The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the 1111th chapter of Yutu.

In the next few days, many demon kings were attacked, and they couldn't see the appearance of the people who attacked. They only saw the golden light rain of the sky, and the demon ghosts on the whole mountain were sacrificed. , Pious, rumored, let the scriptures, then fly towards the moon.

It will be in the past one month, and I will see the moon. I will leave the moon mountains and fly to the soul of the mountain.

Early someone first rushed to the soul mountain, activated the big battle on the soul mountain, and made a good logistics.

The girls fell, and the people at the scene couldn't afford to beat. At the beginning they were afraid of rabbits, now I am afraid for these women!

The destruction of the Jin-winged Dapeng family, they clearly saw the heritage of Wang Yue Mountain, the countless San San came to help the scene, they thought about it. Especially those who are still from a family, the tiants have, the witch has, the monsters have, the four big beasts have, and even the gaze that is almost unforgettable appears.

Therefore, now the fairyland is circulating a sentence, the rabbit is not provoked, the woman can't make it.

There are no shelves in the middle of the girl, and they will be rude, then they will be allowed to wait, and they will hold the first Wanshi Conference.

At this moment, in the dark, one person slowly went forward, and it was crowded with unscrupulous creatures. These guys wrapped in the palm of Muquay, but there was no one dared to go forward!

This person is not someone else, it is a swallowing man who enters the darkness!

"Swallowing the heavens, you have a big courage, even dare to break into the dark place! Hey ... You are looking for death!" A cold voice rang behind him.

The swallowing man does not return: "The demon, don't stand behind me."

"How is I stood again?" The demon appeared not far from the manner.

"Boom!" No one saw something clear, I only saw a big feet in the sky, slamming the demon stepped into the earth, and the horrible air waves were directly imposed by the unfamed army. Flying ash! The undead inside wants to be regenerated, but these souls have been gasified in an instant! There is no possibility of no resurrection at all!

"Cough ... you ... how did you do? You actually cut off the rules of this world!" The demon climbed out of the ground, coughing fresh blood, shouting.

The swallowed man looked up at the sky: "Although there is a way, it is incomplete, I want to cut off, but it is just a matter! The demon, take the way."

After the demon is slightly sinking, the cold way: "It is the bunny of the rabbit, you are really very powerful! But you

I want to die, I will fulfill you! Come with me! "

After that, the demon has a road, and the swallowers will slowly keep up. No one has found that the place where the swallowers will leave, will leave a faint shadow, this shadow will be in the next moment, and it disappears.

The girls have gone to the soul mountain, only a few people left in the moon, Dongfeng, and the West are responsible for the trivial matter on the mountain. The whole hill is calm ...

On the top of the mountain, a hill is sitting in the hill, looking at the premievous, like a mirror, a general jade monument: "This is worth money, but why can't you pull it? Do you want to dig?"

After saying, Too two real people took out a shovel to dig up, and the result was half a day. This stone monument was not moving. In the West's big pit, it can be seen that this stone monument seems unlimited, and I don't know the interior of the mountain. How deep!

Too two really smiled: "This is broken, it is not bad, you can't dig it, what is it?"

After saying, too second to sit down on the jade monument, look up to the heaven: "Luo Fu's grandson also woke up, if you wake up, this world doesn't know what will be made."

"Too two, do you really don't plan?" At this time, the sun walked over, and asked in a good look.

Too two real people shook their heads: "Don't go, when the head of my head is a stupid thing, now I am awake, I will not go to the purple palace. In case it is killed, isn't it very losses?"

The kwap has a small hand: "Then you give me the purple order!"

"Do you do it?" Too secondly stared at the sun.

Kwai despise: "You don't go, I will go! I don't care about the death of this world, but not in the mountains can't be destroyed, I don't want the rabbit to come back, I don't have anything. Don't have any danger, otherwise The rabbit will be sad. "

Too two live people two eyes: "The rabbit is sad! Just hurt, it can cure everything! Want, I ... cough, ..."

"I want to be, how are you? Forget it, you don't say it, you don't understand the feelings. Put the purple order." Knife blossoms, disdain. "

"Go to go ... while playing, adventure is also an adult, waiting for you to grow up again." Tai Qi real people started. "

The sun is helpless: "Don't you give me? If you don't give it to me, I have to use it!"

Too two really said: "I am so afraid ... The real thing is not as good as you, but the ability of the Tibetan things is absolutely crushing you. I lie down let you search, you can't find it."

Kwai angry: "I don't believe it!"

Too seconds are suddenly treated in the air, then the sun is hesitating, what should I search?

Too two truth, haha, smiled: "Kwai, men and women are not pro, you are a young wife in the rabbit, if you touch me, you can explain it later?"

Kwai has a little bit: "It makes sense, you come, give me a light, all the clothes, wear items, I want one Search! "

"Yes!" Three big black bear went over.

"You stand all! What do you want to do? Hey ... not allowed to take clothes!"

"Your uncle, who touches my ass!"

"Hey! The thing can't be pulled, hurt!"

I know is to grab things, I don't know how to be the three black bear.

The little face of the sun is extremely red, and the long is so big or the first time ...

Not long after, all the clothes of the Taiyuan people are piled in front of the sun, and the sun begins to look carefully. Anything with manifestation has turned to the outside. Unfortunately, as the Thai second truth said, the means of his Tibet, It's really not a sunflower. .

Chapter 575, green skin

Green skin

In the end, it is nothing!

Kwai Angry: "Too two, is you not a man? You don't dare to go, don't let me go, what do you want to do ?!"

Too two is sitting, squatting down, blowing the mountain wind, Yang Tian's long sigh: "I don't do anything, just afraid that you go to the sky, then the rabbit will kill me. Let you go, it is better to go. "

"But you don't go!" The sun is calling.

Too two is smirk: "Do you really think that I didn't go?"

"What do you mean?" The sun looked.

Too many people distressed: "My card is fake, but I really can go to the Ziyong Palace. But the problem is coming, I just tried, the road between the Zijing Palace and the Diva! No Know what you have stopped, now you can't get the purple palace! "

"This ..." is stayed.

Too two actors continue to say: "The world said three thousand purple guests, but everyone knows that the three thousand is only an imaginary number, the representative is countless! Zi Yu is absolutely more than 3,000! How many masters have been created in ancient times? Is the master really only? Is it only more than 3,000? Is Sheng Zhen really? Obviously it is impossible!

You look at it, things that will be broken will soon spread. Those old

Guys can't sit still. "

Kwai Road: "Too two, have you tried?"

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