The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the Yutong Chapter 1124.

Qin Shou naturally understood that the Golden Manta was tangled, but he couldn't help this, he could only see it.

When I was sitting on the side of the Milley of the Jinling, whispered: "If the rabbit is a saint, everything will change. Three clear, it will bully us. But we are strong, but it will not be bullied. So, sister you Don't worry. "

I nodded in the Golden Mada, she now hopes that the rabbit can be sanctified.

Suddenly, I didn't know, a rabbit is another idea: the rabbit master, I am sanctified, the first thing is to draw a three-clear face! Paralyzed, bulld me when I was small, I grew up, I grew up, I didn't bully it, I was difficult to say!

In the next few days, the women were cultivated every day, and Qin Shou crazy refined various magic weapons, and then gave a small demon in the moon!

As far as the fire sticks used by the Lianyue Mountain, the fire sticks are the congenital spiritual treasure of the nine heavens!

These monsters took a time, they worn, hanging, and they were there, all the congenital Lingbao! Enviable other hills of monsters, one eye is red, oral madness! If you are not afraid to fight each other, they may be robbed on the spot! .

Chapter 592 East River

Similarly, there are more monsters to actively go door, requiring mergers.

In this regard, the West Breeze and Dongfeng have no less annoying Qin Shou, and the issues do not accept.

Qin Shou directly lives, how much is it! Don't bother him later!

Qin Shou has been crazy in these two days, and it is getting more and more heart, and it will see another road! A special road, a refiner's way! This way is different from people's cultivation, but every step, the level of refiners will increase! Its strength will also rise high!

As for the cultivation of Qin Shou itself, Qin Shou basically did not practice very much, and the strength reached his level, basically until the top. Top forward, it is the realm of saints, I want to cross the past, unless the chance is coming, or everything is pulling.

"Yes, this road continues to go, and Xuanhuang to treasure may really make batch! But this also needs to be auxiliary to help, in the virtual one world, open up Xuan Huang ... Mom, this seems It is getting more cumbersome. Sure enough, heaven is long, get up and tired! "Qin Shou sighed.

However, Qin Shou is now in the world, he doesn't worry, the daily refiner, the truth of the first step, one step, one step, a footprint. But there is a double inspirator, swallowing the people's sense of enthusiasm, knowing the head feelings, the speed is terrible!

It's coming to see the four months. Suddenly a big loud sound in the sky, then the purple is filled, and a violet will fall from the sky!

Qin Shou couldn't hinger and broke out: "Fuck your grandfather, Hong Yu old man! At this time, this is not a pit, I am?"

As a result, a Ziyi Lei Lei is in Qin Shou's cross, Qin Shou immediately changed his mouth; "The old man is getting better and better, and it is ear to you, admire."

The saints return, the virtual master follows the return, and then the soul Mountain broke out more terrible wars! The virtual master is giving a war, and the hard-student has rushed to the West, and it is impossible to enter Zhongzhou!

At the same time, the high-profile attachment of the Taoist and the Quasi-Trimmon appeared in the north, convened Western to teach residual believers and rebuilt Western teaching.

But what is hidden in the monks, still chooses to hide the meaning of the world, the whole land, it seems that it is not surprised.

But the next day, I don't know who it is, the foreign rumors, the holy codes will appear in Wang Yue Mountain, just after a week!

Suddenly, a stone aroused a thousand waves, countless people flocked to Wang Yue Mountain, and Wang Yue Mountain is turned into a pot of porridge!

Qin Shou fire!

Direct calls will be blocked the outside, no matter who comes, they will drive away!

As a result, this triggered more guessment, starting with a master of great gods, breaking through the defense of Tianbing Tianshi, and explored Wang Yue Mountain. As a result, after the people of Wang Yue Mountain, she repeatedly, but this kind of thing took two-year-old happening and had a more intense trend!

Occasionally, several current, these people are screaming, they are just passing, and they are not to explore Wang Yue Mountain. They did not fly over the airspace of Wangyoon Mountain, which is not invasive.

Then there are many people jumping out to support their statement ...

The two teachers of the Western teaching are not idle, followed by, accusing Qin Shou over overbearing, Wang Yue Mountain is also calculated on the moon, and the mountain flew over! It's just a hegemonic behavior!

Then Chen Lord also publicly opened: "The four emperors are not like an emperor, but the small belly, the intestines are like a woman!"

The burning man followed: "The four Emperor should be broader, don't always be persecuted."

Even the town of the Zijing Palace did not shout on the empty: "The rabbit is a rabbit, the eyes are small, only the benefits, not doing personnel!"

Listening to the outside of the outside, the women in the moon mountains were buried, they wanted to go back, but they were back by Qin Shou.

"Rabbit, what can you bear? I can't help! The ancestors of their ancestors can't lift their heads, never give up!"

Qin Shou quickly pulled the head back; "Do you want to use you? Breeding I will do itself ..."

"Then you still endure?" Asked uncomfortable.

Qin Shou smiled: "I haven't endured, you wait for me to finish my hand, when you guarantee your satisfaction!"

"What is your hand? What are you still?" .

The girls have also come together, and the curiosity is curious.

Qin Shou smiled: "Tomorrow, you will know tomorrow!"

The next day, there were countless people to run over to explore Wangyoon Mountain. I stood in the distance. I crushed my eyes on the people on the moon. A pair of things you come to bite me! Praise the ocean, very unbearable.

People in Wang Yue Mountain look at them coldly, nothing, nothing, nothing.

"Haha ... people in Yue Mountain really have it!"

"Affirmation, this time they don't take the truth. We are passing through, why do we catch us?"

"Just, so much can stand up and declare him, and his day should not be too good."

"That is ..."

Just talking about these people, a cloud suddenly slammed from the moon three, the higher the rise and high, then it was a vulnerability of a stage, as if it was pulled by the tornado, very strange!

However, this is still not finished, this cloud actually be divided into four, stitching together, like a combination funnel.

If a person with a star is here, you will definitely recognize the image of this thing, this is a super invincible big speaker! Still facing the kind of eight side!

"What is the people in Yue Mountain?" I asked someone.

"It's unclear, watching your fun." Everyone squatted.

At this moment, Qin Shou is standing in the square of Wang Yue Mountain, holding a microphone model: "This is the latest invention of the rabbit, super invincible sound attack mosquito repellent device!"

"Amount ... What you said is very busy, how to use it?" Too second real person scratched his head and asked.

The sun is also said to: "Just, how to use it?"

"It's very simple, you look, injected into the microphone in my hand, then ..." Qin Shou took a sigh of breath, screaming: "The big river is in the east, let us solve the big hand! ..

Chapter 593 Qin Song's Song

Qin Shou's song

Hey! Hey! Solve big hands!

I can't pull it!

I can't do it!

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