The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is Yutong Chapter 1120.


Although Hongjun is a millennium every time, today, Hongjun already knows that he is about to be born, it is likely to end in advance. If many saints are home, if it is planning, he wants to lay down the fairy world. Most importantly, this Tianchen Wood is not just a reinforcing seal, and there are other hazards! That is what he is most worried!

There are not many more than four hundred years. If Hongjun ends in advance, it is estimated that it is also five hundred years ... even if it is over in advance, it is also stronger than the source! Thinking of this, Luo Yu bites his teeth, called: "For forty years, transactions!"

Qin Shou smiled and stared at Luo Wei: "It seems that this coffin has a big threat to you. In this case, please worship!"

Qin Shou did not recover the meaning of the coffin, turned it!

Yes, Qin Shou has never thought about the tribute! If he is halfway to repent, Qin Shou may have no chance to shoot him again! And with the character of the magic rock, Qin Shou did, must be sinned. When he came out, the first one to kill is Qin Shou!

Since there is a battle sooner or later, it is better to weaken the power of the enemy in advance! That is a stupid behavior!

The previous speech, Qin Shou is only a set of sets, the first one is the time to break the coffin, the second time, the second is to see the attitude of Luo Wei's coffin. The two are reached, Qin Shou naturally wants, otherwise leave for lunch?

Qin Shou gone, Luo Wei stands in place, but there is no way at all! Qin Shou's strength far beyond the demon of this time. He chased it is also a burial. This is still a useful man ... As for the coffin, he didn't touch it. He is very clear that the blood pattern on the coffin Not a saint, who is dying!

"Rabbit! You are waiting! Waiting for me, it is your death!" Luo Yu greeted.

Qin Shoucou has a waving to Luo Wei: "I also give it to you this sentence. When you come out, I will send you a gift!"

Out of the dark place, Qin Shou has long relief, he is most afraid of Luo Wei directly to jump out of his knees! With Qin Shou's strength, it can't suppress this guy! It is likely to take yourself in. Now, Qin Shou has time, and so long, Qin Shou broke through the holy level!

The stone monument on Wang Yue Mountain has been standing for more than two months. More than a month, the opportunity of the sanctuary will appear!

Nowadays, the masters of the fairyland have went to the Zijing Palace. This time Qin Shou will have a lot of competitors. He basically ten is steady!

Looking up at the sky: "How is Luo's strength, it is not clear, but his strength is definitely not weaker than the saint. Only a sanctuary, there is a winning result ... up to three or four hundred years, even shorter Time, I have to speed up. However, how can I continue to break through after San? This is a problem ... "

Qin Shou's road is no longer passing, Qin Shou has not been learned. I want to go forward, I can only explore step by step, he wants to come soon!

Going back to Wang Yue Mountain, Qinshou horses are busy, and began to arrange a big array throughout the Wan Mountain, and a big array is linked to each other. He wants to make sure that the candidate appears, there will be no accidents!

Subsequently, Qin Shou went to the mountain, and went carefully to observe the array of Mashan, this is also a piece of heart disease in Qin Shou.

Zhu Rong, co-war, co-industry, the head is not Wushan, the sky, the big hole, the female , the witch battle, Daxie treatment ...

The latter series of tragents are caused by the collapse of the mountains! Qin Shou will never want to have any problems in the mountains! I don't want to be a woman to replenish the day, suffering from the endless suffering! I don't want to have an accident in the ancestors! Nowadays, the demon tiants and the witch are all half of his home. He doesn't want to do your own home, and then turn over the room, cheaper.

However, Qin Shou still did not see what is the same as this is not on the mountain.

"Uncle Dao Jo said that he will solve the problem of not Wushan, but he will eventually solve it, this ... What is going on?" Qin Shouni wrinkled low.

Just then, a low voice came from Qinshou: "You are coming."

Qin Shou suddenly turned back, I saw a old man standing behind Qinshou, it was a hard-working master!

"Broken master, you didn't go to the Zijing Palace?" Qin Shouzhen, Zi Yan Palace is very big, Qin Shou has been busy fighting, and there is no way to observe everyone in the purple palace.

The masters shook their heads: "My strength is not going to the purple palace, and the emperor seems to be back in advance."

Qin Shounawa: "Yes, I can't understand the old man, I can't understand it, I was thrown back. Broken master, this is not on Zhaoshan, you know what people portray?"

The masters took a little bit: "I don't know."

Qin Shou frowing: "How do you say this?"

Master: "Great Emperor, you know, why do I invite you to my accommodation twice?"

Qin Shou shook his head. At first, the masters were unknown, and the strength gap was big, and the masters were unfavorable. Therefore, Qin Shou did not plan to find a master.

The masters sigh; "Because only here, what I said, I will not be performed in the sky."

Qin Shou browshed a jump: "What do you mean? What do you mean, is Hong Hao?"

The masters shook their heads: "Hongjun is the way of the heavens and the earth, will not manage anything in the world, no ambition to do anything. I don't need to prevent him, I am guarding the heavens!"

"What?" Qin Shou was shocked!

The masters looked up not Zhou Shan Road: "When the Emperor, the world has an early day, there are many congenital spirit in the world, including emperor and Emperor Taiyi. Of course, including me ... first The spirit will arouse the soul, erase the soul, re-cultivate, is the origin of Xuanhuang to treasure, congenital Lingbao. "

"Do you say this? What is the relationship with you?" Qin Shou asked. .

Chapter 587


The masters took a point: "Of course there is a relationship, I will open from the world, watch the evolution of the world, until now, what you know is much more than you think! Longfeng robbery, many people say that there is someone wants to destroy Shi! But I have never seen the people who have killed the world, or he existed, but I can't get in touch with my level. However, I want to say that the dragon and phoeniases are falling, there is the merits of the Emperor and Emperor. ! "

Qin Shounhen is not surprised. If the two do not participate, it is not a chaotic, what is the establishment of a heavens, is it in charge of the world? This matter, I changed Qin Shou Sheng in that year, I will do this! No one wants to be pressed. Just like Qin Shou, whether he is a witch, he doesn't want to be pressed, even if the relationship is good!

The masters continue to say: "The dragon and phoenix two fell, down the altar. Two His Majesty established a heaven, achieved ambitions, but the witch is still ..."

"What is it?" Qin Shou asked.

"The two great times hope that the female scorpion will take the female, deal with the witch, only to destroy the witch, the tians can really be a world, to achieve their ideal state, the world is commendable! Of course, if the witch is willing to enter the demon, they also I am happy.

However, the Witch is arrogant since ancient times, and how can it accept this condition? The female and the ancestral, Xuan Ming is a friend, and it is even more impossible to deal with the demon. So this is shelved ...

"I said this master looked at Qin Shou.

Qin Shou did not send, he was a little guessed, but Qin Shou did not want to believe.

Master: "Today's demon races are already the most prosperous state, want further development, the only way is to swallow the witch! But it is not a witch in front of the heavens, not a ancestral, but a woman ! "

Qin Shou's heart is ...

The masters continue to say: "There are four saints between the heavens and the earth, the three clear saints do not care about the world, and the natural collapse is not related to them. Even now, the saints are ruthless, and they are also famous. But the girl is different, she is sad, she is sad. If it is robbed, she will definitely come forward. "

Qin Shoudao: "What do you want to say?"

The masters shook their heads: "I don't want to say anything, just see what I think, think about it. Right, why do you know if you don't know why?"

Qin Shou shook his head: "I don't know."

The masters: "At that year, no thought is from the mountains."

Qin Shouzhen: "Don't thought it is from the mountains that is not from the mountain?

The masters took a point: "However, it is not natural growth, but some people have searched. I have seen that someone will come to Zhaoshan every year, then sprinkle the brilliance and then leave. Day, full day After the year of the year, I don't think about the thought from the mountain.

The longer came out. Since then, I have never encountered that mysterious person.

Later, no thoughtful people didn't know where to inherit the Tao, the strength of the strength, and the invitation from the heaven, and he was talking. Later, two of them will be sealed not Zhou Zhanzhi, not subject to heavenly legal restrictions. "

Qin Shou brows wrinkled, said: "You didn't see the appearance of people who sprinkled the glow?"

The masters shook their heads: "It is unclear, the other's strength is very strong. At least there is too much too much time."

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