The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the old man is the jade rabbit 1117

At that moment, Qin Shou actually had a fashionable feeling, as if all his secrets had to be written by the other party!

Qin Shou can feel that Hong Yao's eyes are in the starting point, passing through the time, and space barrier all the way, as if you want to wear everything! Qin Shou founded that he was unable to resist, and he could only visit him to explore.

At that moment, Qin Shou seems to return to the future, returning to the moment you just passed!

Qin Shou was smoked with his ear, placed in his arms, feeling the warmth of them ... and Qin Shou saw the scared Yan in the first time, touched the scene of self-blood injury and nosebleed.

In the moment of Qin Shou and his opposition, Qin Shou's heart shocks, as if something is activated!

Then, a cold breath broke out, a loud noise!

Qin Shou's two eyes have dizzy!

In the hazy, Qin Shou seems to see what is broken! Thoroughly collapsed!

Even if Hong Hao can't continue to trace back this road, continue to explore his past!

Qin Shou seems to see that Hongjun stands on the broken bridge of time and space, helplessness, is a broken bridge that even Hong Hao!

"What happened?" Qin Shou's heart was confused. He figured out, why Hong Yu will explore his past future, and he can't understand. How do he did it, even cut the road! Let Hong Hao can't pass over, see it.

When Qin Shou once again awake again, it is shocked!

There is a lot of money between the heavens and the earth!

Take a closer look, he actually sat in ninety-nine lotus! In front of him, I was sitting in a purple robe.

people! I can't miss the men and women, and there is no stupid pressure, some are just a kind of heartbeat! And Hong Yu faces, this is a good thing, or a bad thing?

"Your past is broken." Hong Yu suddenly opened.

Qin Shou nodded: "I know, I have just seen it," I saw it. "

Hong Yu nodded: "This sky is constituted by the fire water, but you don't seem to have other amounts of diction. I want to help you clear those things, but in the end, they Outbreak, cut off, let me be traced back to their origin. I can't help you essence. "

Qin Shou's heart is hitting, there is something in his body? Is it the system? Qin Shou asked: "Hong Yucao, I ... is there anything in my body hindle me?"

Hong Yur's ancestors asked: "Do you want to be sanctified?"

Qin Shoudao: "Though, only a sanctuary can be broken."

Hong Yucao looked at the woman and others: "They are all saints, but they are still in the virtual."

Qin Shou slang, did not expect Hong Yun's ancestors to tell him these words. At the same time, Qin Shou can also feel that Hong Hao's ancestors do not seem mally. But when I thought, the old ancestors had turned over the cold eyes when he had passed, and Qin Shouneng was still a wealth of Hongjun.

Qin Shou asked: "How can we break the virtue?"

"You are not in me." Hong Yu said a word inexplicably.

Qin Shou scratched his head, did not understand it at all.

Hong Yao continued: "Luo Wei is about to be born, and this time, I will not shoot. How is the fairy world, I have to see your own."

Qin Shounhen, scared a jump: "What? Luo Wei wants to have an accident? Does the magic ancestor? He is not suppressed by you in Mi Mi Mingshan?"

Hong Yu nodded: "But someone put him out, opened my seal. Since it is your industry, it is naturally in your body. You are awake, I will send you a return Left, look at your own. "

"Wait! What is my own? Luo Wei is your enemy, not my enemy! Miss Mingshan is my industry, but I haven't taken over! How did I get something? Even if I send me back, I will not be stupid to find the trouble of Luo Wei, the gap is too big! "Qin Shou called!

"That is your business, not my business. In the hands of the land, I don't care, the heavens still exist. Everything still follows the order of order, this is enough." Hung Yu finished, To send a hand away.

Qin Shou hurriedly called; "Can there be a reward?"

"The suppression of Luo Wei, the heavens merits, can be sacrificed. At the same time, I will allow you to be a wish!" Hong Yun said, one waved, Qin Shou only felt around the eyes, when they opened their eyes, a cold breath came!

At the same time, a murderous is flying behind!

"What?" Qin Shou suddenly turned, slap in the face!


A human shadow was smashed in Qinshou, which was blown on the spot!

Qin Shou took the hand, pinching a piece of jade in his hand, browing one chapted: "What is this stuff? It seems that there is a trace of Dharma, is it a person who teaches me? Tagan and quasi Should a grandson should not be so idiot? Accident me, use this waste? "

At this moment, the jade of Qin Shou's hand was constantly trembling, and then the ten killing machine flew from afar!

Qin Shou said: "Is it not over? Is it? A group of funeral dogs, I dare to do my rabbit, I will do it!"

Qin Shou also doesn't wait for them, directly to the direction of ten breaths, roaring!


The horrible sound is instantly spread! .

Chapter 583 Rabbit returns to Wangyue Mountain

Before the front ... a series of loud sound came, then ten years of shadow fell from the void, flip rolling, wow, spit blood!

Qin Shou sleeves, directly income of these ten people, but it is the magic of the sleeves, all take!

"It's really disappointing, look back in the moon!" After that, Qin Shou will go, the result is two steps, Qin Shou suddenly stared at the West, then smiled; "swallowing the heaven, according to the rabbit My personality, this matter will never be a water. You have ran to the Dark Center, step on the Mi Mingshan not to go! Is this not forced to do with Rabbit? "

Although Qin Shou said, it also understands that swallowing this is doing this, it must be because women suffer a threat, otherwise it will never train!

I think this, Qin Shou sighed, but did not hurry to the West, but first returned to Wang Mountain. He wants to know, how is the situation on the moon Mountain, a loss of heaven, he is still lost, but his own woman can absolutely can't have problems! This is a principled problem!

"Bunny, smell rabbit, bad rabbit ... When is it come back!" The gate, the sun is on the steps, holding a flower in his hand, a piece of torn hua petals, .

"Hey, who is this little girl? Such a water spirit, come, let the master

One! "Qin Shou Yinyang is strange, and I have finished the past!"

"The bunny is coming back!" The fire suddenly turned, excited!

Qin Shou was in the same place, said: "No? I am changing, you all recognize me?"

"In addition to you, no one dares to talk so!" The smile of the sun. Qin Shouwei did not know. He didn't have this day, and the girl killed four squares, and she killed her own prestigious, especially the sunflowers, people who were uncomfortable by the sun, and finally the most miserable! Drink water tooth teeth, walk down, and fold the equipment when you are ...

Today, who dares to tune the lime?

Qin Shou helplessly: "Well, come, Kwai, let me hug, see you grow up."

"Long didn't grow big, you won't look?" Kwai frightened the nose of Qin Shou, but it was also a well-behaved until Qin Shou in front of Qin Shou, Zhang opened his hands, seeking hug!

Qin Shou bar, can't help but lamented in my heart: Time is really fast! The girl is really fast!

Before he walked, he still had to look down. It's already a feet full bunny now! Although it is not completely growing, it's enough!

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