The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the 1114th chapter of Yutu.

After seeing the horror status of the new multi-treasure people, who dares to have any objection? Thousands of magic weapons are Xuanhuang to treasure! Although some have little grade, it is, it is estimated that the saints have to take a headache!

Seeing no one against it, the multi-treasure people sat on the position, this location replaced the Leeds. This way: "Since everyone has no opinion, you can continue to meet."

"Changhuang fairy, just say that Duobao said, it doesn't seem to finish it?" The fairy is still a little unwilling, so I asked.

The middle of the way: "Duobao Taoism brought the scriptures that destroy the unmantened army," Scriptures "! And intends to share with everyone ..." That's here, there will be no more, let everyone I will think about it.

Sure enough, this is an out of the audience!

The people are arching: "It turns out that, I knew that the friend took out the" people ", I don't have to come out, my heart

Service oral! "

The multi-treasure people smiled, he was very clear, this "personality" is really important, but it is not necessarily his. But the green skin! And the green skin is likely to have a source of Wang Yue Mountain, although there is no evidence, but the multi-treasure people have this feeling! The green skin is mostly with their hands, and will send "people" to Wangyue Mountain. As for the death, why didn't you send it directly to Wangyue Mountain, he would like not.

Duo Tao people, of course, don't understand, a very uncomfortable , how can I be old and old, do you do things?

"Since everyone has no opinion, then I have to say. Now, Luo Yu is about to be born. If he is born, he is afraid that it is difficult to have a quiet day! Which one is not just it, which one, Which one is taught! But the world is suffering! So I hope everyone can truly put down the past private grievances and work together to fight against Luo.

In addition, according to my investigation, Luo Hao should have not completely awakened. His big dark knot is a purposeful, he provides the power of the resuscitation in swallowing the spirit! So, I want to stop Luo Hao from being born, the easiest way is to block the darkness! As long as it doesn't let it absorb more the blood of the soul, the soul is opened, and the time to delay the wake up. As long as the Purple Palace is over, everything is naturally solved. Duo Taoist said.

Everyone was unrecognizable.

Then, the multi-treasure people began to send ordered, and the various layers were drawn to everyone, and a group of people quickly busy, and began to put in the soul mountain.

In the main hall, I saw everyone gone, and I asked uncomfortable: "Duobao Tao friends ... Hey ... Alliance, they all do, why don't we do it?"

Duobao people got up: " , don't fold me, I am not you letting this, let alone, I really don't care about this allied, the private is still a good friend. "Duobao people look clear than many people, Qin Shou's rabbit growth is so fast, step by step, although it looks dangerous, thorns, but the multi-treasure people feel that Qin Shou's road is in advance. of! Or, everything is in his calculation!

It looks hard, actually is a Ma Pingchuan, the singing is fierce!

Such a person, there is a day, and these people will come one of the protagonists between the times! The last achievement is also unlimited!

Compared to those genius, Duobao people value Qin Shou! Because the air transport on Qinshou is too strong! At the same time, he can still rely on the swallowing others, plundering the air! In addition, there is also a godflower that combines the combination of luck and bad luck, this rabbit's future achievement is absolutely striking!

Duobao people even think that if there is still a saints between this world, the rabbit will definitely be the first person!

Therefore, the multi-treasure people are still very friendly to people in the moon. The end is good, the future may change the meaning of the meaning, why not?


Duobao people laughed: "It's not nothing, your things are staying in the soul mountain, ready to support the front line. To tell the truth, those guys will block the unsatisfactory army. But, I don't believe that there is no strong will, those People come out, is the opportunity you shot. It is said that good steel is this in the blade. "

"Get, I am blown by you, I am going to day. But I am not a big silly girl, there is a self-knowledge, if Luo Wei is really strong, we can play it here?" Heham laughed.

Duobao people nodded, huh, huh, "You will be a good moon."

I don't talk about the tongue, I have a good place, I'm sneaking, and I'm not good.

Hold: "Duobao Tao Friends, the things here will be given to you. I have already arranged a big battle. Once you have something, we will pass through the transfer, you will drive."

The multi-treasure people nodded: "It is best, several fairy should pay attention. Although we block the front line, but

Don't mean that you will safely. "

"I know, the resantity." Said that he had left the girl with a girl.

Waiting for the other people to leave.

The Turtle, the Taoist Tao: "Brother, you seem to be very jealous. But in my opinion, her strength is not as good as you ... is it so terrible, let you take this?"

Duobao people shakes his head: "I am not afraid of the rabbit, just don't want to knock with him. The rabbit is in the sky, it is the protagonist of this era, it is likely to be sanctified in the future. It is said that there is no harm. Secondly, the women in the moon mountains did not have a unreasonable trouble. Since they are treating them, we are rumored, what is it not? As for the jealous ... ".

Chapter 579 Chapter Darkness

"What?" Nuffered the Virgin suddenly looked up.

Duobao Human: "The teacher also found it?"

Nothing dotted.

The Turtle Taoist Water said: "What are you talking about?"

Duobao said: "The strength is absolutely more than this! Although she can't feel that she hides the power, this person gives me a very dangerous feeling, it seems that it is a little accidental. ! This is a feeling, but I can't say it, I am very strange. "

"I also have this feeling, others are okay, but every time I face this flour, I will feel the meaning of fear in my heart! She seems to be very dangerous ..." Nuffly Noter.

"Why didn't I feel it?" Turtle Spirit.

"Perhaps because I have a peace of mind with my normally, this jade is not weak to dangerously aware of the power of Jiu Zhen Xuanhuang to Baobao." Duobao said.

Turtle Spirit Night Total: "I know that Tianxin is equipped, just, I still want to do it, this is really dangerous.

? "

"Since I don't want to be sin, I will always treat it, I am always right." Duobao said.

Turtle Spirit: "I hope that Jin Ling is not too stupid, and they are together, how can I collect a useful intelligence."

Duobao people nodded ...

At this moment, look back in the road of the moon.

The girl also asked this question: "Sister, Duobao people seem to be afraid of you."

The middle of the sky is looking up, laughing: "Where is he afraid of me, it is afraid that the guy behind us. The rabbit is now getting more and more horrible, the power is getting bigger and bigger, and the saints Good. Under the trend, who dares to claim? "

"It is also ..." The sun nodded, and it was a little proud.

"But my sister will give him the seat of the Alliance, but it is cheaper. The position of the alliance is sitting, and the context of the future is a big benefit." Hook Chen Dao.

The middle of the middle is not a way: "Spend ahead, as for the future, huh, huh ... The future sects are fearful to the saints, a lendible solves can't solve more problems. Otherwise, Duobao people will not urgently don't worry I don't want to fight. As for us, don't be the same as the alliance. When the League is going to the front, it will become a key to Luo Wei to take care of the object, too dangerous

Risk. And I can only appear at night, nor is it suitable for the Lord. Now throw the chicken ribs to Duobao people, it is best for us. "

Qinyuan nodded: "Yes. To any more, we have no difference between unshanding, but there is no difference with the Lord. Don't worry with us, we just have to grasp the principle of principle, and the rest of him is. The principle, the bottom line, how to do it, smart, if he will not be difficult with us. This is a tacit understanding ... "

The girls heard the words, nodded, and there were some little color on the face.

It's just in the angle that the girl can't see it, and the bloody eyes flashed a fear, she seems to worry, I am afraid of what.

The next two days is very calm, the darkness is no longer expanding, nor does it know what is brewing.

However, some people see that there seems to have a statue of a stage in the dark, and the god is like a huge empty place, countless unsatisfactory arms in the gods of the god, turned into virtual!

That is like a nail, it is usually nailed, let the dark are unable to expand!

But the person who saw this scene was blind! Subsequently died at home, the death is very strange!

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