The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit 1110

However, the ancient times did not think that the brightness of the gods said that he can feel that the light is very frank at this moment, it is a realm! Thoughts on the realm!

The ancient elders, sitting on the light, sitting opposite the gods, two people exchanged, nor did the two people said something, after a time, the ancient old and the old stood up, worsing the light: "Listen to the monarch Winning a ten-year book, I am, I am willing to lead the golden-winged Dapeng Hankan Tianmen, become a heavenly guardian beast! "

The light is nodded, "" a DPRK, the future is not the quantity! No matter the god! "

As the light is a big drink, it is falling, gathers in the ancient old!

"This is the" not confuse "that the emperor gives me. Today I am passing you, I hope that you will sprinkle the emperor to the world!" The light of the gods, will have a lot of magic, thousands of laws, "not confuse" Over the past!

Brightness is not afraid that the ancient times are not true, because these verses have a feature, if you can't afford, you can't understand the money! The speed of comprehension is to contact your understanding, but more or sincere!

The devout faith is the key to open this!

Next, the ancient old body lit up Jinguang, which is the brilliance of the Dapeng, but this golden light is so much fierce, and it is more peaceful.

Half, the ancients and old rites: "Thank you for your care, I will lead the Dapeng's children Han Yi."

The ancient vectors go down, not long, the gods sound, endless gods fall ...

Not long after, when the ancient times came up, with the eight thousand gold-winged Dapeng children, the smallest is still in the middle, and the big one is already old. These people have no exception, all are devout, Homi Tianmen! To this golden-winged big Pengshan, there is no pure blood Dapeng, and there are many old Laozi Pengpeng, which is responsible for protecting the blood of Dapeng and Child.

Without pure blood, the future of this Dapeng is basically disconnected, and everyone understands that this family is destined to indulge in unless there is a great opportunity.

Some people see it, secretly shaking their heads, whispered: "Woman is a woman, the benevolence of women will inevitably give a big disaster in the future."

However, no one knows, even if there is even more people who don't understand why the rabbit will leave. The whole land will understand this truth, and it is estimated that only Fang Ya is. Qin Shou is in the future, you can reserve rations ...

The Jin-winged Dapeng is basically destroyed. The army retreats, the Tianbingtian will return, the people of the dragon and the Phoenix are also returned to each home.

Women in Wang Yue Mountain ignited the bonfire on Wang Yue Mountain, and made a grand gratitude meeting, everyone eats and drinks, and it is not lively.

I haven't mentioned overnight, and I scattered the next day.

Wang Yue Mountain returned to quiet, as for the previous Wanfei Conference, it was once again determined, the location is selected in the dark nearest China's most western Soul Mountain.

The soul of the soul of the soul is the essential necessities used by ghost repair to refining the best, and the biggest soul stone producing in the fairy belongs. Safety.

The general meeting is set at the end of the month, and this time, the mousse of Wang Yue Mountain is a variety of preventive measures.

At the same time, Duobao people, Jinling Virgin, no trust, Turtle Virgin, did not return to Bi Tour, but stayed in Wang Yue Mountain.

Chapter 573 "Scriptures"


Four people concentratedly wrote down the scriptures they recited, and then they were grouped together, and the verses were very confusing no matter how stitching. Don't don't have the mouth, but also have a feeling of chaos!

"I think we seem to be fooled!" Duobao people smiled.

Turtle Spirit: "Don't let me touch the green skin, otherwise I am not killing him!"

"If you can also want to smoke him, there is no use of things for a long time, it is true ..." Nuffly Virgin is also fire.

When several people complained, the sun looked at the head, a pair of big eyes blinking, nor did you think about what.

"Kwai, you see it." Win Yun just passed, crying.

Kwai Road: "Ah? This is the anti? But why do I think that it is very smooth? This seems to be a scripture!"

In this way, the audience shakes, and the moment is turned over. Accurately not really fall

Read, but not from right left, but from left to right! Reading this, it's so smoothly! It's just that there will be some probes in the middle. After everyone re-typoes, it is finally connected.

Duobao people a word a word, then the sound of the throne falls from the sky, the sound of the sound is deafening, everyone feels an inexplicable power, it seems to lead their soul to remove their souls. , Rush into the reincarnation!

"This is" Scriptures "!" Shangmei once listened to the river to "degree", but the "people" at the time was incomplete. Now listen to the multi-treasure people to read, and immediately determine the name of this scripture!

"I know what is going to do! This" people "can kill the unfamed legion!" Duobao said shocked.

"Yes, the unfamiliar will only lock the soul in the flesh, the eternal life is not dead, but it is impossible to go back. But" Scriptures "can wake up their soul, summon it from the body, then send it into the turn! After the text is really terrible! I even doubt that the purpose of the Lingbao Tianzun has developed this verse is to deal with the unscrupulous army of Luo Wei! "Non-Danjun smented.

"It is possible, the ancient book is recorded, and there is no death in history. Later, Lingbao Tianzun was suppressed by this verse."

"Several, this scripture?" The meaning of the flourish is clear, this verse is a weapon that deals with the unfamed legion, naturally wants one

Part. But this script is a multi-treasure people, she wants, and several people must agree.

Duo Taoist said: "Although this vete is precious, I think that the green skin will pass through the text to us, definitely want us to transfer to the world. If the fairy is needed, even though it is."

Nothing did not have any objection, "the people" is precious, but his main use is the degree of death, there is no effect for others. It is better to take out, the world is in the world.

The blinddom of the original: "That's more thanks, I want to publish" people "in the World General Assembly, let the world cultivate. This is the threat of the unmanned legion is also a thoroughly thoroughly ... It is to find a way to deal with the dark invasion. "

"The Darkness We have made a survey, it seems to be a pure human, dark force, want to deal with him, need more bright power, before, the god of the gods, the holy light is very bright. Maybe you just can restrain the power of the darkness. "Duobao people.

The blood is a little bit: "Maybe, but the light of the light is not enough, we need more people to cultivate" not confuse "to get the power of the Shengguang."

The Turtle Madunda suddenly opened: "The world is the least in the world! But the monsters have a shortness of the monsters, the practice is slow, and the provenance is slow, even if the devout will not meet your requirements. But the people are very knowledge If it is possible

Enough to get started, no more than a dozeno for ten years will have a large number of experts available. "

Holdered: "I have also thought about this problem, but we must first do it now, it is to block the spread of the darkness. Otherwise, the darkness will continue to spread, for ten years, twenty years, the entire land is going to be swallowed. "

"I feel that I can go two steps. I will find someone to go to the Ziyan Palace. I must let Hong Yu's ancestors know. Under the trend, only he can suppress Luo Wei, everyone is not. Second, we Need more people to join Tianmen! You can recruit people, if the number is still not enough, I feel that some people must be! "The rainbow suddenly opened, and the sound was a little cold, especially the last one, but also cold people. Fear!

What is the degree? That is the best of the other party! I lost my mind and became a sincere believer. The future of the future is likely to be broken!

Of course, if the other's understanding is sufficient, the strength is getting stronger, and it will also find the heart, enrich the self, and even pursue the saint is not impossible. But the problem is coming, can be used by the monsters that they easily degree, have a few people having such qualifications? What kind of understanding? I am afraid that I have to be indulged in a lifetime?

However, everyone in the scene is no one is a soft hand, the Virgin, they are clear what is big, big, what should I do!

Today, the dark invading, reluctant this, greet them is all destroyed! Relatively speaking, this loss, they

Also accepted!

Jinling Virgin: "I think this is feasible!"

"In this case, then the speed is quick. The speed of dark expansion has also begun to accelerate ..." Duobao people took out a map, the West on the map has been completely turned into the dark place, part of the dark began to enter Zhongzhou .

"I will go here." At this time, I haven't spoken the old and old.

"There is a good time." The blog is nodded.

Next moment, the ancient times, the air, turned into a stream moment!

Chapter 574 does not go?

going or not?

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