The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the Yutong Chapter 1112.

The Tempo Taoist said: "Try it, Zi Yu is abolished, it is not going to go."

"Then you can say it directly, I am still angry!" Sunflower drums.

Too two real people immediately smiled: "I am not cool, of course, I have to find someone."

"Omele too, you are blowing!" After finishing, the sun ran in the clothes.

Too seconds stood on the top of the mountain and put a few shapes, and then did not take the way: "It's a simple little girl, the real thing Tibetan means, crushing you!"

After that, I took a thin wire from the teeth, and I took out a set of clothes in the silk.

Then this guy continued to sit in front of the jade note.

"The old guy, I haven't seen you for a long time!" At this time, a hazy voice rang from too long.

Too second is suddenly turned back, and the face is suddenly black: "Why are you still dead?"

It's not someone else, it is the green skin! The original is ignored, but it is half-eyed, and the corner is picking up, carrying hands, a slap in the style, let people look like two big mouth 1

"I haven't died, how can I die? I heard that you are now calling too second to be true? This name is still suitable for you ... Your clothes are okay, less top hat, I will send you?" Green skin? " I took out a green hat and waved the Tai Year.

Too two live people two eyes: "Get! Your whole body green guy, but also think about send green hats going out. Yes, where are you?" "I don't remember ..." said this, too second I don't say it.

The green skin squats: "I said, do you believe?"

"What do you say?" I don't believe in the Tema real person! "

The green skin is said: "A bastard gives me, let me find a way to send it to the moon. I don't send it, he wants to squat my skin back to make a hat, give Luo Wei ..."

"Amount ... Who is so fierce?" Too two real people were scared, he was very understanding this scorpion, don't look at it, but discussing the means of god, absolutely terrible!

The green skin is sigh: "It's too fast, when the eyelids can't lift it, I didn't see it. But I pulled a few hairs, you see, familiar?"

Too two real people took a closer look, and the eyes were asked, "the grass! Rabbit!"

"Paralyzed, I will know! The dead rabbit is not dead!" The green skin suddenly jumped, and the big was.

"That rabbit? I Cao! What are you talking about the rabbit? Qin ?!" Too second is a memory in the sea, although blurred, but let him think of it.


The green skin is nodded: "Anyway, I can't think of it. Which rabbit is so born!"

Too two truth decisively added: "His son is so born!"

"Hmm ... make sense, but I have a problem, Qin Wei really didn't die? But then we clearly saw that he and the guy became the same! The dead rabbit swavted, the guy's Yuan god opened him The stomach ran out, and the result was a few steps, it was taken by the rabbit. But he is also true to death, the body is in that ... "The green skin is puzzled.

"You ask me, who I will ask? When my strength is still not recovered, I have been lifted all day, and I will complain about it." Too two truth.

The green skin looks at the Tao Taoity; "You TM live! Where do you don't know? Take it back, not ..."

"Shut up!" Too second is suddenly roaring, directly putting the green skin behind the green skin.

After the green skin is smirk, the yin and yang strange: "You don't like to listen, it is true, always talk to others to solve it ... ah! How many years, are you still a virtue?"

The Tema True is deeply sucking, and the mood is in peace. It is lazy to go on the stone monument: "Don't tell me, do you come here? Do you want this stone?"

"Intelligence! This is the introduction of the stone, where you will be introduced there. I don't feel the ghosts." The green skin is embarrassed around the stone monument, squatting, and an exciting way.

Too seconds, I heard the words, two eyes turned: "Do you decide to jump?"

The green skin is screaming: "There is no way, the other road, just the dead rabbit walked over, I have been going for so many years, I haven't going far, too tm tired. I have to hide Tibet, if it is St., although it is very losing, it is a big pit, but it is not enough to be happy, isn't it? "

"Then you have to go to Hongyao's old man, you are willing?" Too second real person.

The green skin smile: "Okay, don't try me. Since I come, I don't know. Your old guy, I can't come late, I will come this time, do you want to block me? ".

Chapter 576


Too seconds, I heard it, stood up and patted the ass, let's take it: "You want you to take it, what do I do? I said, I can't stop you with my current strength."

The green skin is stunned, look at the eye of a thief, and it is extremely expected to be moderate, then look at the stone monument, "Do you have any ghosts?"

Too second real person immediately patted Xiongpu: "How can we! How can we make a ghost! How can you make a ghost! You are bold to take away!"

The green skin squats: "Rolling the scorpion, I just know you too much, this is certainly a problem!"

Too two real people helpless: "If you don't believe me, then I have not stopped. Hey, you said that I am powerful, you are afraid I do? Want to take, you will take it!"

"Then I really took it!" The green skin reached out to the jade stone monument.

Too two truth twisted her head, a pair I didn't look at it at all, and when I was about to touch, the green skin suddenly shot, stared at the Taiqi Zhen people called: "No, this is definitely ghost!" "

Too two real eyelids touched: "What is ghost, you have to take it, don't take it." The real person is gone. "

After that, the Tousi people wanted to have a green skin.

The green skin squints: "Requisiting the rich insurance, I don't believe you now, you can still let me!" After the green skin is again stretched again, it will go to the stone monument again. At this time, too second real person suddenly lifts Legs, one foot is on the butt of the green skin, calling; "Dragonfly, what is done, directly grab it!"

"Grass!" The green skin looks at the stone monument, suddenly braking, rushing to the sky, roaring; "What are you doing!"

"Help you! You said you, so many years, still don't have a little bit of daring ... Can you still have a little bit?" Too two real people look down.

The green skin is angry: "Do you want to go? Hurry! You are here, my heart is not!"

"This is what you said, then I am leaving." After that, too long people ran, then it is a fast!

The green skin looks at the Too two real people to run without a shadow. He has not been trembled. It always feels that this is not right, too odd, but more heart is not. Hurry to show God, one will catch the Tai second real people!

"Your uncle! Dead, do you have to do it? I can't do this, I can't go?" Tai Si real people angered.

The green skin scratches the head, falls, standing in the face of Tai Quality: "That ..."

"I am now calling too second to real, don't shout, I will be unhappy." Too two real people suddenly opened.

The green skin is awk, the road; "Okay, too two ... that ... you see, we have two people like a friend ..."

"Don't be almost, I can't get friends in the past, I am going to be a fox dog friend. I have meat to eat, you have wine, I am drinking, I really have something, don't you race?" Too two real people hurry. " Tao.

The green skin is hot: "Your uncle, you are so embarrassed? The first run is you? Now you still put a shot?"

"You are stinky, you have made things, I don't run it, isn't you dragging the water? Less the scorpion, you want to do it, hurry, don't say, I will leave, the real person is still Urgent to sleep. "Too two truth.

The green skin is called: "You pull the stone monument out, I will let you go."

"Can you pull it out and use you? I have already gone." Too two real people look at each other.

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