The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit 1125.

The wind is fired!

Hey! Hey! Solve big hands!

I can't use the iron hook!

Hook can't come out of blood!

The wind is fired!

You smash me,

Oops, I'm, oh,

Painting a bowl of eight treasures porridge wow, you come to him, do you have three porridge! "

And not to mention the women in the moon, full face, and constantly ...

A group of guys who have seen the lively mountains outside the mountains, not afraid of the big flying to the sides of the speaker, one explore!

As a result, the speaker suddenly saw, those people were scared on the spot, and many people were shocking on the spot!

More far, it is also awkward by the brain of the earth, and the blood is turning, can't help but want to vomit! Results, it is tough and perseverance! Then listen to the lyrics, wow, wow ... I can't help it, and one of the groups will spit!

These four super big speakers cover the party! People within hundreds of millions of people, almost all people go back, vomiting, even sick, but most of them are shocked!

In nine days, some big can be seen, directly by disgusting a sleeve, turn it, go to the mouth: "This dead rabbit, can you be more disgusting?"

On the nine days, in the Tianding, it is okay, and the wind is in the wind, the mouth is lying on the ground twitching ...

The thousands of miles have pushed the wind and the wind; "Shun Feng, what are you?"

"Hey? Do you say?" The wind came back and shouted.

A thousand miles of eyes turned a white eye, and he shouted: "I ask you, what happened?"

Shunfeng ear: "I can't hear it, you are big!"

A thousand miles directly roar: "I said! You ...", come here, thousands of miles to the Emperor Tai Wi Di Dao: "Two Your Majesty, this guy ..."

The emperor is crying and laughing: "Okay, you will take a break. The song that the bunny sang will not repeat, too

... too owe! "

Many people don't understand what the emperor is meaning. The Nai people are not good in the sky, and they can only hold in my heart.

Wait until I spread early, go out and listened, and I wanted to eat on the spot, I didn't want to eat in one day ...

Muslims, women are fiercely staring at Qin Shou.

Qin Shou didn't laugh two times: "Do you have a dry? Look at me? Eat."

"Eat eat ... You finished, who is still eating!" He looked very speechless to Qin Shou.

Qin Shou smiled: "I said, what did I just sing? I don't remember?"

"It's really can't eat, see these dishes, I want to spit ..." The sun is on the side.

Qin Shou smiled: "I have a way to let you eat."

"What is the way?" "The Kwai is curious.

Qin Shou took out the microphone: "Of course, it's awkward! Sing! Sing, sing, I will forget those things!"

"Don't sing, people who sing all fairy people know, I don't sing, afraid of being shameful." Kwai quickly shook his head.

Qin Shou smiled: "Don't you sing?"

The woman collects his head.

Qin Shou nodded: "Well, you don't sing, I sing!"

"Stop! I sing!" Shang Yang listened, suddenly anxious, hurry!

Qinyuan, , Jinling Virgin Almost at the same time shouting: "I sing!"

Qin Shou smiled: "Do you feel so don't trust? I think my song is okay?"

"You are not okay, that is ... forget it, don't sing, I am afraid that I will be siege tomorrow." Hook Chen's face, a pair I can't stand your appearance.

Qin Shou flat flat mouth: "Well, you will be free."

Qin Shouchang used the microphone, and the business sheep did a cough, and gently sang, the sound is , the tune is once again listening, when it is really good. This voice is spread out of the speaker. In addition to the nearby people to die outside, hiding far away, but a face of an interstitational.

The business sheep sang, asked very expensive; "How?"

Qin Shounou: "Singing is good! Very good!"

The girls also called: "It's so good! Business sheep, come again!"

The merchant sheep heard the words, and he suddenly lost his foot. "Well, then come again!"

Subsequently, the merchant sheep continued to sing, and they sang two, and the voice spread, attracted countless demon ghosts, standing around the table, drinking, listening to the song, bragging pulling the scorpion. For a time, the Wan Mountain is 50 million miles away, it is full of people who suffer!

Western wind runs in, after the report, the girl suddenly stupid, say good to those bastards? How can people attract people? Although the distance is far away, you can't disturb them, but it is still uncomfortable!

Qin Shou took the table to take a table: "Give me a microphone!"

The merchant sheep will hand in the past, and then the women will collect them and ran.

Qin Shouton fired, called: "Can you give me a face? I haven't sang it yet, I'm running?"

"You will sing slowly, and I will come back again." I smiled again, then playful blinking eyes, pulling a girl.

Qin Shou called: "No, no one is allowed to go, the rabbit master has not yet sang, running, it is too disadoked."

As a result, the girl still runs, and Qin Shouton is speechless. Is his song so difficult? It's really a dog. He must sing a song, let them understand that they are wrong! He Qin Shou is Mai Ba, the song king!

Think of this, Qin Shou took a breath, he opened!

"The wind is! Ma is calling! Nima is roaring, Nima is roaring! ¥ ¥ #% &"

Qin Shou opened, it was originally sitting in the eating and drinking, and a molany ghost body that bragged was shocked.

Directly turned the table, the wine bottle, the big shot: "Nima! What ghosts! Reversed! Don't listen, go home! Withdraw!"

A group of demon ghosts will be scattered!

The girl stands in the distance, listening to Qin Shou in the wolf, and shakes his head: "Sure enough, this is like this ..."

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