The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit 1113

When the green skin suddenly comes, he is speechless ... feeling this old babard is also a stone monument.

Thinking of this, the green skin is no longer polite, reaching out, catching up on the stone monument!

"Well? Nothing?" The green skin smiled!

However, the face of the green skin is green next!

"I am Cao, what is!" I saw a big hand suddenly stretched out from the stone monument. I went in the green skin, and then I heard it ... if you have the sound of the drum, the same Along with someone's scream!

After a time, a round, a circle, a green ball flew out

Come, explored the exploration in the ground, the green skin is in the ground, and it is not moving.

Too two truths walked over and explored the scratch, laughed: "Didn't die ... You are staying here. This real person can go ..."

After that, the Thai truth turned around.

After half a time, the green skin climbed up, and he looked at the stone monument. He said: "Rabbit, you a turtle king eight eggs! I have given me a pit! Japan panel!"

After luck, the green skin is running.

When the green skin, there was no shadow, and a movie appeared on the stone monument. He walked with carrots. ? ... "

After that, the figure disappeared.

With the land of the moon mountains, the land of the gold-winged Dapeng is, Wang Yue Mountain has appeared in the soul mountain, and it became the overlord of the land! Coupled with the multi-treasure villager, the Virgin of the Virgin and others have a stringing disciple, and the middle and other people will completely lead the normal conference!

In the world, the world is not unfained. In this way, the general meeting is very fast, and the thoughts will be unified one day, set up a temporary alliance, name the world! The next day, I have begun to divide the battle area!

"The Chinese and color fairy, you are all convincing, you must represent anything, everyone is clear. But ... we have gathered together, always can't group

Dragon is not the first? "At this moment, a demon king made an objection.

"I think, the floating fairy is a strength, or the ability to plan, can serve the public, it is better to have this alliance by the Chinese and color fairy."

Everyone nodded, the flourishing strength, they have seen it, plus the identity of the big sister of the moon mountain, and no one dare not give face.

However, let everyone surprised that the middle is shaking: "I love it, I have some understanding. I can't do this. But I can recommend one person!" .. "

Chapter 577 Duobao


"Who?" Asked the people under the consciousness.

Holding a flourish manner: "Nature is a Duobao Tao friend, Duobao said Friends is a virtual master. It is our well-deserved combat power first. At the same time, the magic weapon countless, you can always support you! In addition, Duobao said that the saints are born, whether it is identity or status, all match this seat. Most importantly, Duobao Taoist brought a thing that decided to decide the battle! "

In this case, the audience is awkward, no one wants to have a midst of the midst of China, it will make the right!

Duobao people also stunned, he was a little idea for the seat of this alliance, but the idea was not big. That idea is still for the sake of interception, if he takes the Lord, the status of the interception is naturally rising! There is a great advantage for the future. However, he did not have much thought of a fight, so it was too lazy to come out. But I didn't expect it, and the middle school directly gave him!

"Hundreds of fairy, if you are this alliance, we have no opinions, but ... Duobao said, we don't agree." At this time, three people came in from outside.

"It turned out to be an explanation of Sanxian to come, three Taoist friends, you disagree, can you have any reasonable reasons?"

Explanation of Sanxian, Tiandi Sanxian, Sanxian is also a new disciple in the beginning of the year in recent years, but the three have excellent qualifications, plus the artist, and repaired! Three people appeared, everyone took a breath, because this skyman Sanxian is even a virtual level!

Tianxian is a beautiful man with crown jade, a man's discount fan, laughs: "The reason is very simple, now many of the sects compete for the world, I have the meaning of the world. This, Everyone doesn't have to avoid it. This is the fact that I can't avoid. So I will clarify it, the people who are interception sits on this seat, which has a great advantage for the future development. This is equal to compressing me. Interest, so I have to oppose it! "

The Jinling Virgin said coldly: "Tianxian, you will be meaningful. Tianmen is also a big education in the world, the seat of the immortal sitting, you are not worried?"

People Xianbo said: "The Millennolia, you said that you said this. We are not afraid of sinners, no one is sinful, just like it straight, don't want to move." Say this, the fairy For the other gifts: "Fairy, I said," I don't want to listen, but some facts, please don't see it. "

The sluman, however, it is true that it is true that it is true that it is really a fact that it is too small to be too small. So, a large way: "People Xian Daoyou said, although it is a woman, but ask yourself Chest or foot

It is wide enough. "

People in the past: "That's good, then I will say it. Tianmen education is rapid, but it is rapidly? There is no saints to sit in the town of the town, but I can't say it. It is better than it. The Western teaching, once also placed, even to fight for the world with us. Today? All teach up, in addition to the attractions and quasi-triskers hide in the Ziyan Palace, others are all dead! The big sect, the day is flying as average! Therefore, Tianmen teaches us that it is not as an opponent! "

At this time, the audience vibrates, and the fairy is not said, everyone has not paying attention.

Now I think, it is indeed this.

Why did the Western teachings? Hempal, even the territories, but now? One night is flying as average, and the rest is just the legend.

"Haha ..." At this time, Duobao laughed, laughing very loud, then slammed the sleeve, the gas extraordinary stood up, looked up, one of the domineering, I'm going to rise!

The multi-treasure people can be seen in the Tongtian Lord of the Kurly, choose a big disciple, and is it good to bully? In the future, there is a chance of robbery, the battle of the gods, and the multi-treasure people even dared to move their knives! It can be seen that this person is so proud, once you really get it, dare to fight!

Duobao people's eyebrows are slightly picked, domineering: "I haven't been interested in the seat of the League, and I also recognize that the migrants of the rewards. However, since the mixed fairy does not want to do this seat, three people want Block me sitting this seat, then I have to form a form! This child ... "

"What?" Asked the people under the people.

"I am still fixed!" Duo Taoist said, step forward, the violent breath rushed to the sky, directly pressed the past!

People's fairy sleeve and looked at the multi-treasure people, shocking: "Your strength is so powerful?"

The Turtle, the Virgin of Turtle, glanced at the fairy, and smiled. "Angered Master, will be the most wrong thing in their lives!"

Noddian, noddion, no Daren, smirk: "Don't be out of life."

The land fairy immediately forwarded, trying to help people with the trend of Duobao people, and the momentum of the multi-treasure people is extremely terrible! The land fairy is directly pressed with a breath. If it is not a time to shoot, he has to be pressed!

At this time, three people understand, the same email, but strength is still strong! This multi-treasure people are strong, far more than their imagination!

The three people just have to open, and the multi-treasures suddenly snorted, and the yellow robe called it, and the back is actually reached out! Every hand is holding a magic weapon, countless magic weapon blooms in the air! Baoguang is in one

Since the beginning of the infinity, it falls!


Three loud sounds, the heaven and son three fairy directly pressed on the floor, caught in the earth!

"The reaction is fast!" The Notader of the Jinling said.

Eye people can see that these three people are deliberately shocked, and they are trapped! Otherwise, they will welcome them, and the three people are in the scene! Then the lost people are lost!

However, Duobao people did not continue to oppress them, showing their own strength, and immediately gave them three people left some faces. .

Chapter 578

Gas transportation

After the three people got up, after sighed, the trip to Duobao said: "Taoist Yamong is really powerful, we lose. If you are sitting, we have nothing to say."

Duobao people nodded and watched around: "Who else has any objection?"

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