usage, in short, see people, then People give.


And the women in Yue Mountain did not show it. So many people shot, this gold-winged Dapeng is undoubtedly, there is no second possibility. Therefore, they only need to watch. This time, the golden wings of the Dapeng is Li Wei, let the world understand that the rabbit is not there, Wang Yue Mountain is still not anyone!

"Speed ​​speed asked the old ancestors!" The road is old, and the blood is blowing, and the Huang is shouting.

Then, the golden-winged Dapeng's ancestor is angry, and then a strong and unparalleled thought!

"Who dares to come to our family to make trouble!" Then, a silver gold-winged Dapeng flew up.

This Dapeng bird is incomparable, although it has been translated, the strength is more horrible!

Rainbow Hawran, shouted; "This old bird is going to reach the virtual level! The strength is extremely terrible! But he seems to be seriously injured, there is not much longevity, how long does it take for the outbreak!"

Silver Dapeng suddenly turned, and his eyes were sharp, and smiled. "Who, who, it turned out to be the original god! Moreover, look at you too, hurt your body ... Just, eat you, I can extend longer 100,000 years! "

Rainbow snorted: "Silver Dapeng, it seems that you are the legendary hybrid!"

Silver Dapeng heard, Bun Rrate: "You are looking for it!"

During the speech, Silver Dapeng rushed out and kill directly to the rainbow!

Rainbow is not afraid, driving the black clouds, killing the silver Dapeng! Kwai hurry and sit down, holding luck for rainbow, adding bad luck for silver Dapeng.

However, Silver Dapeng has a strange rune, but it has collapsed all the hormun of the sun!

Silver Dapeng haha ​​laughed: "I will suffer, who can you do?"

Rainbow said: "Kwai, don't shoot! This guy is the descendant of the ancestors of the Jin-winged Dapeng and the Silver Moon! It is also the heterogeneous and defeat among the Jin-winged Dapeng! He inherited the golden-winged Dapeng The strength, speed and magic of the family, and also have the strength of the Silver Moon Shengguang Bird, all curse, the poisonous to him! "

"I know! The old old, there is an abandoned man in the gold-winged big man, a guy who is not recognized! He is the guy who is called the hybrid by the Dapen Dapeng! But ... he Will you be in the gold-winged Dapeng? " suddenly called.

Unfortunately, no one can answer him, this answer is only afraid that only the people of my gold-winged Dapeng can explain it.

Even this is a hybrid, the silver big Peng is unstoppable, the silver light is getting brighter, and finally turned into three silver Dapeng!

"He three corpses! He cleared his own good corpth! This guy is so happy!" The pravan on the ground saw this, and it was shocked!

Everyone knows that there is a multiple way, and the three corpses, force the law, and the Treatment of the hand. Among them, there is the weakest three corpses, and the last two are almost. But the three corpses are not anyone, this is very persevering, the big firmer is only, and it is a bad body, and then yourself!

Going three knives, you can be sanctified!

Silver Dapeng in front of him actually took a good corpse, then his strength is definitely false! The virtual level is not in the purple palace, in today's land fairy, it is definitely an extremely terrible existence!

"Don't worry, there is not much longevity, how long you can't support!" Rainbow is prescribed by silver Dapeng, but it is still open to stabilize the military.

"This is a bit a little." Qinyuan sighs, and she is already ready to use

Her killer is ignorant, although it may not be able to let the other party.

Shangqi said: "It's still not used, he has not become a holy, the strength is strong, but it is not very strong in the virtual level! We have a means!"

Speaking of this, Tao Chen said: "Guangming is honored, shot!"

In this way, the next moment in the sky, the sky is blind, and then a road number sounds, the earthquake world is in the earth! The strength is slightly weak, and it is awkward! Even many gold-winged Dapeng's monsters immediately showed white light, then the face became a peaceful, then squatted on the ground, worshiping the gods of Guangming! It was transformed on the spot! .

Chapter 569

Of the world

"Who?" Silver Dapeng suddenly stopped, looking up at the sky.

I saw a kind of glaze that the gods of the glass fall from the sky, and the light of the body even covered the sun! This holy light seems to be able to wash the heart of the people, it seems to be whispering you, constantly saying again: faith my god, you can get eternal life!

That's as the magic of the magic, no matter how you resist, you will sound in your heart, it is really bored. I can't stop, I am degree on the spot ...

"In the next day, the gods of the law, the light of the light!" Guangming's voice is extremely sharp, and there is a group of people in a group of people, and the film is worship.

"Put the ghost, wait for me to kill you!" Silver Dapeng rushed to the sky, roaring, three Dapeng simultaneously killing, fast if the windshield!

The brightness of the light is not enough, and a finger is deeply deep, and a lane: "Go!"

Next, the light of the gods has a spot, and the spot is pulled as a line. The line is translationally, and the last is a four-party world! Three silver Dapeng came in!

The light of the light is sitting in the air, and the godship behind the back is constantly rolling. Countless Tianyin comes, the holy light is getting more and more

In the entire gold-winged big Peng Mountain, it is not only a person, but also serves.

The gold is not destroyed, and it is roaring, but there is no way, because he has also been tied to the father by the praise.

The sense of the woman's consciousness is , may not be strong, but another identity has become a big sister in the girl.

also understand this truth, sighing the mouth; "If it is my sister here, she will ... ... this is still you dealt, I don't have it." Help smiled, back.

Everyone helpless, I had to look at the original and business sheep.

Shangyu said: "There is nothing to say, since it is an enemy can't stay, kill!"

Qinyuan nodded: "Kill!"

Two women have been fighting for many years. I understand that wild grass is not a spring breeze. Since you want to kill, then you have to slaughter the root!

Gold is not destroyed, and you will be angry: "You will not have a good end! Even if you kill me, you can't change you, you will become a goal of Luo Wei! Your forces are exposed, Luo Wei will not let you! You Will die! "

The business sheep is indifferent: "Let's not let go of us. It is our matter. I know that today, the Jin-winged Dapeng family will be alive! From then on, there is no more than the gold-winged Dapeng!"

Gold is not destroyed, suddenly wanted to gray, he regrets it ... Reminds yourself an exclusive, regretting your little smart, and regretting that the old and old persuasion. Unfortunately, now everything is over, there is no regret in the world, he has no chance.



Golden people are landing, blood donation and falling long!

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