The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the jade rabbit 1121.

"These things, who have you said?" Qin Shou asked.

Master: "No, I only said to you, others I believe. And said it is useless, they are unable to change anything."

"Then you said to me, is it useful?" Qin Shouzhen, this is too trustworthy? "

Master: "You are different, I will see it when you first cut the stone, your life is not in the big gear of this world, no matter how the fate is working, you will not give you. On the contrary, you are very Maybe you can't operate, even invert it! This thing is that people outside the world may do something, so I chose to tell you.

Of course, I also know that you and the relationship between the two are very good, you can also be used as a gauge. I am just talking about me, I don't want these secrets to be buried with me. Perhaps these secrets can be in the future

To some role. "

Qin Dong, I immediately asked: "You said to be buried with you? Your body?" Qin Shou opened heavy in an instant to see the broken master's flesh, and sure, the masters did not know why, the vitality is rushing!

Qin Shou also went on the strength of the masters for the first time! Not weaker than the powerful person who attracts people! This kind of power, the life of their life is almost endless. Especially the broken master, the present is an old tortoise, the so-called millennium 800,000 years of turtles, the life of the turtle is extremely long, and it is even more lived after a slight cultivation.

Normally, the masters can't have this situation!

The masters smiled: "My life is coming soon, I have a lot of live. The Emperor, the so-called, the bird will die, the people will die, I am also good. My old turtle It is about to die, there is no need to deceive you. "

"Well, thank you for the trust of the master. I remember these words. If there is a need in the future, I will pass these words." Qin Shou replied, but there was no promise to do. Because Qin Shou is hard to distinguish, what is the words that the masters said.

At least, the emperor has always been very good to Qin Shou! Although the Emperor of the Emperor is very small, the number of times that person gives Qin Shou is not bad.

From top to bottom, Qin Shou really can't find the reason for dealing with them! Similarly, he did not see that heavenly has any powers or dissatisfaction on the Witch.

Although both are small, the relationship between the top layer is very good, often coming. For example, Xuan Ming, who used to live in the heavenly hill. Once, for example, the back is almost

Live in the female palace. In the same year, I was also teamed up with the emperor.

Say goodbye to the masters, Qin Shou took the doubts of a belly to the moon. .

Chapter 588 of the money is rough


This time, Qin Shou did not say what he saw and his girl, but buried in the bottom, and continued to analyze many possibilities.

"Hey ... Just think that the master is true, I can't do it with my sex unclear. After all, they are good enough for me ... The rabbit, although it is not good, but the enemy is I still can't do it. No matter what they do, everything I do is a chess, or a scam, I can only look at it. Maybe the mascher is true, they really have to do something, but how is it? ? This world is finally the strength decides everything! Perhaps, when I became a holy, this is not so bad. "

Think of this, Qin Shou brain is also clear.

Qin Shou came back, but the front of the frontline was still ongoing, but only because of Qin Shou's return, he swept the rush of the West, the arms of the front line began to stabilize.

But after a week, Qin Shou still received a help letter from Duobao people!

"Rabbit, the front line is really a bit, otherwise the Trooting people will never come to you. Do we want to shoot?" Business and sheep asked.

Qin Shou shakes his head: "Show? Why do you want to shoot? Many Treasure people's means

His elite corps did not move, better, there is so many San San. When are those people are not enough, let's talk. What we need to do now is to improve strength! Continuous improvement!

I have opened a small space in the mountains in the mountains, and the ten people in the West are in the middle of the 12 people, and they draw their power to give you, help you break through, and step into the virtual level as soon as possible. The future war, the virtual level is the main force, and Yadheng is just a little pawn. You are my woman, and I have my protection. I still don't worry. Your own strength is powerful, in order to make me truly rest assured. "After I have seen Luo Wei, Qin Shou also changed his opinion on his past.

He also has an enemy in this world. If Luo is coming out, Qin Shou may be able to block Luo Wei, and if the girl is encountered, what should he? He must be aware of this matter! Of course, the best way, or help the women become holy! Unfortunately, it is difficult to become a sacrifice, and the people in the heavens and the earth have a number ... they want to kill in, but it is even more difficult!

However, Qin Shou also has its own intended. At that time, it would take the leader to suppress the demon teacher, and will send it to the seat of the saints. Then Qin Shou must also!

Just, the seat of the saints is not who can sit, it needs strength, gas and merit! Therefore, Qin Shouzi came to thinking, there is still a few days around these women.

The strength of the rear and Xuan Ming is enough, and the merits are estimated enough, but the two people have the soul, unless the merits are sanctified, and the soul is brought by the world. Otherwise everything is white ...

And the people of the moon mountains, the flourished strength, then the rainbow, sunflower, and the business sheep, Qinyuan, , hook Chen, win the cloud and others. But these people are not enough, they are not enough!

Therefore, Qin Shou must find ways to help them improve strength, accumulate merit, and then fly!

Shangyang said: "The front line, we don't worry?"

Qin Shou smiled: "Tube! Of course! We don't go to people, but you can provide magic weapons! All kinds of magic weapons! Congenital Lingbao big batch, unlimited offer! I think this is enough to block the mouth of Duobao people. BA. ? "

"Do not provide the first day Lingbao? Are you crazy? You are selling not Huashan and Wan Mountain, we can't get it!" Qin Yuan suddenly jumped, this gimmick is still so sensitive to baby.

Tinch Chen also called: "Even if you go to the treasure house of Tiand, you can do this too ... Congenital Lingbao is not so easy."

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "I said yes, there is! I am going to do it, the magic weapon is given to me! Well, don't stay here, go below.

Through the practice, the strength is improved. There is also a war in the future, Luo Wei may not be so good. "

Although the girls have a mist, Qin Shou patted the chest PU, and they also have a decisive choice of trust, so they left. Among the mountains, there is swallowing people who can help them cultivate, so they don't need to worry about anything at all.

However, after the public, Qin Shou will call Chen.

"What?" Looking at Qin Shou in the face of uncomfortable.

Qin Shou smiled: "Solve Luo Wei, your illness can be cured, laugh, don't look at the face, make a small old man."

Tick ​​Chen to turn his head, whispered: "I have listened too much, I don't expect it. I can't afford it ..."

Qin Shou is a slap in the palm of the hook, said: "Look at you? I can't cure you, the sacrament is not good, isn't Hongyu can't cure you?"

Tinch Chen suddenly turned back and called: "Hong Yin will help me to cure? How is this possible?"

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "The rabbit will open, he must help! I don't help, I don't agree! Don't worry, wait until I get Luo Wei, everything will become better."

Tick ​​Chen suddenly grabbed Qin Shou's hand: "The rabbit, I have always had a question. In fact, you and Luo Wei may not have to host the enemy. He just wants to fight for the world, and you are completely interested in this world ...? Be sure to make him? "

Qin Dong took a moment, if you really follow the character of Qin Shou, he really didn't have to die with Luo.

But Qin Shou is more understanding, Luo Wei is too overbearing, Qin Shou is not a reversal of the Lord, two guys face to face, it is the comet hit the ball, it will inevitably explode! The possibility of harmony between two people in the future is not big. But it is not impossible. For example, Qin Shou goes to other worlds when a happy king is ...

Look at the chamis, then think about Luo Wei, Qin Shou has had to feel the heart, he is really a mad!

Qin Shou refused Luo Wei, I am afraid there is half of the reasons to hook. There is half of the Hongjun's promise! .

Chapter 589 Support


The suppression of Luo Wei, Qin Shou made the chance of the sanctuary gave a person in the girl, he was in this sanctuary! Then help their own women are sanctified!

Between this world, a total of seven saints, and their family accounted for three! Pull it to the woman, directly occupy four seats!

At that time, three clearly saw that they all went around ... absolute super invincible, giant family! Think about the bulls and force the sky!

And Hong Yao no matter what the things below, Qin Shou is equal to no one on his head, you are the king of the land! It's really freedom! Big arrival!

This is good for this, it is better than living with Luo Wei.

However, Qin Shou, will not say it, pick up the Xiaoba, who is ticking Chen: "Little girl, the rabbit, I can say, some reasons are because you! Otherwise, with Luo Wei, it is also good."

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