The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is the Yutong Chapter 1116.

"Worried about him? What do you mean?" Sunflower.

Hold: "It is very simple, the rabbit is not in the fairy world, if we are invited by the Duobao people, once you apologize, how do you think the rabbit will?"

Kwai is a small mouth, frowning: "According to his sex, it is afraid that it will be crazy ..."

Sighs: "This is what everyone is worried. If the rabbit is crazy, it is likely that six pro do not recognize it.

The Taoist invited us to go out, and we have an accident, what do you think of the rabbit? "

"Killing the Bi Tour Tour ..." Sunflower, this thought is too mad! Bizi Palace, that is the chassis of the saints! To challenge the saints, then don't die!

But the rabbit is different, and there is still a saints behind him. The result is likely to break out again!

At that time, Luo Wei may come out, the saint is chaotic, Luo Wei is a shot, it is not allowed to be the Lord this world! Even if you are not easy, I am afraid that I have to come into the spirit! and countless!

"So, Duobao people don't want us to gather. Of course, if I really got the final critical juncture, he won't consider so much. By, no one wants to die ..."

"How to feel the contradiction." Sunflower grin.

"There is nothing contradictory, just to reduce the risk as much as possible. But when you go to the road, no one will go to be a saint, you will give priority to yourself." Hook Chen explained.

Just then, win the cloud: "All, I have a rainbow news.".

Chapter 581 Zijing Palace Rabbit

Rabbit of the purple palace

"Rainbow news? Where is she now? Is it a town?" The sun is excited.

"No, but Rainbow said that he encountered a hit, attacked his people's strength! Moreover, more than one person! Let us be careful." Win Yun Road.

"Rainbow encounters attacks? Not willing to attack her?" Kwai is scared.

Win Yun said: "Yes, if this is true, it seems that it is indeed unsafe."

At this moment, the West is running in, calling; "Not good, Daquang Mountain, Air Mountain, Bai Bird Mountain, Fenghu Lake, Dagu Island is out!

"What? Can someone see why people are shooting?" The flourishing forces and shocking, these forces are not small forces, they have Yadheng Town, and the results are all destroyed! And so fast! The front line is only on, and the rear is swept, then, once the front line is, once the news, can you still fight? The military heart is scattered, the monsters that do not take advantage of the number of people are just the collapse! I want to organize effective resistance, almost impossible!

Just then, a giant sound descended from the sky, and the whole moon mountain seems to be trembling!

"The enemy!" Came out the sound outside.

The middle of the way: "Go, go out! I have to look at it, what people dare to attack Wang Yue Mountain!"

When the girl rushed out, I saw a movie in the sky. The man rolled over the black fog, and the blood red gem was inlaid on the arm, and it looked very strange.

"Who is it?" Hands have anger.

"Kill!" The other party ignored it, he rushed down!

The middle of the way: "Live!"

At the same time, the middle and empty, a white flying air, the volume will be the other party!

The other side came, the bombard, the white silk in the hands of the hand was smashed! However, the other party has also been pumped up for more than a dozen fingers, and the clothes are broken!

Strive to be strengthened, the two instruments of the countless times were raised! The fog is filled, the outside of the mountains have disappeared!

The geeks suddenly made a scream and ran! The speed of the speed, the girl who is watching the eyes! The other party actually ran out the scope of the big array in the moment of rising! Then I turn around the big array three times, and I ran!

"This guy is alert ..." I frown.

The merchant sheep shakes his head: "The alecity does ... but this person seems to have problems."

"The brain is not good, but the battle is extremely high." The transvenience evaluated.

At this moment, the Thai live people ran, laughed: "Nothing is not completely gain, you see what this is!"

Too second to talk, throw a jade. In his hand, the brow wrinkled in his hand: "This thing is very familiar, it seems to have seen."

"I have a look ..." Qin Yuan took Yuri and took a closer look, his face became incapacitated, Shen Sheng said: "It is the jade of the West, I am not sensitive to others, I am very sensitive to the baby! When I saw them, I watched them carefully. Everyone had a piece of jade, and Jade is different. This should be the Yu Pei of the wind, but how will this jade be in the geek? It is him kill? What is the wind, or is he itself? "

"I look at the latter, the guy is unclear, but the magic you just used is the means of Western teaching."

"All said that the Western teaches me, now it seems that it is true." Shangmei said with emotion, and women nodded. At the same time, it is also a worry. They all have seen the west, the strength is definitely better than the strength of the women, but such a strong group of people have been black. If they are in the dark, can you save?

In the next few days, the front line always waited in the battle, and the unfamed legion did not stop at all, and the crazy attack never stopped. The front line is getting more and more tight, and some people are injured and sent ... but the monsters of the fairy are dead.


Do not know how many people still have! If you continue this, no one knows how long they can still.

In the rear, Duobao people have been divided into a cleaning group, chasing those black people around. The other party's strength is too strong, and the people who sent the past are killed!

At the same time, after encountering attacks, many news of many blocks were unable to walk, and the front line army was beginning to be unstable.

The multi-treasure people crumpled and looked at the battlefield in front of the brow, and sighed: "This battle is just beginning ... ... Zi Yan Palace said, when it ends."

One is two months. The Soul Mountain is always sticking, but everyone knows, how long can they stay, no one knows. Rear, the sweeping team with the Turtle Mad, encountered the attack, and the Turtle Manta was returned.

Non-Dan Madi killed the moon in the twelve sages, followed by the madness of the 11th sages, have to choose to retreat, escaped to the long-term shelter of Wang Yue Mountain.

Wang Yue Mountain also changed his attitude towards the hill gate, and he also began to attack around, countless wars, and the strength of women in Yue Mountain also continued in the iron battle. In particular, those cultivation methods left in Qin Shou have a lot of comprehension in actual combat. In addition, we will eat the moon and the mountains, and all kinds of panmers are like a sweet pepper.

The girls finally stepped into the Sanctuary of the second link! Wang Yue Mountain's combat power once again rose a level!

The Difficult World War is connected in the Wanli, but it is still a serene in the purple palace.

Qinshou plain legs sat there, and the sea is no longer changing in the sea, and it seems that Hongjun's road will not complete his last step. In the last step, once you haven't been out, it is a saint! If you can't sell it, you will be a virtual level!

At this moment, Qin Shou has finally understood the meaning of the virtual level, not a holy, everything is empty, prominent! Only a sanctuary can be destroyed, and it is true.

I don't know how long the time has passed, Qin Shou slowly opened his eyes, and the result was that Qin Shou was unexpected. Hong Yu is still in the leader, countless scriptures flying, the avenue runs through the void, like the true dragon. The scene of the entire purple palace is extremely shocking ....

Chapter 582 makes Hongyan helpless bridge

Let Hongyu's helpless bridge

At the same time, Qin Shou saw that in addition to him, others were in a state of enlightened, and there were avenues in the people, apparently he is learning the way. There are also some people running several ways, apparently he is experiencing a number of ways.

However, these Qin Shou didn't care, he looked at the purple figure of ninety-nine lotus, this shadow was very vague, like it is like it, and I don't know if it is a real existence, or it is still together. projection.

"Is this Hongjun?" Qin Shou in his heart.

At this moment, Qin Shou shockedly saw that Hong Hao stood up!

The purple figure stands up, low, and Qin Shou counter!

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