The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the old man is the jade rabbit 1118

Qin Shou is going to stretch the Chu salted pig hand, when you add addiction ...

"Rabbit, you are back?" After you, the voice of the hook suddenly sounded.

When Qin Shou's movements suddenly stissued in the original place, look back: "Yes, come back.

Hook Chen, come, I will check you to see the body and see if it grows. "

"Hey! Ghosts believe you, stinky!" Tick Chen's turn, turn it, go, take a side: "I am not an ignorant simple sheep, I can't ... Oh!"


The chart is still not forced, but the ass will be slap in Qin Shou!

The champion suddenly turned, and the result was hugged by Qinshou. Haha smiled: "Hey, sinking a lot, it seems to grow up, haha ​​... come to kiss!"

"Walk away!" Tick Chen screamed, the result is still a bite of Qin Shou on the small face, and suddenly the face is like the apple, pushing the Qin Shou ran.

Qin Shou looked at the back of the hook, smiled: "Let your bad rabbit, my good thing, this is interest, look back, then find you."

After the end, Qin Shou came to the sunflower surface, and she took a deep breath: "Kwai, let's continue, ..."

The sunflower is red, and I nodded for the can't check, it is quite expected. She waited for many years for this day ...

Qin Shou is also almost, he is looking at the sun, this little flower does not bear to pick, now grow up, it should be started!

However, Qin Shou just raised his hand, he heard someone behind: "The rabbit came back! Sisters came out!"

Then ... ...

Qin Shou's face is black! Just called, I know that I will tell Chen's hoe! The retaliation of the girl is really fast enough!

Under the helplessness, Qin Shou and the sun meat, turned back, and instantly turned into two smiles.

After the body, the girls are almost coming, the business sheep, Qinyuan, the mouth is unhappy, looking up, there is no one, there is no matter what I have, I have the favorite fruit of Qin Shou. Winning the cloud; bowing tie, a mirror, a mirror, Halfway is chased, has to temporarily live in Wang Yue Mountain, a woman, a woman's gathering! Just less.

"There is a little far, it is estimated." Qin Yuan has just explained two sentences and suddenly called.

Qin Shou looked up, and suddenly saw the swearing, and slowly flew. Qin Shou can certainly see that the strength of the girl is in a leap, but the strength of the seems to have not changed. But she farther in the dance of the dance, every move, all in the heart of people. That is not a beautiful beauty, it is natural beauty, beauty like drinking Ganquan, comfortable, want to stop.

I turned down and laughed and looked at Qin Shoudao: "Rabbit, you come back."

Qin Shou deeply nodded: "Yeah, I am back, recently let you suffer. I am back, you can rest, leave it to me."

"Don't!" The result of the girl called the god of Qin Shouxi.

Qin Shou asked: "Why?"

At this moment, the Tema's live people came out, smiled: "Of course, when you are not there, these big sisters are more than a fierce, now in the fairy world is not weak, you When I came back, they became a small sheep. Of course, I didn't want it. It is the so-called, I am used to it, I will know in the cage, I am sure can't ... Oh, what? Have something to say! Hey! "


Too second realism for meteor.

Qin Shou smiled; "You really want to go out to continue to fight? This is not in line with the rabbit master.".

Chapter 584 Rabbit and Luo

"We are not a vase, we are very powerful!" The sun cried on the side, while waving his fist.

: "Just, the Western 12 sages know? They were blackded, once they came three together, they were running around! They have the strength of the virtual level."

Qin Shoufun scratched: "Western 12 sages? I haven't heard, but I came back to a few guys. Take a look, these black guys are what you said."

After that, Qin Shou waved, ten people were thrown into the ground, but now they are all coma, no wake up.

After the girls were finished, they suddenly face each other, and then sighed, and they turned and left. They have worked hard, practice hard, and it is hard to make a little more outstanding. It can fight three in the 12th sage. This battle is a brilliant in the entire land!

As a result, this dead rabbit came back, and one of the ten sages in the West is returned. Still it! Do you want to be so easy? Do you want to hit the person?

Qin Shouzhen: "Do you mean?"

"Snongburan, there is no such thing as you!" The sun shouted with the scorpion.

Qin Shounhen, suddenly understood, haha ​​smiled: "You are a few small temperament, you are all my women, the rabbit, my cattle, you are still unhappy?"

"It's not happy! We are very hard! As a result, every time I feel the results, I have been stepping on a foot, not cool!"

Qin Shou smiled: "Don't say that, don't you come to step on your ..."

"What do you want to do?" Shangshi asked.

Qin Shou didn't laugh: "I am coming to you!"

"Color wolf is coming, run!" The girl ran in the legs!

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "I still want to run, I have come to my bowl, hey ..."

Qin Shou rushed to the left and right batches and cracked back to the room, closed the door, so a spring breeze blows all over the ground, everywhere peach blossom ...

The station is outside, sighed, turned and slow. The expression is very complicated, it seems a bit envious, and some struggles, there are some pain, but more is resolute ... Low voice: "Still not time ..."

Entering night, Qin Shou took a dinner with a dinner, singing, putting fireworks ...

In the second half, Qin Shou once again turned into a hungry wolf, and he was treated. But winning the clouds and the sun are the first time, I can't hold it.

Qin Shou can only transfer the battlefield to develop Qinyuan, and the merchants are.

No later, the next day, Qin Shou gods walked out of the door, looking up at the West: "It is really not letting the rabbit, I will stop! I thought it four months, now, now, Time is not waiting! "

Qin Shou spokes up, go straight to the West!

In the dark, it is the place where Missha is in the land!

"Hey!" The demon stunned, endless darkness in his body, his strength is constantly breaking, the strength is constantly upgrading!

The opposite swallowers didn't look at him, quiet, sitting in the legs sitting at the foot of the feet.

"Rabbit, I know that you are back, I feel the breath of your body! I want you to die!" The demon roared, culling to swallow the heaven.

Swallowing the heavens, one waved, a waving, infinite slight, and slammed the demon buck on the ground! Subsequently, the void is bomb, the Shengguang is condensed into a pagoda, the pagoda is divided into seven layers, and each layer is condensed! The statue kept sang the god sound, the holy light bloomed! Ren, how to struggle with the demon is unable to stand!

Swallowing the heavens: "Luo Wei, I know that you have awakened, although I don't know why you can't come out. But use the demon to deal with me, and I will not pay too much."

"Rabbit, I didn't expect you to live again. This is really a miracle." A cold voice suddenly detached from the mouth of the demon.

"Also live? When did I die?" Swallowing Taoist asked.

"Well? Um ... It turns out, you are not the rabbit. Or, you have broken the past, want to achieve the future?" The demon wreck the treasure tower and sat opposite the swallowers.

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