The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is the jade rabbit 1123

After that, Duobao people came out of a golden basin, this basin had gold and silver decoration, Bao Jiebao jade is inlaid, extremely luxurious.

The multi-treasure people gently knocked the knockout: "Baby, please pay treasure!"

In the next moment, the basin released the endless rays, and those who were in the sky, the birds were returned to the nest, flocked, and increasing the dragonfly.

At this time, the Turtle of Turtle, which has been thrown, is revealed.

Nothing, the Hao Digao, the mouth of the mouth: "Shi, do you still feel that the magic will be less?"

Turtle Spirit Hermatcher: "Don't you say ten pieces?"

Non Damn: "I know, the rabbit of the name is so big ... so many first day Lingbao, is he moving a heaven?"

"Take him, even if it is empty, it is also he moved. It doesn't matter if we do it. We only take advantage of the benefit!" Turtle Launa didn't want so much, call: "Teacher, your gathering, this The real gathering, all the baby. "

Duobao people laughed: "I have been born, or the first time I was subjected to so many babies, how can I be cool? Haha ... With these magic weapons, the people of the Tianzhi can collect the magic, and the combat power will inevitably improve again. A big cut, Luo Wei's unscrupulous army went to step half! "

"It is! Oh ..." Nuffly Virgin is very happy.

At this moment, the three fans of the heaven and earth came again. I called: "Duobao Tao friends, I heard that Wang Yue Mountain is coming? A large batch of baby?"

Duo Taoist huh and smiled, not hidden, although these babies are much, but for those of their level, it is not large. But it is still good, so the Duobao people laughed: "You have taken it, I will show you."

The people laughed: "Okay, I have to see what is good for the rabbit?"

Then the next moment, the fairy mouth grows up, and it can't be closed.

Tianxian and Dianxian are almost the same, all face!

I saw that the Duobao people went, countless magic treasures, behind him.

The troops, it turned out to cover the sky! How many connons are this?

Three people swallowed the mouth, half of the god came back.

Tianxian smiled and said: "This is a shame loss, telling the truth, although these magic weapons are useless, but they are still very good ... This rabbit is really a big hand! It is a four-party emperor of Tianting!"

The land fairy and the people are also nodded, and the two people have heard that many magic treasures are only a hundred and eighty pieces. I have never thought of it, there are so many! .

Chapter 591 Ovessor


The multi-treasure people looked at the three people's reaction, and it was satisfied. At least, they were in daze, they were not shameful. Everyone is a virtue, no one laughs, ...

No matter how many people are all in this side.

Hope the moon, some people are not happy.

"Rabbit, you actually put so many congenital Lingbao to Duobao people? **, so much ... all me ..." Kwai , ride on Qin Shou, pulling Qin Shou hair.

Qin Shou cried and caught it; "You are you, how are you? Dictionary is my rabbit master?"

"You are mine, mine is me! It's my! My baby, my money is!" "

The two truths on the side followed: "Just, you will change your money back. Just send it in this bag, Mao has not received it back, the loss is big, the loss is big ..."

The merchant sheep is also frowning: "Indeed, so many congenital Lingbao, if armed Wang Yue Mountain, Wang Yue Mountain's strength can also improve several levels. Today,

I have a little bit hit by giving someone. "

The Milley of the Jinling is low, and the brother is a brother of his own teacher. She is really not good to open.

Qin Shou saw everyone is a face of meat pain, laughing: "You, it's really ... I have been with me, what is the rabbit?"

"However, you are generous this time! And it is a generous thing!" The Kwai Gas drums.

Tinch is also shaking his head: "It is super defeated!"

Qin Shou smiled: "I am not a defeated family, give you a look at my means!"

After saying, Qin Shou waved, the chair under the Thai Trual Association was a flying gray, a butt was sitting on the ground, angered: "Strong rabbit, what do you do?"

As a result, the second truth is stupid!

The stool was flying as a gray to re-condensed in the air, turned into a cold sword!

At this moment, Qin Shou gently shot, flying out of the void, injected into the sword!


A sword sounded, seeing the cold, like water, is incomparable!

Qin Yuan's squatting, shouting: "This is the first day Lingbao! Rabbit, you

Can you make a first day Lingbao? "

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "You look carefully!"

After Qinyuan looked at it, he looked at his mouth: "The congenital spiritual treasure of Nine Heaven is better than the eight-day spiritual treasure you sent out!"

Qin Shou smiled: "Yes! Congenlined Lingbao For others, this satisfaction is really precious. But for me, but it is made up, how much do you want?"

"Master, drink tea." At this time, the empty away, put the tea in Qin Shou, and then gave Tai second real people took a chair.

However, the Tema's live people don't sit, get to Qin Shou, ask: "The rabbit, I remember you like a stone into gold? I looked at a mountain yesterday, you helped me some gold. ? "

"That mountain?" Qin Shou did not refuse, but asked.

Too second is pointed to the main peak of Wan Meshan: "That!"

"Roll!" Qin Shou raised his legs, it was a foot. Too two real people flew on the air ... Wan Mountain is the big camp of Qin Shou, dotted into gold, if the older is anti-walking, what happened to Qin Shou?

"Dienian Rabbit!" The Thai real person was in the air.

"Rabbit, how did you do it?" The sun looked at Qin Shou.

Qin Shou, I laughed; "This is the god of the rabbit, which blends many gods. But now the strength is limited, but also can't build a Xuanhuang to treasure, if I can open the sky, Xuan Huang can also make it At that time, we hope that the moon is really invincible in the world! "

At the beginning, Dragon and Phoenix period, Qin Dadang created a female worry, and the Yadheng combat power! Sweeping the sky, when you don't want it!

Previous Qin Shou did not believe that Qin Shou has already believed. He can also be taken from a royal army, and even the emperor can try it!

"I said how you will be so big ..." The Jinde Madiff wrinkled the nose, obviously for the Qin Shou stayed in one hand, the first day of the innate spiritual treasure, sent out, the first day of the eight-day congenital Lingbao is a bit uncomfortable.

Qin Shou face is right: "Isn't I not generous? Under the way, who can be such a big hand than the enemy? Golden, you don't forget, your old man is also ambiguous with my relationship. I can't say it. He will come to the Sword of Qing Ping to find my dry frame. "

The Lunar Lady of the Golden, the small face is more bitter, and she is a bit habit of this long life in Wang Yue Mountain. The people here don't have so many rules, take care of each other, as a sister, when it is a feeling of home. If the Tongtian teacher really wants to die with Qin Shou, what should she go in the future?

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