The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is the jade rabbit 1108

The master is not dying, the master of the gold-winged Dapeng is also killed. For a while, the whole gold-winged Dapeng is mourning, crying and desperate, but this will not change anything, killing still continues ...

At this moment, the situation of Silver Dapeng Jin Yin Wang Zun is not much better than the outside people!

The place where he rushed into it is not other places, but the brightening of the gods of the Buddha! Also called the world! Once opened, he is sleeping directly in another world! Gold and Silver Wang Zun wants to go out, there is only one way, that is, breaking the world! Or find the node of this world! That is, the light of the light is the point of the spot that is flexed, and the world is naturally collapsed.

However, Jin Yin Wang Zun has never seen such anhenotype, and after entering, it will not be clear from the northwest of southeast!

The whole world is all bright, endless light is refraction, reflection, this is a mirror and light world!

The mirror in front of the red crushed gold, and the mirror was broken, and it was not straight into other mirrors.

More mirror worlds appear!

"Glory God, you gave me! There is a three hundred rounds of the event and the truth!" What is going on! "Jin Yin Wang is angry.

"Dapeng, I have been in the end of this year, I have suffered this day, why not put it under my god doors, enjoy the tranquility?" The voice of Guangming's vocabulary came from all sides, and the position of the light is in the position.

"Joke! I have broken the shackles of destiny, the real gold-winged Dapeng family is controlled by me, the people who exclude me die! They are killed! But you, breakmented me for many years Dream! I want to kill you! "The golden silver king is angry.

Bright, God: "You are hurt in the same year, you have no self-healing. If you want to cure, you only have a holy road. You will force yourself to the road, hurt, you can't get it, you don't have a holy, you Will die! Believe my god, you will live forever! "

"The rabbit didn't make a holy, why do you spend me?" Jin Yin Wang Zun smiled.

Bright, God: "Since you are mood, then I'm thinking here. While you want to pass, let you come out."

After that, the voice of the brightness disappeared, but the Shenggui is getting more and more, the temptation is getting stronger and more stronger ...

"You a bastard, I really have to live with me? Look at me to break your God!" Gold and Silver Wang Zun is roar, all kinds of magical crazy play, the mirror world is broken! " The three people scored three directions, rushed forward all the way, leaving it is a broken mirror!

"Haha ... I said you can't stop me! Your world is impossible! Waiting for me to wear him, then kill you!" Jin Yin Wang Zun haha ​​laughed, but his laugh sudden suddenly came to an abrupt! Because of his sad reminder, three he actually remembered after a time!

"How is it possible? I am obviously a straight line straight, how can I go back to the place?" Jin Yin Wang is angry.

Receiving around, the original broken world is instantaneous recovery in a white light, even if he even rushed over the past!

"I am not willing! I don't believe me can't kill!" Jin Yin Wangzun once again killed three directions, and finally returned to the place! " .

Chapter 570 deals with the unsteady

Dealing with unmanate

At this moment, the light of the light is sitting in the void, which is originally a hand dragged a light ball world, but now two hands have a light ball world! There is still a world above the two worlds!

If someone can explore the situation inside, they will see that the golden silver king is divided into three directions each time, not really returned to the far, just rushing from this world to another world! But these worlds are exactly the same, let him misunderstand. The world he destroyed self-fixing in another world.

Such cycle reciprocation ...

Below, the gold-winged Dapeng family outside the golden-winged Dapeng is all over, but the Mount Golden Wings Dapeng's Nashan Mountain is very powerful, it is difficult to play in a short time.

"This is called the ninety-nine-year-old fairy, and the eye is like a tour of the immortality. It can't be locked. The method will go to the ninety-nine cycle. If you want to break, you will take a while." Gold Respecting to Qinyuan Road, relative to the array, Jin Zun is still the best in everyone.

Tiezun said: "Er brother, you have no way? You are a mailing!"

"Big fart!" Jin Zun said.

Iron Zun Road: "You don't want to get in the way, is it sanctified? Don't you do everyone?"

Jin Zun two eyes, "" This is also your fool letter, I don't believe it. Afault is a road, hey ... I really think, but I have no road in front ... "Jin Zun said this, one face Sad.

Tiezun Road: "Nothing, I believe you."

Jin Zun looked at himself and said that it was stupid, and said that he was not a three brothers, took a shot of his shoulders: "Hope so."

Qinyuan Road: "Jin Zun, really can't do?"

Jin Zun shook his head: "This is hard to break from the hands of the Master of the Master."

Shangyang said: "This is the big array of demon teachers to ask Fuxi to help arrange, which also integrates the comprehension of the demon, I want to break, I am afraid I want to find Fuxi. But Fuxi is already going at this moment. Purple Palace ... "

Jin Zun heard the word Fuxi, and the eyes suddenly lit, it was the excitement of challenge! Jin Zun Road: "Give me some time, I want to try it!"

"Well?" Shangmei slightly, then understood the meaning of Jin Zun, smiled: "In this case, then please."

Jinzun waved; "Don't bother me, give me a dragging leg."

The business sheep smiled and turned to leave.

The girl gathered together in the army, the sun is bitter: "It will be won, the result is actually blocked by a big array, it is really unwilling!"

The women nodded and won the cloud: "Now I can only wait, this method forced attacking is easy to explode. If the explosion, the consequences are unimaginable, the person who attacks the big array is likely to be buried inside."

"Yeah, I can only wait."

Time passed by one second, soon the sky was black.

At sunset, the middle of the moon, replaced the wake up, after listening to the sunflower like a report, he laughed: "This matter is nothing confused, you are a fans."

"What do you mean?" The girl asked.

Hold: "Come with me, those Dapeng Birds still have live port?"

"Yes!" Shang Yang said: "It is planned to be killed, but considering that the rabbit has said that these guys can't die, so some blood is not particularly pure Dapeng. There are three straight blood. Dapeng Bird. "

The slide point: "Bring him ... Forget it, don't use it, let him put it back, let him talk to the golden winged Dapeng people, tell them, either open the big array, let us go in. We guarantee that some blood is left. If the sky

I haven't opened the big array before, wait until we break the big array, the chicken dogs will not stay! "

Business sheep smiled: "This is good! Why didn't I think of it? It is a big sister, haha ​​... just do!"

After that, the business sheep left, did not have a while, a Jin Peng was put out, and the other party rushed to the big array.

After the business sheep and others retired, I opened a mouth to put the big Peng in.

"Big sister, what should I do now?" The Kwai is curious.

The middle of the flourish face: "Jin-winged Dapeng family is just a piece of stone, their destruction is inevitable, there is no second road. We don't waste too much energy and time on them. Our current enemy is Luo Wei, no matter whether we admit that it does not admit, Luo Wei will come to Wangyue Mountain, that is the real battle! "

Hook Chen said: "Yes, the speed of dark coverage is getting faster and faster, those who are not dead will not kill, no matter how dead, they will resurrect in the dark, then kill, it is a little terrible."

Kwai said: "This power and the power of the town are very similar, and the town can create a creative and let the death of the soul resurrected, and it can destroy all the soul. But each other

The power is obviously not the town ... Hey, if the town is just fine. With his strength, you can restrain these undead legions. "

Rainbow suddenly raised his head: "I can't die, the town is can't die! He must live, all, I want to leave for a while, go to the town! Just find him, not dead army can break!"

Blog nodding; "Go, be careful, pay attention."

Rainbow nodded: "Don't worry, big sister!"

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